(Described as in above photo from left to right and as in their cd insert)
Crossdressin’ Wesson – Fat frequencies and frilly funtimes
Spicy Dysie – Vocal mayhem, guitars, chainsaw and Axis Gold cardholder
Steamy G – Guitars, twisted social commentary & tight white shorts
CHOKE started way back in July 1993 when Gav joined Brad & Glenn (who were playing covers back then). They went through a couple of drummers & many vocal auditions before deciding Gav should just do vocals. March 11th 1995 was their first ever gig as CHOKE & played at a party in Woodridge Hall with TURNSTYLE!!! of all bands.
Their 2nd gig was a Band Comp – “Our mates rigged us as the winner by filling out all the forms themselves. This was later found out & we were kicked out of the comp.” They played their first 20 gigs without getting paid, learning many years later that they had been ripped off because never chased any up.
Sales, Stats and Dirty Deeds
Sold 120 tshirts, 200 demo tapes & 450 CD`s of “Smokin’ Tailpipe Action”, including Cd’s in France, Germany, Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, Brasil, Belgium, Poland & Portugal. Played 102 gigs. In all been through 8 drummers, 3 vocalists, 1 guitarist in their 6 year gigging existance. All up we wrote about 33 songs.
“We were originally included in the AC/DC tribute album but were consequently booted off for slagging off the records label who tried to screw us over with a dodgy contact.” Dirty Deeds became a regular part of their live set.
Not only do CHOKE write lyrics inspired by porn, they also feature in it – in an article in the July issue of Australian Penthouse about the ridiculous censorship laws in our country. Here is the part of the article that was about censorship in music:
The current censorship fervour has even crossed the bounds into the music industry, making Perth’s most notorious metal band, CHOKE, very unhappy when their CD “Smokin’ Tailpipe Action” was banned last year.
“The vice squad turned up to my house, threatening to charge me if I didn’t remove all our CDs from retail shops around Australia,” explains singer Glenn Dyson. He willingly admits the CD contained porno-inspired lyrics and songs dealing with sex and fetishes, insisting it was designed to make people laugh.
“If I refused to take our CD off the market I faced a $50,000 fine or up to 18 months jail. All this over some tongue-in-cheek lyrics that only two people nation-wide complained about.”
Although CHOKE just had their huge farewell show (4 August 2001) that isn’t the last you will be seeing of the members. Dysie will immediately begin work with his new project C%#TSCRAPE, and there is also rumoured to be another project in the works involving Gav and non other than Jason Stone (ex-Allegiance), so those will be some great new things to look out for.
Sound sample:
Live Gig Reviews and Photos:
Metal Fist Big Bastard of a Gig
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