As with anything, the flow of reasonable conversation on here ebbs and flows - Right now it is experiencing a lull, soon enough it will be raging again. The funny part is that it might even be THIS thread that kick starts WF back to life!

I think you will find that most of the "veterans" still lurk on here, resurfacing from time to time as they see fit - the site as a whole has too much to offer to "fade away" completely. Its just these days we are older and wiser (except for Jerome who is just older and bitterer) - wise enough to steer clear of wasting our time telling some 18yr old faggoty andy that posting pictures of my little ponies doesn't really achieve much apart from making them look like complete prats.
Facebook won't / can't kill this forum because as others have said, it is far too overloaded with trivial status updates from attention seeking fatty teenagers to be much chop when it comes to finding the info i am after regarding what is happening in the local metal scene. Perhaps the best example of this is the lack of a common "gig guide" on facebook - you only receive info about a gig happening here or there haphazardly and only if the organiser has you on their friends list! On here however, gigs are announced (quite often BEFORE they are on FB), indexed and easy find information on. WF will ALWAYS be my first port of call when sourcing relevant information. Don't get me wrong - Facebook is one of the greatest social media ever (hence its success), if anything because it allows me in one, concise place to keep in touch with some of my best mates distributed all over the world!
Regarding trolls etc, eh.... as others have said, this place has always been a hotbed for them. Over the years you see them come and go - eventually they all blur into the same chicken shit newby kid who thinks that the metal scene is full of big tough guys and being new, their only recourse for getting noticed is to act like a fucking idiot. The one great exception to this rule of course is our good,mountain of a man and occasional real life buddy "Nihilist" - he is WF's perpetual anti-troll-troll! To his credit i think he does better job of policing / dissuading the trolls than most of the moderators do - banning and telling-offs etc are (as expected) ineffectual, but his razor whit seems to chop em down to size every single time! I JUST WISH HE WOULDN'T PICK ON MY GOOD MATE NOSAJ SAN SOMETIMES, but you have to take the good with the bad!

So, before i end up writing an Jerome style manifesto - from the very first moment circa '98 that Clayton mentioned that he and Warmaster were creating "the Western Front Online Metal Magazine" (whilst having a smoke in the carpark of the whitesands at one of those old metalfist gigs) that they were on a winner. You only have to look at the site's longevity thus far (12 - 14yrs??) to confirm that i was right!
Compared to Daz you havent achieved anything. Here is a guy that has literally put life on hold to put this metal scene on the map. Dave and Clay also, although once Daz was left with the reigns he rode that beast till people listened.
Totally. Daz is the Man.
This is hard to fault. Daz has always been "THE MAN" and it is down purely to his stubbornness and determination that this site lives on today!
Exactly. So sick of fighting fuckheads.
As much as i agree with this, all i can say is (especially in YOUR case Jerome) - LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN, CAST THE FIRST STONE. As much as some people think they are without fault, others see their actions (e.g. endless diatribe, soapboxing and pure ranting about certain indigenous races being untermensch etc etc blah blah) as off-putting.
As a total outsider to all the people who know each other around here i would also like to mention how much this has alienated people like myself from the scene due to not being "friends" as such and not wanting to add people i really don't know to my facebook page just to keep up with whats happening locally.
HAHA WTF .... dude, quit being so socially awkward. If you are feeling alienated by the lulll in WF, you need to get out more. Next gig you go to, buy yourself a beer and then turn to the first random metal brother standing by your side and buy him one too. Get chatting about Motorhead, talk about the best band you saw at Metal Camp, make a gratuitous comment about some metal chick's great tits and make some god damn IRL metal friends! Not hard mate!

Anyways nowt else to be said apart from - if you stop listening to metal .... if you think you're cool being a fuckwit on WF... if you think that WF is gonna die any time soon ..... THIS GUY'S GONNA GET YA....