Author Topic: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2  (Read 2141 times)

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Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« on: April 17, 2021, 10:32:12 PM »
   A New Threat and the new breed.
30 years have past since the Battle of Endor. The First Order has risen from the fallen Empire and seeks to eliminate the New Republic. The resistance which is backed by the Republic, led by General Leia Organa and assisted by Optimus Prime and the Autobots. Who have worked with the Republic and Leia over the years to maintain peace and stability in the entire galaxy. However Luke Skywalker has gone missing. Both Leia and the First Order are searching for him. But unlike the First Order who have risen from the Empire and become a formidable force against the Republic, the Resistance and possibly the Autobots. The Decepticons are still without their leader Galvatron and have become a disorganised mess of eternal bickering and infighting. Cyclonus with the help of Scourge and the Sweeps struggle to keep the Decepticons in line and together, it is ultimately futile. However Cyclonus has had luck in recent times controlling the Decepticons. As they have eventually relocated back to Mustafar and set up a temporary base with an abundant energy source and allowing Cyclonus, Scourge and the sweeps to search for Galvatron.
 The Eravana, a large Baleen-class heavy freighter is casually cruising in space. It is piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca, even since Han seperated from Leia. They fly over the volvanic planet of Mustafar. In the control room Chewbacca glances a the planet and howls to Han. Han" Mustafar hey Chewie? Isn't where the Constructicons were harvesting the lava to make their energon cubes?" Chewbacca nods and hums. Han" Lets have a look. Zoom the camera on their mining facility." Chewbacca presses a few buttons and activates a monitor. Showing what is left of the Decepticons  mining facility. Han" I think thats the same area that Vader and Obiwan fought. According to Luke." Chewbacca makes a noise. Han" Yes Chewie. The Dinobots and Omega Supreme sure gave that place a good trashing. Wait!" As Chewbacca and Han study the decepticons former mining facilty. Han notices a couple of Constructicons doing repair work. With a few other Decepticons near by. Han" I don't like the look of this Chewie. We better get out of here before they spot us and contact Optimus Prime." But Chewbacca howls at another radar screen. Han takes a look and gets excited. Han" The Falcon? We found her. Lets collect her and get out of here." Han locks the controls of the Millenium Falcon and proceeds to scoop the ship up, like a whale scooping plankton. Before leaving the Mustafar system.   
On Mustafar the Constructicons have begun repairing the damage to their energy extraction station. But without a leader progress is rather sluggish and a few decepticons are fighting amongst themselves. Soundwave walks up to where the Constructicons are working and starts acting like Starscream. Soundwave" Decepticons needs energy. Increase efficiency or be terminated." Longhaul glares at Soundwave. Longhaul" Blow it out Your exhaust Soundwave. We take orders from Galvatron and  Cyclonus. Not You." Soundwave" Soundwave superior. Constructicons inferior." Bonecrusher becomes agitated and so does Hook. Bonecrusher" Who are You calling inferior?" Hook" Nobody would follow an uncharasmatic bore like You." Rumble and Frenzy jump out of Soundwaves chest. Rumble" Hey.Nobody calls Soundwave unchrosomatic." Frenzy" Yeah let take em." The constructicons try to form Devastator as Rumble and Frenzy activate pile drivers. but a laser blast out of nowhere hits Devastator/Constructicons during mid combining and they separate. Out of nowhere Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps land.  Cyclonus" Enough of this!" All Decepticons stop in their tracks and focus their attention on Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps. Cyclonus" Once we Decepticons  were a powerful force in the galaxy rivaling only the Sith and their Empire. Now all we do is fight amongst ourselves. Is this the fate of the Decepticons, to be a disorganised mess?"  Scourge" And now a new Military organisation has risen out of the Empire. Known as the First Order." Sweep1" Yes and they are fast becoming a powerful threat against the New Republic, which was created by the Rebels and the Autobots." Cyclonus" Yes. The First Order. We must try and find Galvatron. Before the first Order gains total domination of the Galaxy."
Meanwhile Han and Chewbacca have fled the Aravana in the Falcon after a brief confrontation with a couple of Gangs Han owed money to. But they have 2 fugitives,by the names of Rey and Finn  as well as a BB8 droid  on board. After things  are calm Han turns to Rey and Finn. Han" Fugitives huh?" Rey" Finn is with the Resistance. I'm just a scavanger." Han" Right..Lets see what You've got." Chewbacca howls. Han" You rest. But first try and contact Optimus Prime about Mustafar." Finn" Optimus Prime? Who's that?" Han" I'll explain later. First lets see the map BB8 is carrying." BB8 projects the map to Luke Skywalker. But it's only part of a map. Han fills Rey and Finn in on the story of how Luke disappeared and how a student of Luke's  turned to the Darkside. Rey" The Jedi were real." Han" I used to wonder about that myself. I thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. A magical power holding together the power of good and evil. The darkside and light side of the force. The crazy thing is it's all true. The force Jedi, it's all true." Finn and Rey are in awe. Finn" And what about Optimus Prime? Who is he?" Han pauses for a moment. Han" Well this is even crazier. Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots and a very great leader at that too." Finn & Rey" Autobots?" Han" The Autobots are giant robots with real feelings and emotions like us." Finn" Droids with emotions?" Han" They're not droids and they get offended by that. Especially the Decepticons." Rey" Decepticons?" Han" The Decepticons are evil and are pretty much to the Autobots what the First order is to us." Finn" That is crazy. Robots/Machines that think for themselves and have thoughts and emotions. As well as being good and evil. Even the first order doesn't have that technology." Han" Thats only half of it. Both Autobots and Decepticons can transform into land or air based vehicles and in some cases robotic animals. Both our wars were intertwined until Galvatron became lost in space. They became inactive ever since. Until we spotted them on Mustafar moments before taking back the falcon." Chewbacca rejoins the rest of the crew. Han" Any luck Chewie?" Chewbacca shakes his head. Han" Well we have to get to Takodana and find Maz Kanata . She'll help us get BB8 to the resistance and make contact with Optimus Prime." The falcon makes it's way to Takodana.
Cut to Starkiller base. Kylo Ren and General Hux are standing before a holocron of Leader Snoke. Elaborating that the droid will soon be in the hands of the Resistance and they will find the last Jedi. Hux informs Snoke that the weapon is ready to be used. Snoke orders him to oversee preparations.  Snoke and Kylo determin that theres been an awakening with the force and the droid is in the hands of Kylo's father. Han Solo.
Back on Mustafar. Soundwave is operating a console and finds Starkiller base. Soundwave" The first order has a powerful new weapon. Much like the Empire's death star. It is the Starkiller base." Scourge and Cyclonus have a look. Cyclonus" I don't beleive it. Always relying on super weapons, these flesh creatures. Might as well do a scan of the base. The Constructicons might be able to build something similar." Soundwave does a scan of the planet and finds something like a giant robot trapped in the ice. Under closer inspection it turns out the robot is Galvatron. Cyclonus" Well soundwave?" Soundwave" I have found Galvatron. He is trapped under layers of ice." The Decepticons rejoice. Cyclonus" Excellent Soundwave. Scourge spy the planet." Scourge" I've locked onto Galvatron and he lives." Cyclonus" He shall lead us again. Scourge, Sweeps and the Stunticons. We leave immediatly. The rest of You stay here." With that Cyclonus,Scourge, the Sweeps and the Stunticons leave for Starkiller base. 

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2021, 10:32:50 PM »
The falcon lands on takodana in a clearing near a massive castle. After Finn fails to convince Han that he is a big deal in the resistance. Han,Rey, Finn and BB8 make their way to the castle leaving Chewbacca to fix the falcon. The group enter into the building and meet Maz Kanata. A few spies see the group and report them to the first order. Near Starkiller base. Kyloren is in his destroyer and staring at Vaders Burnt mask. Pleading for guidance to the Darkside of the force. But not getting very far. Back on takodana Han,Finn,Rey are sitting at a table with Maz Kanata. Han explains the situation to Maz. Maz explains how she has seen evil take all forms. She also calls out Finns true identity. Finn leaves and Rey goes after him. Leaving Han, Maz and the droid at the table. Maz" I see You are also worried about the Decepticons Han." Han" Yes. Chewie and I spotted a few on mustafar. The constructicons were rebuilding their energy collection plant and there's alot of energy on that planet." Maz" That is true. But Han, even if the Decepticons had all the energy in the galaxy. Without a strong leader all they will do is fight amongst themselves. and maybe attack any Autobots that pass by." After Finn tells Rey he is a storm trooper and leaves for his transport. Rey walks past a corridor and is drawn to a small box. A box containing Luke and anakins light sabre. She gets all sorts of visions and freaks out. Rey runs out into the forest.
On the Starkiller base all the military officers and troops of the first order are standing in assembly. While General Hux gives a big speech about the resistance and the republic and how they will bow to the first order. The weapon is activated and blasts several planets from the Hosnian system to dust. Including Hosnain Prime the home of the New Republic senate. Where several of the Autobots  are present. Ironhide,Ratchet, Prowl and Brawn with the members of the  senate looking on in horror as they meet an inevitable death.  Both Finn, Han and Chewbacca watch helplessly from the ground. Han" The Autobots were on those planets Chewie. Now there gone." Chewbacca howls. Before long the fleet of tiedfighters attack. Finn runs back to the castle to find Han and Maz. Maz hands him Lukes and Anakins light sabre. Finn runs off to find Rey while Han and Chewbacca prepare to fight of the storm troopers. Rey disappears into the forest while fighting off the first order troopers. Kylo Rens ship lands near the caslte. Han and Chewbacca take down  some storm troopers. While Finn fights a few with his light sabre. He is almost defeated until Han saves him. Then the 3 get captured. But not before the resistance appear and start taking out the tie fighters. Finn goes after Rey and BB8. But Kylo Ren has already captured her and senses that she's seen the map to Skywalker.. More of the Resistance ships appear. Leia's ship followed closely by familiar looking rocket. Chewbacca and Han look on with releif. Han" It's Omega Supreme. Some of the Autobots must have survived." A storm trooper alets Kylo Ren that the Resistance and some of the Autobots have arrived. KyloRen" Pull the division out. We have what we need." KyloRen puts Rey to sleep and carries her back to his ship. As Finn runs up screaming for Rey. Finn" Solo. That got Rey." Han" I know. Kid."
Han,Finn, Chewbacca and Maz make their way to Leia's ship and Omega Supreme as they both land. The door of Leia's ship opens and she exits on some kinda of golden  floating scooter. Han and Leia stare for a moment as Leia gets off her scooter.   Leia" You can transform now 3po." C2PO transforms from scooter mode back into his familiar robot mode. Simultaniously Omega Supreme opens his doors and the Autobots exit. Optimus Prime,Bumble Bee, Preceptor,Blaster, Ultramagnus, HotRod,Springer,Arcee and the Aerialbots.  C3PO" Han Solo. You may not recognise me with my modified body and vehicular mode." Han" So. Wheeljack and Preceptors experiments were finally successful." BumbleBee" It took long enough." Han and Chewbacca turn around. Chewbacca roars with joy as Finn looks on with slight shock. Han" BUMBLEBEE. It's been a while." Han" It sure has. Unfortunalty we're not here for a social get together." Optimus Prime cuts in. Prime" Neither are we. This starkiller base needs to be stopped." BumbleBee" At least it's not Decepticons we have to worry about." Han" Thats where You are wrong. Chewie and I spotted a couple of constructicons rebuilding their energy facility on Mustafar. A few other Decepticons were near by." Prime" That is worrying Han. But without Galvatron leading them, they are not as much of a threat. Beside's StarKiller base is a far greater threat right now than all of the Decepticons." Finn" They also have Rey." Prime" Who's this." Finn" I'm Finn. I was a storm trooper who left the first order and now I'm helping the resistance so I can save Rey." Prime" That is a most admiral thing You have done Finn. I'm sure we can help You find Your friend.But You're better off speaking to Leia. She will do what she can to help You." Han" I thought All of You guys were killed after Starkiller base hit the Hosnian system." Optimus Prime" No not all, but sadly Ironhide,Ratchet,Brawn, Prowl, Wheeljack and few other Autobots You were familiar with have been killed." Han" I see some new faces." Prime" Oh yes. Han Solo meet UltraMagnus(he commands the Autobots when I am absent), Hotrod(he's a Young tearaway who has much to learn), Springer( A triple changer who turns into a cybertronian helicopter and a car. He's a bit sarcastic at times), Arcee( One of the rare female Autobots who is always up for a fight.) and last but not least the Aerialbots. The rest of You autobots this is HanSolo and his first mate Chewbacca who is a wookie." Everyone becomes acquanted. Bumblebee struggles to contain his laughter. Bumblebee" Hey Han, does Primes description of Hotrod,Springer and Arcee remind You of anyone?" Chewbacca has a chuckle. Han" Ah yes. Me, Luke and Leia. Very funny." Han walks over to Leia. Han" Leia.I saw our son. He was here."

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2021, 10:33:23 PM »
Meanwhile Cyclonus, Scourge, the Sweeps  and the Stunticons have made their way to starkiller base. Cyclonus" Halt. We must activate our cloaking devices, before we go any further. I do not want these flesh creatures from the first order interupting our mission to save Galvatron." All the decepticons activate their cloaking devices and then make their way to the planet to find the crash site of Galvatron.  They land on the far north side of the enterance to Starkiller base.  Scourge" I have found Galvatron. But he is very deep down in some sort of ice cave." Cyclonus" He is directly below us. Scourge. You and the Sweeps go down the shaft and start digging Galvatron out. I will follow shortly. Stunticons, You remain here and stand guard. Make sure we are not interupted by any pests?" Motormaster" By the Autobots?" Breakdown" Or the first order?" Deadend" Or the resistance?" Cyclonus*sighs*" All off them." Cyclonus jumps down the shaft to join Scourge and the Sweeps in freeing Galvatron.
The Resistance, the Autobots and the Falcon with Hansolo, Chewbacca and Finn have arrived at the Resistance base on D'Qar. Fighter pilot Poa Dameron gets out of his Xwing and is greated by BB8 and Finn. Poe" BB8 buddy good to see You and You too Finn." Finn" You're alive?" Poe explains to Finn how he survived and came back and Finn explains to Poe about Rey. Poe" I hope the Autobots didn't freak You out too much." Finn" Han told me about them. It's crazy. Those Robots are just like us." Poe" You aint seen nuthin yet. Wait till they transform." Finn" Well I saw Leia's droid transform from a scooter to a robot." Poe" Yeah. Their experiment on 3PO took a while to work. Now we better get to Leia." But as Finn,Poe and BB8 try to find Leia, they run into the Aerialbots. Slingshot" Well if it isn't the resistance no.1 pilot. You still up for that fly off?" Silverbolt" Oh come on Slingshot." Poe" It's fine Silverbolt. I'll take those guys anytime. but we have an urgent matter right now with Starkiller base." Finn" and we need to save Rey." Air raid" Starkiller is top priority and we need to  help this Rey." Skydive" Our little competition can wait." Fireflight" Altho we could run rings around You anyday Commander Dameron." Han solo walks up to get Finn and Poe back to base. Han" My ship the Falcon did the Kessle run in 12 parsecs. I could out run both of You in the Falcon. Now lets get going" Chewbacca howls. Han*wispers*" I know Chewie. I'm just trying to get them to the briefing and stop wasting time with this silly nonsense."  The whole group make their way to the mainbase for the briefing. Slingshot*mutters*" The kessle run in 12 parsecs? That guy needs some new material." Silverbolt" Cool it Slingshot."
Inside the base Leia is greeted by Finn and Poe. Poe explains that Finn is familiar with the Starkiller base. Leia and Finn soon start working things out. BB8 pulls a cover of R2D2 and prods him. C3PO" You're wasting Your time BB8 R2 has been low power mode since Master Luke went away. I'm afraid he may never be his old self." BB8 beeps. C3PO" It's highly unlikely R2 will have the rest of the map stored in his memory."  Leia and 3po are studying the map. C3PO" I regret to inform You this map retrived from BB8 is only partialy complete. Worse still it has no recorded starsystem on record. We simply don't have enough data to locate Master Luke." Leia"  I was a fool think I could  bring Luke back home." Han"Leia". Leia" Don't." Han" What?" Han" What?" Leia" Any of it." Han" I'm only tring to be helpful." Leia" When has that ever helped? And don't say the deathstar."  C3PO" Princesses." Hotrod looks to Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. Hotrod" Han and Leia are still having problems I see." OptimusPrime" Only ever since their Son was turned to the darkside by Snoke. It's the same reason Luke disappeared, he blamed himself for the whole thing. Then Han and Chewie also left and returned to their smuggeling." Bumblebee" He was such a great kid too. Ben Solo. If Snoke were a  Decepticon I would have crushed him long ago." Prime" Snoke did play a big part. But the fact that Anakin Skywalker who was Darth Vader for a while is his grandfather. There is a lot of Ben's grandfather in him." Ultramagnus" Thats what makes the whole thing so hard." Prime" Indeed. Hopefully Han and Leia will sort something out. It's out of our hands." Han and Leia have a heart to heart about Ben and how he talked to the Darkside. Leia" There is still good in him. I can feel it. You can still bring him back."  Han" If Luke couldn't reach him how can I?" Leia" Luke is a Jedi. You are his father."
On starkiller base. Rey is strapped into some sort of chair and being interogated by Kylo Ren over the map to Luke Skywalker. He starts to prod Reys mind seeing the island, Skywalker, Han solo and Optimus Prime. Kylo" Hansolo. He is like the father You never had. He will disappoint You. So will Optimus Prime." Rey" Get out of my head." Kylo" You have the map and now You will give it to me." Rey" I'll give You nothing." Kylo" We shall see." Kylo Ren further uses the force to gain the map from Rey. Rey resists until she see's something in KyloRen. Rey" You are afraid. That You will never be as strong as Darth Vader and being overpowered by Galvatron and the Decepticons." Kylo Ren walks off to a room to make contact with Snoke. Snoke" The scavanger resisted You?" Kylo" She's strong with the force." Snoke" And the droid?" Hux" KyloRen thought it was no longer important. That the girl was all that we needed.  As a result the droid is now most likely in the hands of the enemy."  Snoke" Then we must destroy the resistance before they find Skywalker." Hux" We have tracked their base to the Ileenium system." Snoke" Good. Go and prepare the weapon. If what You told me about this girl is true. Bring her to me." Kyloren" I will get the map. I just need Your guidance." Back in the cell Rey uses a jedi mind trick on a storm trooper who is guarding her, but it fails. Kyloren is marching down the corridore. Rey relaxes and begins to concentrate before using the mind trick again. This time she succeeds in getting him to remove the restraints and leaving with the cell door open. She also gets him to drop his weapon. Once the storm trooper is gone. Rey leaves the cell and picks up the blaster. Just as Kyloren is still moving down the corridor to Rey's cell. Only he finds the cell and chair empty. Kyloren ignites his light sabre and throws a massive tantrum. A couple of approaching Storm troopers walk back, while Starkiller base begins charging from the sun.
Back on D'Qar. The resistance and the autobots are in the middle of a briefing. Everyone is sudying the map of Starkiller base. Han concludes it's another Death star. Leia receives news that the weapon is charging and their system is the next target. C3PO" Oh no. without the republic fleet we're doomed."  Han" There's always a way to blow it up." Leia" Han's right." Resistance officer" For that amount of power to be contained, there must be some sort of thermal oscillator." Finn" There is precinct 47" Finn moves to the map and points to the location. The resistance work out an attack on the oscillator  will cripple the weapon or destroy it. Poe" We will hit that oscillator with everything we got." Akbar" They have defensive shields, that our cruisers canot penetrate." Han" We disable the sheilds.*to finn* Kid You worked there. What have You got?" Finn" I can disable the shields but I gotta be there on the planet." Han" I like this guy. We'll get You there." Leia" Han how?" Han" If I told You. You wouldn't like it."  Poe" So we disable the shield. Take out the oscillator and blow up the big gun. Lets go."  Finn" Wait. Theres something else further north from the main enterance to Starkiller base." Leia blows up the image. Optimus Prime" It's Galvatron." C3PO" Oh my." Bumblebee" Great thats all we need. The Decepticons." Han" So thats where he ended up. Prime" Yes and it wont be long before the other decepticons find him. Aerialbots. You will accompany Han,Finn and Chewie on their mission to disable the shields." Ultramagnus" Best choice for that mission Prime." Outside the base the resistance pilots are preparing their crafts for battle. Han,Finn and Chewbacca are also preparing. Han" We will blast though light speed to get to Starkiller base. Are You aerialbots able to keep up with the Falcon?." Silverbolt" Shouldn't be a problem. The hyperdives will use up alot of our energy." Han" We got plenty of energon cubes loaded in the falcon." Skydive" Lets do it then." But then Leia walks up to Han and they have another heart to heart talk before hugging. Leia" Try and bring back our son."   

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2021, 10:34:20 PM »
Kyloren and the storm troopers are searching for Rey as she looks for a ship to escape. Kylo ren concludes Rey is testing out her force powers and she'll become more dangerous.   Rey moves down a long glossy hall. taking cover in an alcove. Holding onto the storm troopers blaster tight.
The Millenium Falcon screams past flying at light speed.  With the Aerialbots following behind.  Finn "How are we getting in?" Han "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through. Finn is suddenly filled with dread." Finn" We're gonna make our landing approach at lightspeed?!" Chewie, thinking it's crazy too, roars as if to say: HELL YES WE ARE! Han" Alright, Chewie, get ready." Chewie GROANS: he's ready. Han studies the PANEL INDICATORS. Han (CONT'D)" And Now! Chewie and Han hit switces. The Falcon's ENVIRONMENT SHIFTS INSTANTLY FROM LIGHTSPEED TO PLANET ATMOSPHERE -- it's suddenly FLYING 100 FEET ABOVE THE SNOWY, ROCKY GROUND, HEADED FOR A THICK FOREST! Chewbacca groans. Han" I AM PULLING UP!!"  But the Falcon has no time -- it PLOWS through the trees! It then RISES -- In the cockpit  ALARMS BLARE as the ship SLAMS THROUGH BRANCHES, SHOOTS TOWARD SKY! Han does his best to steer -- Chewie GROANS -- in the madness Han YELLS" I get any higher, they'll see us!" And the ship DIVES again, back into the trees. A quiet CLEARING on the forest TREELINE. Suddenly the MILLENNIUM FALCON HURTLES OUT OF THE FOREST! From an eruptio of BRANCHES and PINE, the ship DIVES -- SLAMS INTO THE SNOW! It DIGS THROUGH A THOUSAND YARDS OF WHITE until it finally comes to a canted stop, half buried in the snow! Minutes later the Aerialbots come out of hyperspace and land behind the Falcon. Skydive" Woah. That was quite a ride." Finn,Han and Chewbacca exit the falcon. The Aerialbots transform from plane mode to robot mode. Finn looks to Han and Chewbacca. Finn" I can't believe I just saw that." Han" You'll get used to it kid. Chewie get back in the falcon and lower the falcons cargo door so the Aerialbots can refuel." Chewbacca presses a few buttons and a large door at the rear of the falcon drops down revealing a large stock pile of energon cubes. Han" You guys better refuel. You're gunna need it." Silverbolt" Thanks Han. Aerialbots lets grab the energon cubes." Slingshot" Thanks Han and I take back what I said earlier." Han" Don't worry about it. Just restore Your energy quickly. You'll need to cover us while we get to into the base and disable the shields." Slingshot"No problem."
Meanwhile the decepticons are almost finished freeing Galvatron from his icy imprisonment and now only need to revive him. But Scourge detects the presence of the falcon and the Aerialbots. Scourge" Cyclonus. the Millenium falcon has just come out of hyperspace and landed on the planet. Along with the Aerialbots. We must stop them." Cyclonus" No. We do not have time to play around Scrourge. We must  revive Galvatron. The Stunticons will take care of those pests. Stunticons find the Falcon and terminate it's occupants." Motormaster" It'll be a pleasure." The stunticons  transform into car mode and take off in search of the Millenium Falcon, while the rest of the decepticons start reviveing Galvatron. 
Inside Starkiller base. Officer" Sir, she was not found in hangar 718 but all troops are on alert." Kylo Ren "Put every hangar on lock-down. She's going to try to steal a ship to--" Suddenly, Kylo senses something. Something familiar. Kylo Ren (cont'd)" Han Solo..."
Back at the falcon. Finn becomes aquainted with the Aerialbots while they refuel. Han and Chewbacca keep a lookout for any Decepticons and for a way into Starkiller base, when Chewbacca see's the Stunticons fast approaching to his left. But he thinks it's Optimus Prime and some autobots. Chewie groans to Han. Han" What are You talking about Chewie? Optimus Prime is at the base with Leia." Chewbacca points Han to the approaching vehicles. Han grabs the viewing goggles of Chewie.  Han" They are similar looking vehicles. But it's not like the Autobots to be driving so fast, recklessly and eratic." Han pauses for a moment and remembers something Optimus Prime and Bumblebee once told him. Han" It's not the Autobots Chewie. It's the Stunticons." The Stunticons are now closing in. Breakdown" Good guess flesh creature." Dragstrip" Haha Nice ship." Deadend" It's a pile of junk." Wildrider" Then lets waste it then." Motormaster" Followed by those 2 humans and big foot."  Han" Finn,Chewie get back to the ship. These guys will kill us." Slingshot" Not if we can help it." As the 3 run back to the falcon for safety. The Aerialbots jump into action after finishing recharging. They transform into jet mode and fly after the stunticons. Breakdown" It's the aerialbots." Silverbolt" Your drivers licenses are about to expire Stunticons." The aerialbots open fire on the stunticons. the stunticons transform into robot mode and fire back. Finn,Han and Chewbacca watch on. Finn" YEAH. GO GET EM AERIALBOTS."  But Finn speaks too soon. MotorMaster" Stunticons merge to become Menasor." Motormaster remains in robot mode while the other 4 transform into car mode. Motormaster then transforms into the head and torso of Menasor while the 4 cars transform into the limbs and combining to form Menasor. Menasor" Menasor crush Aerialbots, rebels and the falcon."  Chewbacca howls while Finn looks on in shock. Finn" WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED? THOSE STUNTICONS JUST BECAME A MONSTER ROBOT!!" Han" Oh. Their another combiner group, like the constructicons." Finn" WHAT?" Han" There are some groups of those robots that can combine their bodies and minds into a much larger and more powerful robot and this one is very dangerous according to Optimus Prime." Finn" YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME."  Han" Calm down kid and look at the aerialbots. I think they have the same power." Silverbolt" Right You are Solo. Aerialbots transform into Superion." The Aerialbots transform and combine into superion in the same way the Stunticons formed Menasor. Superion and Menasor engage in hand to hand combat. Superion" Solo go now and disable the sheild for the resistance. Han, Finn and Chewbacca get going, while Superion and Menasor continue to battle it out. Menasor" Disable shield?" The Menasor transforms into the Stunticons and they retreat. Motormaster" We gotta warn the decepticons about this."  Superion transforms into the Aerialbots and they guard the falcon.
Back in the icecave. Cyclonus and Scourge pump Galvatron with energon to warm and revive him. Galvatron slowly comes to his senses, but he is still as insane as ever. Galvatron angrily gets up. Galvatron" Who awakens me?" Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron we have come to deliver You from." Galvatron punches Cyclonus and sends him flying into a cave wall. Galvatron*while knocking Scourge and the sweeps about*" MY KINGDOM OF ICE RAH. MY FROZEN SLUMBER NYAH. Did I ask You for deliverance?  Nah .Did I?"   Galvatron begins to laugh insanly. Galvatron" Ah Cyclonus. How wonderful to see You again.*turns to sweeps* You leader has returned. Long live the Decepticons. Long live Galvatron. Hahaha" The Sweeps" Long live Galvatron." Galvatron turns to Scourge and Cyclonus. Galvatron" Now where are we?" Cyclonus" We are on an ice planet which also serves as the Starkiller base for the First order." Scourge" It's like another deathstar." Glavatron*snaps*" First Order? Starkiller base?" Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron You have been frozen in this planet for 30 years and much has happened. The First Order has risen out of the ashes of the Empire. The Autobots and the rebels have formed a new republic which has since been destroyed by this Starkiller base."   Galvatron" Autobots, Rebels, The Empire? We must regroup with the rest of the Decepticons at once. Where are they?" Cyclonus" On Mustafar." Galvatron" Then to Mustafar we must go."  Galvatron, Scourge Cyclonus and the Sweeps fly out of the cave and meet up with the Stunticons who have just returned. Galvatron" Ah the Stunticons." Motormaster" Galvatron. You are alive." Breakdown" But we wont be for long if we don't get out of here soon." Galvatron" And why is that?" Wildrider" The 2 rebel humans and bigfoot are going to disable the shield so the resistance can blow up Starkiller base." Galvatron becomes angry. Galvatron"  And You 5 couldn't stop them?" Dragstrip" We were in the middle of fighting the Aerialbots and when we heard what Solo and his friends were going to do. We thought we'd better warn You all first." Galvatron" Very well and seeing as we are here. We might as well have a look at this Starkiller base." Cyclonus" And terminate the flesh creatures?" Galvatron" We'll leave THAT to the First order."

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2021, 09:43:57 PM »
While the Aerialbots are guarding the falcon and watching for Decepticons. Han, Finn and Chewie are making progress along the epic snowscape and cross the terrain. Walkers appear on the horizon. Han, Finn and Chewie take cover behind a base structure. Chewie carries a black duffel  of explosives.  Finn" The flooding tunnels are over that ridge. We'll get in that way." Han" What was your job when you were based here?"  Finn" Sanitation." Han" Sanitation? Then how do you know how to disable the shields?"  Finn" I don't. I'm just here to get Rey."  Han" People and the Autobots are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us--!"  Finn" Solo, we'll figure it out! We'll use the Force!"  Han" That's not how the Force works--!" Chewie MOANTALKS. Han (CONT'D) "Oh really, you're cold?"  Finn" Come on!" They follow Finn on the snowy hike. On the horizon, the laser siphon is shooting into the sky. Slowly sucking the sun dry. It is visable to both the Aerialbots and Decepticons.
Inside Starkiller base control room. Technicians at work, the SUN SUCKING seen in the window behind them. General Hux" Report."  First order officer" Weapon charged in fifteen minutes,sir." The decepticons are watching the lazer siphon sucking the sun dry. Cyclonus" It appears these flesh creatures use the energy of the sun to power their weapon." Galvatron" Bah. We could have comeup with something like that." Galvatron see's an airduct a few feet away. Galvatron" Ah there's our entrance right there. Lets go." The Decepticons and stunticons enter the airduct and make their way into starkiller base. In the 4th corridor of starkiller base.  A STORMTROOPER waits to board a Transport Compartment. The door WHOOSHES open -- HAN, FINN and CHEWIE are there! Stormtrooper FN-9330" Hey!" He fumbles for his blaster but Chewie shoots first. WIDE  ANGLE of the corridor as the Trooper flies back, dead. Chewie drags him out of sight. Han and Finn peer around a corner, wary. Han" The longer we're here, less luck we're going to have. The shields?" Finn" I have an idea about that." Han and Chewie follow Finn.
Captain Phasma heads down a corridor, distant Stormtroopers. Suddenly Phasma is t-boned hard and fast and shoved into narrow cross corridor. Chewbacca has his arms around Captain Phasma and she is forced to face Finn who is holding a blaster on her. Finn" Remember me?" Phasma" FN-2187."  Finn" Not anymore. The name's Finn, and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now, Phasma. I'm in charge."   Han" Bring it down. Bring it down." Finn"  Follow me.*smiles*"
In the atrium area of starkiller base. Rey holds onto her blaster as she peers around the corner. She moves along a very long walkway making her way to a large hanger reavealing hundreds of tie fighters. Her plan is clear. To steal a ship to escape. But there is a group of storm troopers and guards in conversation. As she tries to think of what to do next another group of storm troopers are heading her way. Her mind races and she runs across the walk way and climbs down a ladder. Her fingertips disappearing over the edge just as the Troopers approach and continue.  Rey holds on carefully as the guards walk off, not seeing her over the edge, a death drop below her. But then she sees something and has a brainstorm. She strenuously cross-climbs to an invisible service hatch , which She opens, and climbs INSIDE THE WALL, closing the hatch behind her.
In the control access point of starkiller base. Phasma sits infront of a work station. Finn,Han and Chewie have blasters aimed. Phasma reluctantly works the controls. Finn" You want me to blast theat bucket of Your head? Lower the sheilds." Phasma" You're making a big mistake." Finn" Do it." Chewie MOAN/TALKS. Phasma hits a few more buttons -- the controls BEEP-CLICK. "SHIELDS DISABLE INITIATE". Eyes on the workstation.  Finn" (cont'd) Solo, if this works, we're not going to have a lot of time to find Rey."  Han" Don't worry kid, we won't leave here without her." The controls BEEP-CLICK. "SHIELDS DISABLED".  Captain Phasma"(to Finn, cruel) You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy. My troops will storm this block and kill you all." Finn" I disagree. What do we do with her?"   Han"  Is there a garbage chute? Trash compactor?" Finn" Yeah, there is..."
Back at the resistance base. An alert, officers are at their consoles. Officer" General the shields are down." C3PO" Thank the maker." Leia" Han did it. Send them in." Admiral Statura" Give Poe full authorization to attack." Rear Admiral Gulch" Black Leader, go to sub-lights. On your call." Poe"           Roger, base -- red squad, blue squad,take my lead.
At starkiller base a squadron of resistance fighters led by Poe Dameron  jump out of light speed. They are soon joined by the Aerial bots and begin their attack. Air raid" Finally we're gunna get some action."   Poe" Nice of You guys to join us. we'll need all the help we can get to destroy that oscillator." Slingshot" We were getting bored anyway wating around anyway." Silverbolt" We also have to keep an eye out for any decepticons." Nein numb mutters something. Poe" The decepticons are the least of our worries...I hope."    The aerial bots and the resistance fighters begin their bombing runs on the oscillator. Poe"Almost in range! Hit the target dead center, as many runs as we can get!" The oscillator is hit sending shockwaves through the base. It isn't long before General Hux sends a squadron of tie fighters. Soon the resistance fighters and Aerialbots are fighting the tie fighters.
In the junction area of starkiller base. Han,Finn and Chewie have found and reunited with Rey. As they proceed to leave the base for the falcon. Kylo Ren and several storm troopers are investigating another disturbance at the same hanger Rey was hiding in. It turns out to be Galvatron and the decepticons. Galvatron looks upon Kyloren with rage. Galvatron" It's Vader. Destroy him." Galvatron aims his arm mounted cannon and fires. Only for Kyloren to stop galvatrons laser blast, step out of the way and release it again, hitting part of the hanger wall. Kyloren" I am not Vader. But I am his grandson Kyloren." Galvatron" His grandson eh?" Cyclonus" He must be the son of those flesh creatures Han Solo and Princess Leia. Who we encounted on Endor" Galvatron" Yes that would make sense." Kyloren" Leader Snoke would be delighted to have You decepticons join us in defeating the resistance." Galvatron" Lordvader and Emperor Palpatine had a similar proposition and they tried to enslave us. I would sooner vapourise you and your forces on the spot. Than team up with you. Besides, my goal is to destroy the autobots." Kyloren" The Autobots have a strong alliance with the resistance. If You joined forces with the first order.  We could wipe out both the resistance AND the autobots." Cyclonus" I don't trust him, mighty Galvatron or this snoke." Galvatron" Me neither. I shall have to think about this proposition. Decepeticons and Stunticons we leave this base. You will know of my decision son enough Kyloren." Kyloren" Very well Galvatron."

Back on Mustafar after receiving news that Galvatron has been found and revived. The constructicons along with  all the other decepticons not only repair the energy mining facility, but expand on it, creating a decepticon fortress. Soundwave makes contact with Galvatron. Galvatron" Report Soundwave." Soundwave" Mining facility has been repaired and has been extended into a powerful fortress." Galvatron" Excellent Soundwave. We are on Starkiller base. The first order is preparing to launch their assault on the resistance base. Optimus Prime and the Autobots are also at the resistance base. Once I know the location of the resistance base. You and all the other decepticons are to joins us. Then we will wipe out the Autobots once and for all." Soundwave" Affirmative." The communication ends. Astrotrain looks to Soundwave. Astrotrain" Thats too many decepticons for me to carry around the galaxy." Blitzwing" Then why don't we just build a starship like the first order have." Scrapper" We will get on it right away. The good thing about all this lava. Not only is it an unlimited source of energy. But it contains so many useful minerals and materials." The constructicons and the decepticons being building a decepticon version of a first order star destroyer." Back on Starkiller base it's chaos with tie fighters and xwings blasting one another. Poe's fighter nearly collides with a close passing tiefighter. Snap" I got one begind me see it?" Jess" Yeah. I'm on it."   A heavy cannon emplacement launches a missile that shreds an X-wing fighter. Jess" Furillo's been hit!"  Snap"Watch out for ground fire!"  The X-wings and Aerial bots roar across the sky, blasting and dodging the tie fighters and missiles. On the ground. Han, Finn, Rey and Chewie, run out, into the snow, stopping, eyes on the sky, watching the lop-sided battle. The 4 heros turn to each other. Han" They're in trouble. We can't leave. (to Finn, re: Chewie) My friend here has a bag full of explosives. Let's use 'em."
Back at the resistance base.   A Resistance Technician turns to Leia. Kaydel Ko Connix" General, are you seeing this?" Vober Dand" Two more X-wings down. That's half our fleet destroyed." Bumblebee" This doesn't look good and no word from the Aerial bots either." C3PO" And their weapon will be fully charged in 10 minutes! It would take a miracle to save us now." Optimus Prime" Han and Chewie can do it. I just hope they all get back safely." Leia" So do I Prime." Hotrod" At least there's no decepticon activity...yet."
Back on Starkiller base. Han,Finn, Chewie and Rey are at the door of the oscillator structure. But just as they enter, Galvatron, his decepticon troops and the stunticons land directly in their path. Finn" I got a bad feeling about this." Chewbacca roars. Rey" Who are those things?" Han" They are the decepticons. We had a run in with 5 of them earlier." Galvatron" Miserable flesh creatures. Prepare to be vapourised." As Galvatron aims his cannon at Han solo an his friends. Cyclonus interupts. Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron. It's the rebellion general Han solo and his wookie sidekick Chewbacca." Galvatron*snaps*" Are You sure? and who are they other two?" Cyclonus" My scanners indicate the female is a lowly scavenger  from a junk planet and the male is a former storm trooper." Galvatron" I see. (to Han) If You truly are the rebellion general Hansolo. Then You will know where Optimus Prime and the Autobots are." Han" I have no idea what You are talking about." Galvatron" Don't give me that. You are Primes beloved pet. You know exactly where he is." Han" Hey. I'm no one's  pet." Galvatron *chuckles*" It is Han Solo. Now kindly tell me where Prime is so I can obliterate him." Finn*wispers to Rey*" I think Galvatron has a few screws loose." Rey' You're not wrong." Han" I'll never betray the Autobots." Scourge" He wont have to. I have hacked into the mainframe systems of Starkiller base and they are set to destroy the planet D'Qar with their weapon." Galvatron" The resistance base must be there. Which also means the autobots and prime." Finn" Not if we get into the oscillator and set up our explosives." Galvatron" Decepticons.  Stand back and Let  Solo and his friends get on with their mission." Rey,Finn,Chewie and Han look on in suprise. Rey" Why are You helping us?" Galvatron looks down to Rey with a evil glare. Galvatron" Because I should be the one who rips the life spark out of Optimus Prime. NOT the first order."  Rey, Finn, Chewie and Han enter the complex and it's not long before Han and Chewie begin planting the charges  all around various parts of the oscillator structure. Galvatron makes contact with Soundwave on mustafar. Galvatron" Change of plans Soundwave. The resistance are going to destroy Starkiller base You and all the Decepticons board Astrotrain and come to Starkiller base immediately. " Soundwave" Affirmative."

Cyclonus" Kyloren ask's us to join him and the first order tohelp wipe out the resistance and the autobots. Only for the first order to rob us of the chance to terminate Optimus prime. They insult us might Galvatron."  Galvatron" Yes, I think we should pay this Snoke a visit." Scourge" But how do we find him in time?" Gavlatron" We find Kyloren. Then HE will take us to Snoke. We'll follow the same path as Han solo and his friends. " Galvatron and the decepticons go back into the Oscillator to follow Han.  Meanwhile Han and Chewie are planting charges while evading detection from passing storm troopers. Kyloren enters the Oscillator which is a colossal cylindrical structure, consisting of dark corridores and catwalks. Kylo Ren comes to a stop, scans the catwalks and senses something. He motions the Stormtrooper squad upwards. Kylo" Find them."  They rush past him. Kylo Ren turns slowly, and heads down. The Stormtroopers move up the ramp, weapons ready, checking carefully where blind corners intersect from the perimeter. They come round to the next higher level and pass Chewie who is hidding in the shadows of the grillwork. Once they're gone, he plants another charge. Outside the Starkiller base near the oscillator structure. A Snowspeeder comes to a stop outside the structure. Finn and Rey stop for a moment, look to the sky: The sun is nearly gone.
Inside the oscillator structure it is now dark. Han finishes setting a charge and is about to move on when he hears something and conceals himself behind a wide, vertical support. He peaks around the edge and his whole demeanor changes. Kylo Ren appears and stops at the railing, looking down into the filter.  Han looks at his son with a tortured storm of feelings. Kylo ren he resumes his hunt. He heads directly toward where Han is hiding! Kylo Ren has an increasing sense of Hans presence  as he moves closer. He comes to where Han was hiding -- but Han is nowhere to be seen. From his hiding place in a narrow, power chamber in the wall. Han watches his son pass only a few feet in front of him.  Han shifts his position  in the tight compartment, so he can watch Ren's progress. Kylo Ren turns onto a  flat bridge that bisects the open space. Unaware of his father, Kylo Ren walks purposefully across to the opposite side. Han watches his son walk off -- the CLANK- CLANK of Kylo Ren's boots receding. This is Han's opportunity to escape but Leia's words echo through his mind. He makes a decision and moves out, to the edge of the catwalk. He calls out, strongly: Han" Ben!" The name echos as Kylo Ren stops, far across the vast catwalk. He turns. Kyloren" Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Finn and Rey make their way into the space, opening a hatch that allows a beam of precious sunlight to stream down like a spotlight on Han and his son. Finn and Rey get to a railing and look down. They can see and hear Han and Kylo Ren on the catwalk below. Finn and Rey are soon followed by the Galvatron and the decepticons who land on a railing opposite Rey and Finn. Scourge" There he is. Now he can take us to Snoke. But what is Solo doing there?" Cyclonus"It appears that  Han Solo is trying to turn his son back to the good side." Galvatron" Hmm. This could work to our advantage." Cyclonus"With Kyloren back to the light side,it could weaken the first order." Galvatron" Exactly. Lets observe." The decepticons go quiet and watch the drama unfold between father and son.
Han" Take that mask of You don't need it." Kyloren" What do you think you'll see if I do." Han" The face of my son." Han moves towards Kylo.  Kyloren removes his mask. Han is jolted-seeing the face of his son as  a man for the first time. Kyloren" Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish, like his father. So I destroyed him." Han" That's what Snoke wants you to believe but it's not true. My son is alive." Several levels below them, Chewie comes to the rail to watch. Kyloren"  No. The supreme leader is wise."  Up above, Finn,Chewie and Rey watch. The decepticons also watch on in anticipation. While storm troopers dot the perimetre of the structure.  Han sternly moves closer. Han" Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you -- you know it's true." Kyloren" It's too late." Han" No it's not. Leave here with me. Come home. We miss you." For the first time, Kylo Ren seems truly conflicted. Tears flood his stoic eyes... Kyloren" I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain. " The interior of the structure gets darker. Han takes one step toward his son, but stops himself. Kylorren" I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?" Han hears his son's voice again, pained and vulnerable. Han" Yes. Anything." Kylo Ren unholsters his lightsaber and slowly extends it to Han, within a foot of Han's chest. Han almost can't believe it. The moment seems to last forever. The decepticons watch gleefully. Cyclonus" With Kyloren turning to the lightside, the first order will collapse." Galvatron" Yes and then it's just the Autobots we have to worry about."  Just then, the last beam of sunlight streaming through the open hatch vanishes. Han actually smiles -- and reaches out for the dark weapon --but with the light now gone, KYLO REN'S EYES FILL WITH DARKNESS, HE IGNITES THE LIGHTSABER -- THE FIERY BLADE SHOOTS OUT, RIGHT THROUGH HAN'S CHEST AND BACK! Kyloren" Thankyou." Above finn and Rey gasp and scream. Finn" Solo." Rey" No, no."  Han's last moment is looking into his son's face. Han's knees buckle. The blade tilts down with him... until Kyloren extinguishes it and Han holds onto the catwalk -- his life slipping away. Finally Han falls back, off the catwalk, into the depths of the structure. None of the Decepticons kow what to make of this development.  Galvatron looks on with astonishment at Kyloren.  Galvatron" Bah. So much for Han Solo." Scourge" Should we go after Kyloren now?" Galvatron" Negative. That furball Chewbacca is about to set of those bombs they planted. This whole base is as good as gone. Decepticons to the air. Astrotrain should be here by now." The decepticons take to the air.
At the resistance base. Leia feels the wicked deed instantly and falls into her chair. Devastated. Back in the oscillator structure. Kyloren is weakend by his wicked act. Himself horrified. His shock is broken only when Chewie cries out in agony and fires on him. Hitting him inthe side. Kyloren falls back stunned. Stormtroopers fire at chewie, who is forced to retreat down a corridor, where he holds the explosive remote -- he pushes the button.  First one, then two, then four, then  six explosions rock the structure -- catwalks fall as the walls cave in. Kylo Ren sees Rey and Finn, watching the explosions in shock -- then they see Kyloren who recognizes them both, with astonishment. He rises to his full height and heads for them with long strides. Stormtroopers begin to blast away at Rey and Finn. Crazed, Rey fires back as blasts hit around her. Finn wraps an arm around her and drags/carries her out of sight. 
But unknown to Rey,Finn, Chewie, Kyloren and the Decepticons.  Aerialbots Air raid and Sling shot  are flying just over the exploding oscillator structure. Air raid" Slingshot. I'm picking up a life form thats falling to the bottom of this structure." Sling shot" Ha, it's probably a storm trooper."  Air raid extends his scanner range. Air raid" No. It's, it's Han Solo." Sling shot" What? is he alive?" Air raid" I can't tell." Slingshot" Well we better go after him. Dead or not we can't just leave him here. I'm going after him." Air raid" I'll cover you. But first we must contact Silverbolt."  Sling shot dives down into the depths of the oscillator structure to find Han's body. Air raid covers him.

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2021, 09:45:02 PM »
Slingshot navigates the depth's of the oscillator while evading falling debris, he finally gets a fix on Han Solo's falling body. Slingshot" Found him. Gotta be careful." Slingshot transforms into robot mode as he gets closer to Han and grabs hold of his body. Slingshot*suprised*" There's still life in him. But it's slipping rapidly. I'd better contact the others and get outta here quick." Slingshot transforms into plane mode with Han lying back in the cockpit. Slingshot contacts Air raid. Slingshot" Air raid. I got him and now leaving the Oscillator." Air raid" You better hurry, it's caving in rather rapidly. How is Han?" Slingshot" He's alive. But barely, he's unconcious at the moment." Air raid" We'd better contact Silverbolt." Slingshot and Air raid make contact with Silver bolt who is fighting alongside Poe's squadron and the other Aerialbots. Silverbolt" I hear You loud and clear Slingshot and Air raid. Whats the problem?" Air raid" Slingshot has just rescued Han and he has been critically injured." Silverbolt" What? Any idea what happened?" Air raid" No. We just found him falling into the depths of the Oscillator." Slingshot"I was lucky to get him out of their in one peice. But we better get Han back to base, his condition isn't good at all." Silverbolt" I'll contact Optimus Prime and report this to him. Maybe Leia can use the force to keep Han alive until we can get back." Slingshot" Good idea."  Silverbolt attempts to contact Optimus Prime at the resistance base. Back at the resistance base. Admiral Ackbar" The Oscillator's been damaged but it's still functional." Officer Tabala Zo" Admiral, their weapon will fire in two minutes." Leia is grief stricken over Han, when Optimus Prime receives a message from Silverbolt. Prime" What is it Silverbolt?" Silverbolt" Prime. Han solo has been severly injured. Slingshot and Air raid have just rescued him and are now on the way back to base." Prime" Good grief. Leia did sense something like that. At least he is still alive. What about Finn and Chewie?" Silverbolt" Air raid say's he saw Chewie, Finn and some young girl leave the oscillator structure, just before Slingshot went after Han.  Han's only just hanging on too Prime." Leia" The girl must be Rey. Silverbolt, I'll use the force to keep him alive until You and the Aerialbots get back to base. But I wont be able to hold out for long." Optimus Prime" Silverbolt. You and the aerialbots will get back to base with Han now. Poe and his team of fighters can take care of the Starkiller base from here on."  Silverbolt" Copy that Prime."
 From a distance in the forest the oscillator is ablaze and fractured from the explosives. Then Rey and Finn appear, coming over rising, running into a bare-tree snowy forest. Finn" The Falcon's this way." Finn and Rey, overcome with emotion, race through the snowy forest -- until Finn slows and stops. Rey stops too, both out of breath. They look at each other. They both know:  they can't run. Kylo Ren moves through the trees -- until he stops. Takes out the saber, ignites it. A still figure amidst the gusts of wind and snow. The Aerial bots fly overhead as they ascend to the sky and prepare for the jump to hyperspace. Skydive see's Finn and Rey facing Kyloren. Skydive" Finn and that girl are in trouble we got to help them." Silverbolt" No, this looks like one of those jedi  battles we can't get involved in.  Besides we gotta get Han back to base. Leia is keeping him alive. But she can't hold out for long." Fireflight" What about the decepticons and the stunticons? They're getting away." Silverbolt" Forget the decepticons. We'll worry about them later." With that the Aerialbots jump into lightspeed for D'Qar.  As the Aerial bots disappear. The Decepticons and Stunticons are flying towards the sky at almost nothing. Galvatron*displeased*" Well? Where is Astrotrain?" But just then a massive ship apears out of lightspeed several yards in front of them. The ship is a hybrid of a first order Star destroyer and a Decepticon ship. A door opens and the bottom of the ship and Astrotrain comes flying out towards Galvatron and co. He transforms into shuttle mode. Galvatron*to Cyclonus*" What is Astrotrain doing in that flying junk pile? They havn't formed an alliance with the First Order have they?" Cyclonus" You pose a good question my lord." Astrotrain collects the decepticons and stunticons and heads back to the decepticon destroyer ship.  All the decepticons are reunited. But Galvatron is less than impressed with the ship they built. Galvatron" What is this pile of junk, the rest of You decepticons are flying in? You better not have formed an alliance with the first order without my approval."  Soundwave" We have no alliance with the first order." Blitzwing *chimes in*" Astrotrain didn't have enough energy to carry all the decepticons to the Starkiller base. So I proposed that the constructicons build a Starship similar to the First order ships, but with some decepticon touches." Galvatron" I see. Well I must say You have done a remarkable job." Scrapper" You should see the base on Mustafar. It is something special." Soundwave punches up an image of the mustafar base on the monitor. Galvatron" Very good Scrapper. You decepticons have done well." Cyclonus" What are Your plans now mighty Galvatron?" Galvatron" Obliterate the Autobots of course." Scourge" What about the first order and the resistance?" Galvatron" I do not care about those puny flesh creatures." Cyclonus" The Starkiller base is going to blow any minute. But I assume the First Order will jump to light speed for D'qar and try and wipe out the resistance and possibly the Autobots." Galvatron" Then we wait for the first order to move to lightspeed for the resistance/autobot base. Optimus Prime will no doubt make sure the Resistance is safely evacuated. This will keep the first order busy. Then we will attack the Autobots before they know whats happened."  Scourge" Unless that Wookie and the flesh creatures warn the autobots." Galvatron" I'm sure Kylo Ren would finish them off before they have that chance."
Back in the forest and Kyloren is facing off Finn and Rey. Finn holds Lukes lightsabre and Rey holds a storm trooper blaster. Kyloren" We're not done yet." Rey" You're a monster."  Kyloren" I'ts just us now. Han Solo can't save You." After a beat, Rey moves forward with the blaster and fires at Kylo Ren. Kyloren uses the force to stop Rey in her tracks, remove her blaster and send her flying into a tree. She is dazed and hurt. Finn runs up to her to make sure she is alright. But the sound of Kylo's light sabre causes him to turn around. Kylo Ren" Traitor." Finn reacts by tunring on Lukes Lightsabre. Kyloren is shocked. Kyloren" That light sabre. It belongs to me." Finn" Come get it." And the 2 begin a light sabre duel. Kyoren is hampered by his wound inflicted by chewie. But he eventualy defeats Finn and knocks him unconcious. The light sabre flies out of his hand. Kyloren uses the force to recall the light sabre. But it's Rey who gets the light sabre. It isn't long before they engage in a sabre duel. Kyloren is shocked by her raw innate skill. Meanwhile Poe Dameron and his team have seen the explosion in the oscillator. YoloZiff" Theres a brand new hole in the oscillator." Poe" Red four! Red six! cover us." Lt.Bastian" I'm on it." Poe" Everyone else hit that target hard. Give it everything You got." Poe and two more xwing fighters go into the trench leading to the oscillator. As they approach one xwing is hit. Poe" All teams- I'm going in. Pull up and cover me." Niv Lek" Copy that. Good luck Poe." The trailing X-wings peel off as Poe's black fighter darts into the fiery breach.
Inside Starkiller base control room. The sun is almost completely gone. Starkiller technician" Weapon at full capacity in 30 seconds." Hux" Prepare to fire." Outside at the starkiller oscillator.Poe's X-wing weaves through the breach. A pursuing tie fighter does not clear the gap, leaving Poe to circle the interior of the unguarded structure, firing volley after volley of torpedoes. The remaining X-Wings -- including Poe's -- blast the place --and the structure begins to crater, deep underground EXPLOSIONS!
In the forest Rey and Kyloren are in a furious light sabre battle. Rey seems to be over powering Kyloren. But Kylo finds his strength and pushed Rey back into the forest. Suddenly the ground gives way behind her and she is fighting on the edge of a brand new cliff.  Kyloren" You need a teacher. I can show you the ways of the force." Rey" The force."  Rey closes her eys for a moment. When she opens them. She is focused and pounds back. Rey continually attacks Kyloren with speed and fury. Kylo is knocke dto the ground repeatedly and his light sabre is knocked out of his hand. Inflicting a scar on the side of his face. Rey could kill him with one vicious strike. But she stops,realizing she stands on the edge of the darkside. The planet shakes and splits. A gully forms. In the control room everyone prepares to evacuate as the entire base continues to crumble. Hux is standing before Snoke. Hux" The fuel cells have ruptured. The collapse of the planet has begun." Snoke" Leave the base at once and come with me to Kyloren. It is time to complete his training." Back in the forest Rey turns and runs to Finn who is lying near death on the ground. She holds him almost in tears as the planet falls apart around them. Then the falcon appears with Chewie at the controls. He roars to them. Moments later Rey and Finn are on the falcon and they blast of into space as the planet crumbles behind them followed by the resistance xwing fighters lead by Poe. They all enter lightspeed and head for home.
At the resistance base on D'qar. The falcon has landed among the other resistance ships. Poe is there watching as Chewie scuttles down the ramp carrying an unconscious Finn. Medical personel meet them and usher them inside. Rey walks down the ramp and for the first time see's Leia and Optimus Prime. C3PO, BB8, Hot rod and Bumblebee are with them. Rey is sad for Leia. The two women embrace. Rey" I can't believe Han is gone. I'm so sorry." Leia" He is gone yet. But he is in a very critical condition."  C3PO" And we wont know how bad it is until he wakes up. If he wakes up." Bumblebee" The medics are doing all they can 3PO." Optimus Prime looks to Leia and Rey. Rey turns from Leia and looks to Optimus Prime and the other Autobots. Prime" You must be Rey." Rey*nods*" Yes." Prime" I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots who are in a symbiant alliance with the Resistance." Rey becomes aquainted with Leia and the Autobots as they make their way into the resistance base. Inside Chewbacca (unaware the Aerial bots have rescued Han) and a few others are sitting quietly mourning their losses. As BB8 aproaches R2D2. The long dormant droid suddenly stirs. C3PO" R2D2 You've come back? You found what? How dare You call me that."  3PO swats R2. 3PO" find master Luke how? Come R2 we must tell the others at once." Leia stands at the computer heartbroken. C3PO" Excuse me General Leia. But R2D2 may contain some much needed good news." Leia" Tell me." Rey stands with Leia, Poe, C3PO, BB8, Optimus Prime,the Autobots  and a handfull of  resistance officers. R2 suddenly projects a large navigational map with a specific chunk missing. BB8 beeps. Poe" Alright buddy." Poe gets the data device out of the computer and puts it into BB8. BB8 projects his map and shrinks it down to fit into R2D2's map. Everyone is amazed. C3PO" The map. It's complete." Leia*hand on here heart* " Luke". Everyone cheers. C3PO leans on R2. C3PO" Oh my dear friend. How I've missed you."
A new day in the resistance base. Both Finn and Han are unconsious in ICU. Their fates uncertain. Rey sits near them.  Deeply worried but sensing Finn has  a much higher chance of survival then Han. But knowing Han would have truly been gone if it weren't for the Aerialbots. Rey says her goodbye to Han and then kisses Finn. Rey* to Finn*" Well see each other again. I believe that."
Outside the base. Chewie is doing last minute checks on the Falcon. Rey stands with Leia. Rey" Theres something I need to tell Optimus Prime before I leave with Chewie." Leia" I can tell him. What is it?" Rey" On the starkiller base. We came across the Decepticons and their leader Galvatron, they are on their way here now along with the first order" Leia*alarmed*" I must tell Prime at once. Have they teamed with the first order?" Rey" I don't know. Galvatron allowed us to destroy the oscillator. But thats because he wanted to destroy Prime himself." Leia" I'll speak to Prime about this. You better get going and find Luke and may the force be with you."  This fills Rey up. she smiles graciously. Rey then head for the  falcon and goes inside.  Soon they fly  of into space  and blast into light speed. The next generation of Jedi begins her journey.   The falcon comes out of light speed and enters the atmosphere of Ahch-to. They eventually land on an island. Rey begins her hike up the mountain with Chewie and R2 watching at the bottom near the falcon. Rey finally arrives at a clearing and see's a man in a cloak and hood withhis back to her. the man slowly turns to Rey and pulls back his hood.  It is Luke skywalker. He is much older now with grey hair and a beard. Rey pulls Lukes lightsabre out of her pack and hands it to him. Luke looks on amazed and conflicted. The promise of an adventure just beginning.
Back at the Resistance and Autobot base on Dqar. Bumblebee and C3PO are watching over Han and Finn while Optimus Prime, Ultramagnus and Leia discuss their next move.  C3PO" Well Rey, Chewbacca and R2 are on their way to  find master Luke." Bumblebee" R2 would be very happy to see Luke I imagine and Chewie."  Just then  Han Solo starts to regain consiousness. But is still in a bad way.  C3PO" Oh my. Solo is waking up." Han" 3PO? Bumblebee? Where am I?" Bumblebee" You're at the resistance base on Dqar." Han" Last thing I remember was being peirced by Bens light sabre. Then falling into the pit below me." Bumblebee" Yeah. Slingshot rescued You. Leia used the force to keep You alive." Han tries to get up but can't. Han" I can't move my legs." First aid from the protectobots(who has become the new autobot medic after the death of Ratchet) and a medical officer walk into the ICU. Medic" You sustained alot of damage Solo. That lightsabre narrowly missed your heart. But it severed  your spinal column from the chest down. You will never walk again." Han is devastated and so is Leia as she enters the ICU with Optimus Prime, Ultramagnus and Preceptor. First aid" Well not as normal human anyway." Bumblebee*bewildered*" What do you mean?" Leia" I know what he means." Prime" So do I." Han" You mean a cybernetic reconstruction like Vader?" Leia, the medic and the autobots nod. C3PO" I must say princes Leia. That kind of proceedure will take too long and we simply don't have time." Ultramagnus" He's right, what with the imminent attack of the first order as well as the decepticons. I can't believe he's back." Prime" Galvatron would have been found sooner or later. But right now we have to find a solution for Han." Preceptor" There might be another option." Bumblebee" Not the Transformable Xwings." Han" The what?"  Leia has a concerned look on her face. Prime" It was one of Wheeljack, Preceptor and Ratchets experiments. They intended to boost our Autobot forces by modifying a couple of Xwing fighters, so they can transform into robots like us. They were perfect too. Only problem is we forgot that we were too far from cybertron to access vector sigma. The super computer that gave us all life." Bumblebee" And even if we could. The key was destroyed when Megatron used Vecta sigma to create the Stunticons."
Han" Interesting. So whats the plan?" Preceptor" Using a mind transfer machine. We can put Your mind and spirit into the central processor of the transformable xwing." Firstaid" You would basically become a transformer." Ultramagnus" Thats if it works." Leia" what if it doesn't." Firstaid" We could lose Han forever."  Bumblebee" So in otherwords dead." Han" Snoke and Ben think I'm dead and if Snoke realises I'm alive. He will kill Ben. I'll do it." Leia is uneasy about the idea. Leia" I don't like this." Prime" Are You sure about this Han? It's very risky like Firstaid said. We could lose you forever." Han" Optimus. I have been tortured on a scan grid by Vader. Frozen in carbonite. Imprisoned by Jabba the hutt and now impaled by a lightsabre. How bad could it be?" Prime" You have a good point Han. Very well get to it Preceptor and first aid."  Bumblebee, Leia and C3PO wheel Hans bed into another larger room where the Transformable Xwings  are. FirstAid and Bumblebee put a dome like helmet over Han Solos head and connect it to a large computer like device. Preceptor takes another cable from the device and hooks it into the CPU socket of the  Transformable Xwing. Prime" How is it going?" Preceptor" Everything is in readiness." Firstaid and Preceptor make a few vital adjustments on the computer. Everyone in the room crosses their finger and hope for the best as Preceptor prepares to throw the switch. Han" If this fails. It's been truly great knowing everyone of You." Preceptor" Counting down from 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1." Preceptor pulls the switch. The machine comes to life, sending Han Solo's entire consciousness and life force into the cpu of the Transformable Xwing. Moments later and the process is complete. Hans body is completely lifeless. Leia watches over in tears. The autobots are anxious. Preceptor" It is finished." He unhooks the xwing and Hans body from the machine.
For a while there is uncertainty as the Transformable Xwing is motionless. But all of a sudden life. The CPU begins to boot up as Hans life force begins to flow into every circuit of the Xwing. Leia and the Autobots watch on with a mix of excitement and dread. Then a robotic voice booms from the Xwing. Han" Woa. This feels different." Everyone sighs with relief. Bumblebee" You alright in there Han?" Han" As good as I can be. It's one hell of an adjustment. Instead of having a fast ship like the Falcon. I feel like I am the falcon." C3PO" The xwings are quite fast Solo." Prime" Thats only half of it. Try and transform." After a few seconds the rear of the Xwing extends and then splits in 2 like legs. Han then stands up as the cockpit moves down to his chest, the wings fold back, arms emerge out of the sides of the rear cockpit. Finally a head emerges. A gun appears in Hans hand. Leia and the Autobots are speechless. Ultramagnus puts the autobot symbol on Hans chest" It worked. Solo. You are now an Autobot."  Bumblebee" Now You just need a new name." Han" Very true. Bens life is in danger if Snoke knows I live on as an Autobot." Prime" It'll have to be something that describes your powers or personality." Han" Well I've always been a great pilot." Leia" And good with a blaster." C3PO" Master Luke once described your attack on the 1st death star as like Fire coming from the Sky." Han" Fire from the sky?" Everyone gives strange looks. Bumblebee" How about Skyfire?" Han" Skyfire. Hey I like that." Prime" Very well. Han. As an Autobot You shall now be known as Skyfire."

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2021, 10:21:43 PM »
As Han solo settles  into his new life as Autobot Skyfire and gets used to his new body. The resistance prepares to evacuate the base. The Autobots remain on guard and keep watch as many resistance ships leave the planet. Outside the base, members of the resistance are frantically trying to get all the munitions loaded onto ships. But the firstorder fleet comes out of hyperspace just above the planet.  In the bridge of the main destroyer. Captain Peavey" We caught them in the middle of their evacuation." Hux" I have orders from supreme leader snoke himself. This is where we wipe out the resistance as well as the autobots. Tell captain Canady to prime his dread naught and incenerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet." Out in space a large dreadnaught ship appears with a large laser cannon attatched to it's under belly. Followed by a much larger decepticon ship. Cyclonus" It seems the first order have a ship with a very destructive cannon mounted under neath." Galvatron" So the first order plan to wipe out the resistance and the autobots and rob my of my chance to destroy Prime. We attack now." Scourge" Wait. A small Xwing is approaching." Galvatron" Hmm. He must be planning to stop the dread naught. Good. That means we can save our energy for the Autobots and any of the other resistance rebels still down on the planet." Tripple changers Blitzwing and Astrotrain are looking forward to the impending assault on the autobots. Blitzwing" Finally we get to destroy the Autobots and their sympathisers after so many years." Astrotrain" Yes and this time try not to walk into any traps." Blitzwing" What do you mean?" Astrotrain" The trap on Lord Chumleys property. When you insisted on rescuing that girl, after Optimus Prime left her. He knew it was a trap and lets not forget our attempt at taking over as decepticons leaders, it was a fiasco." Blitzwing" I was doing alright until the constructicons wrecked my scoreboard and formed Devastator." Astrotrain" The constructicons formed Devastator because YOU screwed them over by promising them a partnership in leading the decepticons if they built YOUR maze. then instead of keeping your end of the bargain you insult them." Blitzwing" Well it was YOU that caused the entire city to be flooded. When one of your trains hit a water main, freeing Megatron and starscream in the process. Yes a substandard army of trains to help you carry energon cubes." Astrotrain" Alright lets just drop it. We have Autobots to crush and judging by the first order ships nearby we are not alone." Blitzwing" No. Theres two of us." Astrotrain" Blitzwing you are funnier than the energon shortage on cybertron." Blitzwing" But thats not funny." Astrotrain" Exactly."   
Back on the the destroyer.  Captain Peavey" A much larger ship has also come out of hyperspace, but it's not of the first order or resistance. It must be the Decepticons." Hux" Don't be ridiculous. The Decepticons have been in hiding  and without their leader for years."   As Hux speaks all the decepticon forces leave their ship and descend towards the resistance and autobot base.  Hux and Peavy become busy dealing with Poe Dameron to notice. Poe gets his Xwing charged and then speeds across the dread naught taking out the surface cannons. This will allow the bombers to strike and give the resistance time to escape. An first order officer notices the decepticons descending on the planet below and alerts Hux. Peavey" So it IS the decepticons. Good, hopefully they destroy the Autobots." Hux" The Autobots? Our main concern is the resistance." Peavey" Yes. But the autobot Wheeljack  stole my designs for a new time machine." Hux" A time machine?" Peavy" Yes. A time machine, but you wouldn't think it was by looking at it."
Back at the Autobot and Resistance base. All the resistance is now in space, withthe Autobots remaining on the planet. Wreckgar a junkion is watching the monitors when he see's the Decepticons descending to their base. Wreckgar" Crips..It's the gasman." Wreckgar begins shouting to the other autobots. Wreckgar" GASMAN  GASMAN GASMAN."  Ultramagnus looks to Optimus Prime. Ultramagnus" Whats he yabbering about?" Optimus Prime" The decepticons are arriving and all the resistance have left. It's time to do battle Autobots." Hotrod looks toward a fancy and strange looking lavatory near Wheeljacks workshop. Hotrod" What about Wheeljacks invention?" Bumblebee" What about it? It's just a time traveling toilet that doesn't even work." Ultramagnus" You mean the Turdis?" Hotrod" yes. I mean if the decepticons get a hold of it.." Bumblebee" Yeah but it doesn't work."  Ultramagnus" The Constructicons could make it work."   Bumblebee bursts into fits of laughter. Bumblebee" Haha. Can You imagine the constructicons repairing a time traveling toilet?" Bumblebee has a mental image of the constructicons repairing the turdis. Scrapper" This should almost do it." Longhaul" I can't believe we are repairing a toilet used by flesh creatures." Hook" It is not a mere toilet. It is a time traveling machine." Galvatron" Silence...I WANT THIS TURDIS WORKING NOW!"  Bumblebee" that is funny." Optimusprime" No it's not Bumblebee. We cannot allow the decepticons to gain any device that will have an advantage over us even if it is a time traveling...........toilet. And being a time machine, there's no telling what Galvatron will do if he gets the Turdis working. We will have to destroy it."
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 12:42:32 AM by Nosaj »

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2021, 08:16:53 AM »
         11th Installment.
Just as the autobots proceed to destroy the turdis a strange glow of  blue energy surrounds the lifeless body of Han Solo. Making his body look younger by 30 years, his clothing is slightly altered, bull whip appears nears his right hand and a stetson cowboy hat appears on his head. Hotrod and Bumble bee are stunned. Hotrod" Whats going on?" Preceptor" It could be a side effect to Han's transfer into his new body." Bumble bee" What kind of side effect and whats with the hat and the whip? Wait a minute, this reminds me of a dream Han told me about when he was frozen in the carbonite." Optimus Prime"  I remember that too. When Han was trapped in the carbonite. His mind and spirit wondered to another plain of existence. Where he became an archealogist on earth by the name of Indiana Jones." Preceptor" Hmm it seems that his alterego as well as a part of his psyche has manifested itself into Hans body." Optimus Prime" Interesting. But between the force, the matrix and our combined technologies and science. Something like this was bound to happen." Bumblebee"  Considering this whole thing was hit and miss. Is it possible Han became Indiana Jones again while his spirit was being transfered into skyfire and what did he see this time?"
Cut to earth in 1939. Indiana Jones is riding a motor cycle somewhere in the american desert when he sees part of a space ship lodged in the side of an inactive volcano. Indy" Hmm thats interesting. An alien space ship in the side of that volcano. I'll have to check this out at once, could make me a fortune." Indy makes his way to the ship. He makes an epic climb and the enters the ship through one of the damaged holes. He turns on a flash light and looks around. Indy" It's definetly a space ship. A fair bit of damage too, a few damaged giant robots lying around too. Some are in peices. This is really strange." Indy takes a closer look at the robots. Indy" Each robot has a symbol of a face. But some have a different face than the others anfd it looks like there has been a battle. I might stay here a while and try and find out what the hell all this is. Have to make sure it's nothing the nazi's would be interested in." As Indy moves about he accidently pushes a button that activates Teletraan 1 but with a slight time delay. Teletraan1" Warning Decepticons boarding."  An image of the Decepticon symbol appears on screen followed by the autobot symbol. Teletraan 1" Autobots respond."    Indy*mutters to himself*" So thats what those symbols mean. Autobots and Decepticons. So these robots  are on  warring factions. Well I better turn this off quickly before it attracts the attention of the nazi's." Indy presses the same button again and Teletraan 1 shutsdown. But not before showing a large planet on it's screen, moving freely through the far reaches of space. Indy" Thats an odd looking planet, It appears to have some sort of mouth, with horns on either side. It's almost as if that planet is ALIVE!"  At that precise moment Indy hears a menacing voice in his head. Unicron*in Indy's mind*" I am Unicron!" Indy is slightly freaked out. But regains his composure. Indy" This is too much to take in all at once. I'm outta here." As Indy leaves the crashed Autobot ship he notices a strange looking toilet outside. Indy" Where did that come from? No matter, I need to relieve myself." Indy goes into the toilet and does his business and pulls the chain to flush the toilet. But unknown to Indiana Jones this is no ordinary toilet. It is the Turdis, a time travelling toilet invented by Eddie Hitler who is looking around the desert for a bar and maybe some birds with Richard Richard. The turdis transports Indy to the year 1984 moments before the volcano erupts.
Indy gets out of the toilet as the volcano erupts. Indy" Hey that wasn't happening before." Moments later he see's some of the giant robots fly out of the ark and to the top of the mountain. He notices the symbols. Indy" I guess that the Decepticons." He then hears the decepticons talking. Indy" They are the Decepticons. Their leader I assume just mentioned the Autobots and now one of them is blasting the ship. Hmm he doesn't seem all that obedient to the leader." Indy looks at the turdis and notices the year is 1984. Indy" I better set this back to 1939." Indy sets the turdis to 1939 and pulls the chain. Indy" This thing is disgusting. I hope it works." In a flash the turdis returns to 1939. Indy opens the door and is confronted by an angry Ritchie who punches him in the face. Eddie then bangs Indy on the head with a frying pan. Knocking him to the ground. Ritchie punches Indy again. while Eddie hits him with the frying pan. This goes on for a while, then they stop. Ritchie accidently dros a letter he wrote for Sue Carpenter on the unconscious Indiana Jones. Ritchie" That'll teach you to steal our time traveling turdis, You Bastard!" Eddie" We better go Ritchie. Theres no bar here. " As they get into the turdis. Eddie notices a Indys bag containing something gold and shiny.  Eddie" Hey Ritchie look at this." Ritchie" Woah. Looks like some ancient treasure. Could be worth billions." Eddie" We should take it with us." Ritchie" Eddie. Are you suggesting that we steal these pricles valubles for this poor unconcious man. who cannot defend himself in his current state. Just so we can live the highlife and have plenty of birds?" Eddie" Yep thats the size of it." Ritchie" It's a bloody good plan." With that Ritchie and Eddie grab the bag of priceless gold artifacts and head for the turdis. Eddie is about to pull that chain when Indy comes to. He notices they have his bag and while still lying on the ground. He strikes Ritchi and Eddie with his whip, which grabs his bag and brings it back to him. Indy" Those belong in a museum." Ritchie" YOU BASTARD!" With that Eddie pulls the chain and the trudis disappears. A few moments later and Indy slowly disappears.
Back at the Autobot and resistance base the blue glow wears down and Hansolo, now transformed into Indiana Jones awakes. Indy" Whats going on here? Where am I?" BumbleBee" I'm sure glad Leia isn't here to see this." Indy" Who's Leia? Wait.. You're the Autobots and you're alive." Hotrod" Yeah but not for much longer if we don't fight of the Decepticons." Indy" The Decepticons are here too? Well first I need to use the bathroom. That funny looking toilet will do." Indiana makes his way to the turdis and opes the door. Hotrod" You can't use that." Indy" Oh yeah. Watch me." Indy goes into the turdis and closes the door. Bumblebee" Well he cetainly IS like Han." Indy flushes the toilet and all of a sudden the turdis and Indiana Jones disappear into thin air. Hotrod" Well thats just great." Prime" Well at least Galvatron wont be able to get his hands on it either."

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2021, 09:32:14 PM »
The Decepticons have landed near the base. Galvatron" Stunticons transform and tear this place to pieces. Constructicons, merge into Devastator." The stunticons transform into vehicle mode and start aggressively driving around and destroying everything in sight. The constructicons form Devastator. Galvatron" Attack." Inside the head quarters. Optimus Prime" Autobots the decepticons are here. Attack." All the autobots run out to battle the decepticons. Omega supreme prepares to battle Devastator. Prime" No Omega. You need to go into rocket mode and escort the resistance. Protectobots merge into Defensor and stop Devastator." The protectobots form Defensor and begin fighting Devastator. The aerial bots and skyfire transform into plane mode and take to the skys. It's all mayhem. Meanwhile in space Poe has cleared the guns from the dreadnaut and the bombers are coming in.  Several of them are destroyed. But one bomber manages to drop it's load on the ship. Destroying it. The bomber is also destroyed. The resistance blast of into hyper space, followed by Omega supreme. Hux is left to face a displeased Snoke. Meanwhile back on D'qar. Skyfire(formerly Han Solo) has taken out a Ramjet and Thrust. The aerial bots have formed Superion and are fighting the Stunticons combined form Menasor. Hotrod" We have decepticons everywhere." Springer" We can take em all." Arcee" I just hope the resistance are doing ok." Ultramagnus" They are. They just jumped into hyperspace with Omega supreme." Optimus Prime and Galvatron are batteling it out. Prime" One shall stand and one shall fall." Galvatron" Why throw away your life so recklessly?" Prime" Thats a question you should ask yourself Galvatron." Galvatron" No. I'll crush you with my bare hands."  But Optimus Prime has already sustained a bit of damage after being rammed by the stunticons. Prime delivers a few blow to Galvatron. But Galvatron slices Prime with a laser sword. Skyfire flies over just as Galvatron transforms into cannon mode and blasts Optimus Prime fataly wounding him. Galvatron" At last Prime is dead." Skyfire" Nooo." enraged he blasts Galvatron. Galvatron" Curse you. You miserable autobot."  Galvatron blasts Skyfires wing. Causing him to crash. But the rest of the Autobots have gained the upper hand over the Decepticons and most are defeated. Galvatron" Decepticons retreat. Optimus Prime is dead anyway." The Decepticons leave for the ship and to find the first order."
In the head quarters. Preceptor is examining a badly wounded Optimus Prime and delivers bad news. Preceptor" I fear the wounds are fatal." Skyfire" No. I can't be." Prime" Do not grieve. Soon I will become one with the matrix." Hotrod" Prime." Prime looks to Ultramagnus" It is to you old friend. I shall pass the matrix of leadership over to you. As it was passed onto me." Ultramagnus" But Prime. I'm just a soldier. I'm not worthy." Prime" Nor was I. But an autobot shall rise through our ranks and use the matrix to light our darkest hour. Until then. until all are one." Optimus prime opens his chest and passes the matrix to Ultramagnus. But drops it. Hotrod picks it up and hand it to Ultramagnus, whole places it in his own chest cavity. Optimus Prime dies. After a moment of silence. Ultramagnus" We must regroup with the resistance. But first we will bury Prime and say our goodbyes.
On the resistance cruiser. Leia senses something terrible has happened. Leia" Prime. No." Poe lands his Xwing and Finn wakes up. Poe" Finn, your ok. We better get you dressed. You must have a thousand questions." Finn" Where's Rey?"
On the island of ahch-to. Rey is handing Luke his old light sabre. Luke takes the light sabre and looks at Rey with a worn down expression. Luke" Who are you  and what do you expect me to do with this?" Rey" I'm from the resistance. Leia sent me. We need the jedi, we need Luke Skywalker." Luke" You don't need me. I'm done with the jedi order." Just then Chewbacca appears. Luke" Chewie and the falcon. Wait wheres Han?" Rey" He was killed by Kyloren." Rey further explains recent events to Luke including the return of Galvatron and the Decepticons. Luke" This is indeed bad news. I will return with You and chewie. But first I must train you in the ways of the force. We start first light tomorrow." Rey smiles with relief. Rey" So I'm going to become a jedi." Luke" Not right away. You have alot to learn."  As Luke,Chewbacca and Rey move to the huts for rest and to prepare for the next day, something appears near Lukes hut that resembles a space age toilet. It is the turdis. Indiana Jones exits the turdis, Luke and the rest look on in shock. Luke" Han? We thought you were dead." Indy" Who's Han? I'm not Han. I'm Indiana Jones an Archeologist from earth who somehow ended up here." Luke" Well you look like Han, You talk like Han and you act like Han. So you must be Han." Indy" Well I'm not Han." Rey" How did you get here?" Indiana points to the turdis. Indy" In that thing. It's the second time I was transported using a toilet. It's getting embarrasing."  Luke" The turdis, Wheel jacks invention." Rey" The turdis." Luke" It's supoosed to be a time traveling toilet. Invented by Wheeljack. It must have randomly transported this Indy fellow to another planet, instead of another time. Wheeljacks inventions are like that." Indy" This Indy fellow? Ah Wheeljack. He must be one of the Autobots." Rey" You know the Autobots too?" Indy" I was exploring their ship that crash landed on earth. Both the autobots and Decepticons in that ship were lifeless. Until a volcanic eruption somehow put the Decepticons online and then autobots." Luke" But how did you get here?" Indy" I don't know. One minute I was knocked unconsious by a couple of idiots and then I was mysteriously transported to some futuristic military base occupied by the Autobots." Rey"D'quar" Luke gets a vision through the force and meditates on it for a moment. Luke" They didn't." Rey and Indy" What?" Luke" The autobots transfered Hans spirit into one of the transformable Xwings. Another project of the autobots. Han is now Skyfire it seems." Indy" what does this have to do with me?" Luke" Indy. You are in a way, Hans subconscious alter ego. When Han was frozen into carbonite. Han must have drifted into a dream state and his mind created you. But now when Hans spirit was transfered into the xwing. You must have manifested into Hans body and regenerated as a side effect." Indy" That's crazy. Hmm there's a piece of paper with writing on it. Could be a map."  Rey" What does it say?" Indy" I'll decipher now. Bah.  It's just a love letter from one of those idiots that attacked me." Luke and Rey crack up laughing. Luke" That was a good laugh. Anyhow we all better get some dinner and sleep. It's a big day tomorrow."
« Last Edit: December 04, 2021, 11:15:09 PM by Nosaj »

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2021, 11:04:34 PM »
   13th Installment!
Kylo Ren enters Snokes throne room. Hux is also in the room. Snoke" Tied on a string indeed. Well done Hux. We shall soon have the first order in our grasp." Hux" Thankyou supreme leader." Hux walks out as Kylo walks in. Snoke ask's about Kylo's wound and soon begins berrating Kylo Ren on his defeat at the hands of Rey. Snoke " Galvatron and his decepticon forces finally managed to wipeout his enemy Optimus Prime. But You... YOU FAILED! Skywalker lives. As long as he lives. Hope lives.  I had hoped you would be the one to snuff it out. Unless you are no Vader,  you are just a child in a mask. "    Kylo ren leaves the room and into a lift and leaves for his ship.
Back on Ahch-tu. Luke is training Rey in the ways of the force. Luke" You must consentrate Rey. Feel the force." Rey" I wont fail you. We will defeat the first order." Luke" That wont be easy with the Decepticons back in action. But Optimus Prime and the Autobots will handle them." Indy" I'm afraid Optimus Prime is dead. I believe Galvatron killed him. Ultra Magnus is now the new leader." Luke" Oh. Now I really need to train you up Rey. We need to be strong with the force to help Ultra Magnus. He is a great warrior and can lead. But not in the way Optimus Prime can. He will need our help." All of a sudden Rey gets a split second vision of a giant robotic planet moving through the galaxy. Rey" Master Skywalker. I just got a vision of a giant planet, that is.....alive." Indy" It's Unicron. The devourer of worlds. I had a visiom of him too back on earth." Luke meditates on this for a while. Luke" Oh no. Unicron is a far greater threat than both the Decepticons AND the First Order put together. He is not far from where the resistance fleet have gone, but he is hiding and waiting." Rey" For the resistance?" Luke" No. The decepticons, especially Galvatron and his troops Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps." 
The resistance come out of hyper space.  Leia demotes Poe for his dread naught plan. Finn is concered for Rey. Finn" We're really nowwhere. How is Rey going to find us now? A cloaked binary beacon?" Leia" To light her way home." Finn" But what about the Autobots?" Poe" Optimus Prime will find us using the matrix." Leia" No. I sense that Optimus Prime has been killed by Galvatron." Finn and Poe" What?" Finn"Who's going them now?" Leia" Ultra Magnus and he's going to need help." Poe" Then it's unlikely that they will find us." Leia" We have to find a new base." Larma D'acy" One with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies. scattered in the Outer Rim and the Autobots." Suddenly alarms flash."  Ackbar"Proximity alert."
The First Order fleet and the Decepticons ship emerge out of light speed. Resistance female soldier" They found us." Poe" Thats Impossible. It's Snokes ship and another much larger ship. You gotta be kidding me. Can we jump to light speed?" Kaydel Ko Konnix" We have enough for one jump." Poe" Then do it."  Leia" Wait they tracked us through light speed." Finn" Thats impossible." Leia" Yes. And they've done it. To make matters worse that larger ship is the Decepticons ship."  Finn" So if we jump to lightspeed... they'll just find us again, and we'll be out of fuel. They've got us."  Poe" Not yet. Permission to jump into an xwing and blow stuff up?" Leia" Permission granted." Poe and the crew prepare to face of with the first order. But the ties fighters have moved in for the attack and have destroyed some of the xwings. Finn" Are you alright?" Poe" We need to get out of range of those star destroyers." Ackbar" We need to what?" Leia" Get out of range of those star destroyers and the fighters will fall back." The bombing raids continue lead by Kylo Ren. 
On the bridge . Hux" Ren the resistance have pulled out, we can't cover you at this distance. Return to the fleet."  Kylo Ren flies over a resistance cruiser and is a bout to fire. But senses his mother Leia in the ship. He then removes his finger from the trigger. But 2 tie fighters come out from behind and blasting the bridge. Sending Leia flying out the window. She uses the force to return and is rescued by Poe and some crew members. She is placed on a stretcher and wheeled to a medical room.
On the bridge of the Snokes ship. Peavey" The resistance are out of our range.They can't lose us but they can keep at a distance where our cannons are ineffective against their shields. " Hux" Well keep up the barrage." Peavey" Very good sir. Oh it seems the Decepticons have rejoined us and the monitor is picking up something else." Hux" The Decepicons. Lets see what they want." Hux and Peavey send a transmission to the decepticons ship. Hux" This is Admiral Hux of the first order. What is your business?" On the Decepticon ship. Soundwave" Mighty Galvatron we have a message from the first order. It is Admiral Hux" Galvatron" Excellent Soundwave. Well Admiral Hux, I wish to speak with either Kylo Ren or Supreme leader Snoke." Hux" They are not available right now and we are in the middle of destroying the resistance. How about helping us out?" Galvatron" I made that mistake before with Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader. How will I know you wont betray us the way they did?"  Hux" If you wont help us? Then what is it you want then?" Galvatron" To find Vader and Palpatine of course. I have a score to settle with them both." Hux and Peavey shake their heads in disbelief. Peavey" Both Vader and the Emperor are dead and have been dead for a long time now." Hux" It's Just Snoke now and his apprentice Kylo Ren."   Galvatron is irritaed at this but calms down. Galvatron" Very well if they are dead then good. It's a pity it wasn't by my hand. The most important thing is that the Autobots are defeated. I have crushed Optimus Prime with my bare hands and the Matrix has been destroyed." Hux*sarcastic*" Well I'm glad thats one thing we don't have to worry about."
But both Hux and Galvatron had spoken too soon and are interrupted by a deep booming voice coming out of nowhere and the sudden appearance of a large bizarre looking planet with a huge hole in the centre and fang like horns on either side. Unicron" You are a fool Galvatron. The Matrix has not been destroyed, it has been passed to their new leader Ultramagnus." Hux, Peavey, the first order crew and all the Decepticons are all shocked and perplexed at this entity. Hux*wispering*" What is that?"   Peavey*trembling" Legend says it is the chaos bringer..The devourer of worlds...I I can't say his name." Galvatron becomes enraged. Galvatron" Who dares to call me a fool? I will vapourise you who ever you are." Before Galvatron can make a move he is instantly hit by waves of mental torture from Unicron similar to what Vader and the Emperor used to do. Unicron" Silence. I am Unicron your true master." The torture stops. Galvatron" What do You mean and how did you torture me the way the sith used to." Unicron" The Sith? You mean Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine? They have no such power. I was merely using my power through them." Galvatron" But they Kyber crystals." Unicron" That only helped maintain the illusion that it was the sith torturing you. But the fail safe, self destruction was their plan. I was the one who reformatted you and the other injured deceptions. Did you realy think these flesh creatures where capable of reformatting transformers like you? Vader only carried out basic repairs. But it seems the sith have 'driven you insane' I shall restore your mind so you can carry out my task." Unicron fires a healing frequency on Galvatron, restoring his mind and sanity." Galvatron" What is it that you want from me?" Unicron" Destroy the autobot matrix. It is the one thing. The only thing that can stand in my way. Find Ultramagnus and destroy him. The resistance will find a new base, the Autobots will follow. There you will find Ultramagnus."

« Last Edit: December 30, 2021, 11:06:07 PM by Nosaj »

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2022, 11:02:51 PM »
14th Installment!
Meanwhile the autobots are in space and trying to figure out where the resistance went to. Ultramagnus" It seems the resistance went into light speed in that sector. But we have no idea where they have ended up." Arcee" It seems the first order have also jumped into light speed in the same area." Springer" Almost as if they were following them." Hot Rod" Tracking through light speed? Even the decepticons don't have that technology." Preceptor checks the computer for any clues about the First Orders jump to light speed. He finds something. Preceptor" Unfortunatly your guess is correct. The first order have somehow tracked the resistance through light speed. It is rather new technology. Where the  resistance and the first order ended up is another problem. We have no way of finding them." Ultramagnus" Maybe the matrix can help. But it's closed to me at the moment."  Bumble Bee" Prime did say an autobot will use the matrix to light our darkest hour and don't forget Rey is going to find Luke and bring him back. He'll find Leia and the resistance through the force." Springer" Thats if she makes it back and if Luke comes back too." BumbleBee" He will when he realises Optimus Prime is gone." Hotrod" Where is Luke and Rey anyhow?" Bumblebee" On Ahch-tu. Why?" Hotrod" Why don't we go there then and find Rey and Luke? Since we downloaded a copy of the map. Then we can all regroup with the resistance. Besides how do we know some of the decepticons aren't there either?" Ultramagnus" Hotrod. That is a great idea. Autobots set course for Ahch-tu."    The Autobots head for Ahch-tu.
Meanwhile Luke has finished training Rey for the day as well as passing on knowledge of the jedi. Rey goes to her hut and gets a vision of Kyloren through the force.  Rey" You're going to pay for what you did. I have beaten you to Skywalker. You have lost." Kylo" I can't see your surroundings only you.  Can You see mine?" The conversation goes back and forth with Rey and Kylo. In another hut Luke is also mediating when he see's the force ghost of his father Anakin. Anakin" Luke. Your training with Rey is going well. But she has many challenges to face, including herself. You must be there and guide her. Only together can you defeat Snoke and Kyloren and bring peace to the galaxy."  Luke" Yes father. Can Kyloren be turned as you were turned father." Anakin" It is hard to say. Rey is in contact with him through the force. She may turn him to the light side. But he could also turn Rey to the dark side. So you have to be extremly careful with this one." Luke" We still have the decepticons to worry about, even if we defeat the first order." Anakin" Yes and now Unicron has returned. He is the one who turned Megatron into Galvatron along with the other troops. I only did basic repairs and polishing really. He also used the Emperor and myself to torture Galvatron." Luke" Everyone thought it was you and the Emperor." Anakin" Thats what Unicron wanted. He wants to be thought of as a myth. At least until the Autobot Matrix is destroyed. It's the only thing that can destroy him." Luke" Which has been passed to Ultramagnus after Prime was killed." Anakin" Correct. Let me explain our involvment with Unicron."
A flash back on corruscant at the imperial palace shortly after Vader returns following the destruction of the 1st death star. Palpatine and Vader are outside on a balcony over looking the city. All of a sudden there is a violent tremor and a monster planet appears, with it's mouth open ready to devour corruscant. Vader" What is that master?" Palpatine" It planet that seems to be alive. We could destory it if we hadn't lost the death star,because of you Lord Vader." A deep voice suddenly booms. Unicron" Darth Sideous and Darth Vader silence." Palpatine" Who are you, What are you?" Unicron" I am  Unicron  and this is my command, you are to assist in destroying the autobot matrix of leader ship. It is the one thing, the only thing that can stand in my way."   Palpatine" How can we do that and why should we?" Vader" We don't even know what an autobot matrix is or what an autobot is." Emperor Palpatine blast Unicron with force lightening. But it has no more impact than a mosquito bite. Unicron" That barely charges my life support systems. You soon will know who the Autobots are. Shortly will come into contact with their enemies, the Decepticons, led by Megatron. The autobots wont be far behind. You must ensure that Megatron kills Optimus prime, the bearer of the matrix as well as the matrix itself. Should Megatron be defeated by Prime. You will bring him to me and any other injured Decepticons. Then I will turn them into my own minions, who you can also control." Palpatine" And if we don't?" Unicron fires mental torture on the sith for a moment. Unicron" Then I will devour your planet of corruscant and all other star systems." The sith reluctantly agree. 
Back to Ahch-tu. Luke" I never knew that before. Unicron is more powerful than the sith?" Anakin" Unicron is a much larger threat than both the First order, Sith and Decepticons put together. But remember, an Autobot will use the power of the matrix to defeat Unicron." Meanwhile in space the first order a firing at the resistance and manage to destroy a couple of ships. Inside the main cruiser Finn grabs Leia's Binary beacon ring that fell of her finger. Finn goes to find an escape pod to find Rey. But Finn senses through the force that the Autobots are on the way to Ahch-tu to find Rey and Luke, as he is also force sensitive. He returns to the bridge to find Poe. Leia is still unconscious but recovering. Vice Admiral Holdo takes Leia's place as general. Poe approaches Admiral Holdo. Poe" Commander Dameron. With our current fuel consumption... there is a very limited amount time... That we will stay out of range of those Star Destroyers. At least until the Autobots find us."  Holdo*condescending* " Very kind to make me aware." Poe" Let's get me those fuel projections. And we need to shake them before we find a new base, so... What's our plan?" Holdo" Our plan, captain? Not commander, right? Wasn't it Leia's last official act to demote you? Because of your dreadnought plan... Where we lost our entire bombing fleet?" Poe" "Captain." "Commander." You can call me whatever you like. I just want to know what's going on." Holdo" Of course you do. I understand. I've dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you... You are impulsive. Dangerous. And the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post... and follow my orders."  Finn has found Poe. Finn" What did I miss?" Poe" Vice Admiral Holdo has taken Leia's place in the chain of command until Leia recovers. So far we have no plan and the Autobots are yrt to find us." Finn" The Autobots are on their way to Ahch-tu to find Rey and Luke." Poe" How do you know that?"  Finn" A feeling." Poe" A feeling?" Finn" Yes, I think it's through the force and there is something else out there as well as the first order." Poe" Yeah, the Decepticons and that makes it's 100 times worse." Finn" No. It's something else."
On the bridge of Snokes ship. Peavey" The resistance ships are low on fuel. They wont last much longer." Hux" If they weren't so far away we could wipe them out. The Decepticons could easily send their jets to wipe them out. But they wont." A commscreen activates and Galvatron appears. Galvatron" No. I need the Resistance alive at least until the Autobots find them. Then we can wipe them all out. Along with the Autobot matrix of leadership."   Kyloren enters the bridge. Kylo" Once we find Skywalker and kill him the Resistance will burn out. Rey will come to seek me out and I will bring her to Snoke. Then she will take us to Skywalker."


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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2022, 11:16:19 PM »
15th Installment!
Resistance ships keep getting decimated by the first order one by one. In the bridge of the resistance main cruiser.  Admiral Holdo: What was that?" Kaydel Ko Connix: "Nothing, Admiral." In another part of the cruiser. Finn" We only have 18 hours of fuel left." C3PO" If only the autobots were here." Poe" I know. Where are they?"
In another part of space the Autobot ship is nearing Ahch-tu. Omega supremes rocket form is magnetically attached to the Autobot ship to help him save energy.  Omega" We are nearing Ahch-tu now." Utramagnus" Good. We when we find Luke and Rey. We can regroup with the rest of the resistance." Preceptor" We better hurry. The resistance wont last long against the first order, especialy if the Decepticons are near by."
On Ahch-tu. Rey is in the falcon with Chewbacca and Indiana. Rey " Still can't reach the Resistance or the Autobots? Keep at it. If you get through, check their status. And ask about Finn." Rey leaves the falcon and steps outside. Indy looks to Chewbacca. Indy" We need to get to the autobots as soon as we can. I need to warn them about Unicron." Rey see's Kylo ren via the force. Kylo Ren" Why is the Force connecting us? You and I." Rey" Murderous snake. You're too late. You lost. I found Skywalker." Kylo Ren" Did he tell you what happened? The night I destroyed his temple, did he tell you why? Rey" I know everything I need to know about you. Kylo Ren" You do? Ah, you do. You have that look in your eyes. From the forest. When you called me a monster." Rey" You are a monster." Kylo Ren" Yes, I am." The converstaion continues until Kylo Ren gets his side of the sotry out and Rey begins to see good in him. Rey then confronts Luke and the 2 battle. Rey defeats Luke and Luke finally confesses the truth. Rey" There is still light in him. If he can be turned to the light side. This is how we will win." Luke" Don't do this Rey. This is not going to go the way you think." But Rey refuses to give up. Moments later she leaves on the Falcon withChewbacca and R2. Indy stays behind with Han. Indy" Now what are we going to do." But as soon as the falcon leaves, the Autobot ship appears. Skyfire and the Aerialbots exit the ship and descend to the planet to greet Luke and Indy.  Luke" It's the autobots. They'll take us back to the resistance Indy." Skyfire and the Aerialbots land and then transform into robot mode. Skyfire" Hey Luke. Long time no see." Luke" Is that really you Han?" Skyfire" Yes it is Luke. But the name is now Skyfire. *to Indy* and who is that? He seems familiar." Slingshot" Yeah. He appeared at the base just before we were attacked by the Decepticons. Then he went into the turdis and vanished." Skydive" So this is where  the turdis took you." Air Raid" A time machine that takes you to other planets?" Slingshot" It was made by Wheeljack. What did you expect?" Luke" Well. Indiana Jones here is a manifestation of Hans subconsious." Skyfire" It must be a side effect of my spirit being transfered into this body." Silverbolt" That makes sense. It was an experiment and noone knew what was going to happen. Anyhow we need to get back to the Autobot ship and regroup with the Resistance. Where's Rey? She has the beacon and without that we can't find Leia and the Resistance." Luke" Rey took off with Chewie and R2. She is going to face Kylo Ren and try and turn him to the light side."  Slingshot" Good luck to her. Now we'll never find the resistance fleet." Luke" I can find Leia through the force, now we need to get going." Indy" Agreed. I need to speak to Ultra Magnus about Unicron." Fireflight" Unicron is a myth."  Silverbolt" We'll debate over this later." Skyfire and the Aerialbots transform into jet modes. Luke and Indy board Silverbolt and all six jets take off for the Autobot ship. Where Luke tries to find Leia through the force. Luke makes contact with Leia and finds she is unconscious. Luke" Ultramagnus. I have contact with Leia. She and the resistance are near the mineral planet crait. Theres an old rebel base there. I sense they are heading there." Ultramagnus" Then thats where we must go. Autobots and Omega set course for Crait."
Meanwhile on the bridge of snokes ship. Peavey" The main cruiser's still keeping beyond range. But their medical frigate is out of fuel and its shields are down." Hux" Destroy it." The resistance medical frigate is blasted. Medical Frigate Pilot" The last of our crew has been evacuated and heading your way. It's been an honor, Admiral. Godspeed, Rebels!!!" On the command bridge of the resistance cruiser. Kaydel Ko Konnix" Admiral, fuel reserves at six hours." Holdo "Maintain our current course. Steady on." On snokes ship. Peavey" It's  just their main cruiser now." Hux" And their fuel reserves?" Peavey" by our calculations..... critical." On the decepticon ship Galvatron becomes anxious. Galvatron" They had better hold out until the Autobots arrive. I must destroy the Matrix." Snoke from his quarters personally responds to Galvatron. Snoke" Be patient Galvatron. The Autobots are not far now."   
Back on the resistance cruiser. Poe is getting frustrated and barges onto the bridge. Larma D'acy" Lets not have a scene." Poe" No lets. Holdo? "  Larma" You are not alowed in here." Holdo" Fly boy." Poe" Cut it lady. We had a fleet, now we're down to one ship and the Autobots are still trying to find us. Tell me that we have a plan. That there is hope." Holdo gives her speach about hope being like the sun. Poe notices  the transports being fueled up. Poe is shortly removed from the bridge after blasting Holdo. Finn" Whats happening?" Poe" Holdo is getting everyone to abandon ship. The transports are being fueled up. Any luck finding the Autobots?" Finn" I feel something through the force. The Autobots  have found us and are on their way." C3PO" That is good news."
Inside the falcon. Rey gets into an escape pod with her light sabre. The pod ejects and heads for Snokes ship, while Chewbacca takes the falcon disappears out of sight and waits for Reys signal on where to rendezvous. Rey lands in the hanger and is arrested by Kyloren and a storm trooper. On the resistance cruiser. Poe and Finn return to the bridge and inform Holdo on the Autobots. Holdo" We still don't know how long it's going to take for the Autobots to get here. We still need to abandon ship." Before Poe can respond, Leia enters the bridge having regained consciousness. Leia" I know the Autobots are near and Luke is with them.  But will still have to get to the transports and abandon ship." Everyone boards the transports except for Holdo who stays behind to pilot the cruiser, distracting the first  order.
Meanwhile Kyloren takes Rey to Snokes thrown room. They stand before Snoke. Snoke" Well done, my good and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored. Young Rey. Welcome." Snoke continues his speech. Rey" You underestimate Skywalker, and Ben Solo, and me. It will be your downfall." Snoke"Oh.... have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice. Is that why you came? Young fool. It was I who bridged your minds. I stoked Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you. And you were not wise enough to resist the bait. And now,you will give me Skywalker. Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke." Rey" No." Snoke uses the force to suspend Rey in the air and read her mind, torturing her in the process. Kyloren looks on in dread. The resistance transports are nearing crait. Leia leads Poe and Finn to a window. Leia" The mineral planet, Crait. An uncharted hideout from the days of the Rebellion." Poe"That's a Rebel base?" Larma" Abandoned, but heavily armored with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim." Leia" Holdo knew the First Order was tracking our big ship. They're not monitoring for little transports." Poe" So we could slip down to the surface unnoticed and hide till the Autobots arrive and rejoin us. That could work." On the main cruiser Holdo watches  the ships travel to crait. Holdo" God speed rebels."
On the Decepticon ship soundwave is scanning the resistance cruiser. Soundwave" Attention Galvatron. Several smaller ships have launched from the cruiser towards a mineral planet." Galvatron" Good Soundwave. Inform the first order, so they make sure the resistance is on that planet. Then we will go to crait and wait for the Autobots to arrive." Soundwave contacts Hux and informs him of the transports. Hux" Thankyou Soundwave. * to the officers* Fire at will. But don't wipe out all the transports. Galvatron wants a few alive, until the Autobots arrive." The first order begin firing on the transports destroying some of the ships. Pilot" Admiral, we're taking fire! Do we turn around?!"  Holdo" No, you're too far out. Full speed to planetfall. Full speed!"

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2022, 10:44:06 PM »
16th Installment!
In the throne room. Snoke is finished probing Rey and brings her back to the ground. Snoke" I didn't expect Skywalker to be so wise. We will give him and the Jedi Order the death he desires. After the Rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island." Rey tries to force recall her light sabre. But Snoke ends up taking it also through force recall. Snoke" Such spunk. Look here now." Snoke through the force thrusts Rey to a window. She see's the transports being blasted. Snoke " The entire Resistance on those transports. Soon they will all be gone. For you, all is lost." Rey gets angry and force recalls Kylorens light sabre and charges at snoke. But snoke again over powers her. Snoke" Ooh. And still that fiery spit of hope. You have the spirit of a true Jedi! And because of that, you must die." Snoke through the force holds Rey in position. She cannot move. Kylo Ren looks to his light sabre. Snoke" My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader. Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve. Where there was weakness,strength. Complete your training, and fulfill your destiny." KyloRen" I know what I have to do." Rey" Ben. Kyloren picks up his light sabre and aims it at Rey. Snoke" You think you can turn him? Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true." Kyloren uses the force to turn Lukes light sabre on snokes throne to face Snokes waist. Snoke"And now, foolish child, he ignites it, and kills his true enemy!"  Kyloren ignites Lukes light sabre and uses force recall to bring it to him. Cutting Snoke in half, killing him and freeing Rey. Rey grabs the light sabre and both Rey and Kylo Ren fight the guards and defeat them.
Meanwhile the autobots have arrived at crait and are about to enter the atmosphere. Luke" There it is. We will have to activate the cloaking device so the first order and the decepticons to pick up on us." Bumblebee" Good idea. If they know we're on crait. Galvatron wont need the resistance." Ultramagnus" Then resistance will be destroyed. Springer, activate cloaking device. You too Omega." The autobots land near the old rebel base. Everyone enters into the base. Luke" We got to get everything up and running, while we wait for the resistance, Rey, chewie and R2." Bumblebee" Followed by the first order and the decepticons." Luke" Thats what we need to prepare for." Luke, Indy and the Autobots get to work bringing the rebel base online and prepared for battle. The Autobots are also re-energising and First aid carry's out repairs  on any damaged autobots.
In space Holdo stears the cruiser towards snokes ship. In Snokes throne room Rey tries to persuade Kylo ren to come with her. But Kyloren is trying to persuade Rey to join him and that they  rule together.  Kylo ren" It's time to let old things die. Snoke,Skywalker. The Sith, the Jedi, the Rebels.... let it all die. Rey. I want you to join me. We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy." Rey" Don't do this, Ben. Please don't go this way." Kylo ren" No, no. You're still holding on! Let go! Do you wanna know the truth about your parents? Or have you always known? And you've just hidden it away. You know the truth. Say it. Say it. Rey" They were nobody." Kylo ren" They were filthy junk traders who sold you off for drinking money. They're dead in a paupers' grave in the Jakku desert. You have no place in this story. You come from nothing. You're nothing. But not to me. Join me. Please." Rey looks to Lukes light sabre and attempts to take it using force recall. Kylo ren does the same. Both Rey and Kyloren are having a force tug of war with the light sabre. 
In space Holdo's cruiser is preparing to jump into hyperspace will facing Snokes ship. First order officer" Sir, the Resistance cruiser's preparing to jump to lightspeed.  Hux" It's empty. They're just trying to pull our attention away. Pathetic. Keep your fire on the transports." In the transport. Kaydel Ko Connix" She's running away." Poe" No, she isn't." The cruiser is now facing snokes ship and about to jump into light speed. Peavey looks on in horror. Peavey" No." Meanwhile the tug of war between Rey and Kylo ren for Lukes lightsabre, results in the light sabre being split in two. Finally The cruiser crashes into Snokes ship. Splitting it in half and the cruiser itself exploding. An escape ship flies away.
Kylo ren and Hux in in what's left of Snokes throne room. Hux" What happened?" Kyloren" The girl murdered snoke... What happened?" Hux" She took Snokes escape craft." Kyloren" We know where she's going. Get all our forces down to that Resistance base. The Decepticons are already on their way. Let's join them and finish this." Hux" Finish this? Who do you think you're talking to? You presumed to command my army?! Our Supreme Leader is dead! We have no ruler! And Galvatron only wants the Autobot matrix." Kyloren force chokes Hux. Kyloren" The supreme leader is dead." Hux" Long live the supreme leader." 
The resistance have finally arrived at the rebel base on crait and regrouped with Luke Skywalker and the Autobots. Tie fighters are chasing smaller resistance ships. Luke and Leia hug. Luke" Is this all thats left of the resistance?" Leia" I'm afraid so. But I'm glad you are here." The Autobots and the resistance get ready for battle as the First order walkers and Kylo rens ship land near the base. All the Decepticons also touch down. Poe" This is it." Finn" We need to send a distress call to the outer rim." Leia" Use my personal code. If there are any allies to the Resistance, it's now or never." Poe" Rose, what do you got? Rose" Rotting munitions, rusted artillery, some half-gutted skim speeders."  Galvatron and Cyclonus advance on the base.  Ultramagnus makes his way outside of the base. Ultramagnus" Shut down the door when I get outside. I'll try and unleash the power of the matrix. It might buy us sometime. Autobots stay with the resistance." Ultramagnus stand outside the base as the door closes behind him. The Autobots and resistance watch on a monitor as Galvatron advances. The first order set up a laser battering canon. Kyloren" Fire on the base." Hux" Not yet. Galvatron is facing off with Ultramagnus. He is about to destroy the matrix." Ultramagnus grabs hold of the matrix and trys to open it but fails. Magnus" Damnit open. Prime you said the matrix would light our darkest hour." Galvatron" Magnus. I want the matrix." Ultramagnus" NEVER!" Galvatron" Sweeps exterminate him." Just then the sweeps come flying out of nowhere and blast Ultramagnus. He explodes into peices and Galvatron grabs hold of the Matrix. Galvatron contacts Hux and Kyloren. Galvatron" Kylo Ren, Hux. I have the Matrix, do what you will with the resistance. *ends transmission with KYlorens ship* Decepticons destroy the Autobots.*looks to the matrix in his hand and mutters* Unicron my master. With this I shall make you my slave."  Kylo ren and Hux look at one another with a wtf expression after hearing Galvatrons plan with the Matrix.
But unknown to everyone on crait. Unicron has arrived, is now orbiting the mineral planet and very unhappy with Galvatrons treachery.     

« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 10:52:24 PM by Nosaj »

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2022, 08:00:22 AM »
            17th Installment!
Springer and Arcee retrieve the remains of Ultramagnus and return to the base. Springer" This is whats left of Ultramagnus." Arcee" First Prime and now Ultramagnus. What will we do?" Hotrod" With out the matrix there is no hope." Luke" You are forgetting the force and Ultramagnus isn't gone. He is in stassis lock, he only needs to be put back together. With some energon wax." Bumblee" We don't have much time for that." Poe and Finn are observing the First Order and the decepticons outside. Poe" He is right, they are advancing." Finn" and the constructicons have just formed Devastator." Leia" what about the stunticons." Finn" No. They're still in individual robot form. Strange thing is a space shuttle just took off to the sky with Galvatron." Leia" It's Astrotrain." Luke" He's taking him to Unicron. I don't know what he's planning but we gotta repair and revive Ultramagnus." Poe" We can't we have to fight. The first order and the decepticons will slaughter us." Hotrod" We don't have a leader until Magnus is revived." Leia looks to Skyfire. Skyfire reads Leia's thoughts. Skyfire" When I was Han Solo. I was a general in the rebellion. I led the mission to destroy the sheild generators. I helped Luke, destroy the first death star. I have endured many tough situations and almost lost my life countless times. Although I have become the Autobot Skyfire. I am still Han Solo.  I can command the Autobots until Ultramagnus is revived." C3PO" My goodness. Han solo as an Autobot leader." Skyfire" Only until Magnus comes back." Poe" What are we waiting for then? " Leia calls everyone to attention. Leia" This is the plan. Han/ Skyfire will lead the autobots to fight the decepticons. Poe will lead the resistance to fight the first order." Finn" Using those rusted speeders." Poe" It's all we got." Leia looks on Finn and Poe in a stern manner. Leia" May I finish? First aid and Preceptor will repair Ultramagnus." Luke" I'll give them a hand." Hotspot" The rest of the protectobots and myself will stand guard." Poe and Skyfire look at one another. Poe" Lets do this."
The ground forces prepare to face the resistance. Poe,Finn, rose and a few other soldiers fly out on the rusted dinky speeders. War breaks out. Ground cannons are firing and walker cannons are firing. Tie fighters come out of nowhere and fire at the speeders. The decepticons look on. Scourge" Look at those flesh creatures and their rusted out piles of junk." Sweep1" Lets blast em." Sweep2"  The first order is only going to wipe them all out. why don't  we take out the first order instead?" Cyclonus" Whats the point? The supreme leader is dead and the other 2 aren't even worth the trouble. Besides Kyloren is the only darkside user and if he is anything like his grandfather Vader. He'll turn to the light side. Then the rest of the first order will be easy to over power. No. Save your energy for the Autobots." Back in the rebel base Luke,Preceptor and First aid get to work on repairing Ultramagnus. Meanwhile in space. Galvatron is with Unicron while Astrotrain heads back to crait. Galvatron" Unicron. See this* Holding up the matrix* see this. The matrix. I have the one thing you most fear. You will do my bidding or taste my wrath." Galvatron tries to open the matrix to give Unicron a taste of it's power. But he has the same luck with it as Ultramagnus. Unicron becomes enraged and begins to slowly transform from a planet to a colossal giant robot. Unicron" You under estimate me Galavtron. Now you will suffer for this moment of treachery. I will destroy this entire galaxy. Starting with that mineral planet below. I will tear it and everyone on it to peices." Unicron flies to crait. Galvatron" Nooooooo."
The battle on crait intensifies. The resistance against the first order. Autobots save for preceptor,Hot rod and the protectobots against the Decepticons. Scourge" The Autobots are fighting without a leader?" Skyfire swoops over Scourge. Skyfire" Wrong. I'm taking command.....for now!"  Cyclonus" Hmm. You look like one of those rebel ships and you sound like that flesh creature Han Solo." Skyfire shoots straight in the sky, turns 180 degrees and flies towards Cyclonus while firing at him. Skyfire" Thats because I AM Han Solo. Just in a new autobot body." Cyclonus" *returns fire* Impossible". Omega supreme is fighting Devastator and keeping him away from the rebel base. Poe,Finn, Rose and the crew are nearing the cannon, but are being swarmed by tie fighters. But the falcon appears and Rey shoots all the tie fighters down. Poe and Finn cheer on. Kylo Ren looks out of his window in anger. Kylo" Blow that piece of junk out of the sky." Tie fighters chase the falcon. The falcon goes for cover behind the base and near the mountains. Ramjet and Dirge look on and decide to chase the falcon as well. Dirge" Lets see if the falcon and the crew can handle the fire power of the decepticons." Ramjet" Right. We will BLOW that piece of junk OUT of the sky.
In the falcon alarms are sounding. Chewie howls. Rey" Chewie, those two jets are not the first order. They are Decepticons. We have to lose them." Simultaiously Wild Rider and Dragstrip observe the speeders driven by Poe and Finn. Wildrider" I wanna bust those flesh creatures up." Dragstrip" Then lets transform." Both stunticons transform into car mode and charge straight for Poe and his friends. Poe" The Autobots have come to help us. Man they are fast." Finn" Thats the stunticons Poe. They will kill us." But Slingshot and Air raid swoop down and knock Wildrider and Dragstrip away from the rebel speeders.  Slingshot" Not if we can help it." Silverbolt" Good work guys. But Rey is also in trouble." Skydive" Say no more. Fire flight and I are on it." Back in the rebel base Ultramagnus has been put back together and awakens. Luke" He's alive." Ultramagnus" What happened.?" Hotspot" There's a massive battle outside." Firstaid" Do you still have the matrix?" Magnus" It's gone." Luke" I sense Galvatron has it." Hotrod" Then we must find Galvatron." Luke" He's with Unicron and he is coming to here to destroy.....everyone and everything." Hotrod" then we have to stop him." Ultramagnus" Agreed. Autobots transform and roll out." Magnus, Hotrod and the protectobots transform into vehicle mode. Luke climbs into the cabin of Ultramagnus and they move outside. They face the decpeticons. Luke gets out of Ultramagnus's cab. Magnus,Hotrod and the Protectobots transform to robot mode again and start fighting. Skyfire" Hey looks who's back." Cyclonus" Ah. You're alive Magnus. But not for long." Cyclonus and Ultramagnus begin exchanging fire power and eventualy blows. Kyloren observes from his ship. Kylo" Lower me down." Hux" Supreme Leader. don't get distracted." Kylo force pushes Hux. First Order officer" Right away." Kylo Ren is lowered to face Luke. Kyloren" Have you come to forgive me? To save my soul?" Luke" I will try. I know there is still good in you." Kylo" Ben Solo is dead. He was weak and I destroyed him. Now I will destroy You." Both Luke and Kylo ignight their light sabre and begin their duel admist the intertwined  battle of the Resistance,first order military, autobots and decepticons. Luke" I have failed You Ben and I'm sorry." Kyloren" I'm sure you are. When I kill you. I will kill the last jedi and the resistance is dead." Luke" Amazing everything you said was...." Before Luke could finish his sentence a sudden earth quack caused by Unicron ripping into crait near the rebel base with his hand shakes both Luke and Kylo. Luke" Force earthquakes Ben?" Kyloren is suddenly in fear and shock. Kylo" That wasn't me. I thought it was you." Luke" Well it wasn't. What other Jedi or Dark jedi would have that power?"  Hotrod" *interupts Ben and Luke* It was either of you. Look over there." Hotrod points to the left sied of the rebel base to Unicron who is tearing up the planet as well as some of the base. Galvatron has already been swallowed by Unicron for a fultile attempt at resisting. Luke and Kyloren look on in total shock at the Mega colossal robot. Luke" It's Unicron." Kyloren" I know. Galvaron tried to use the Autobot Matrix of leadership to enslave him." Luke" He appears to have failed and Unicron is furious about it." Kyloren" He could destroy us all. The resistance, first order, Autobots, Decepticons all of it." Luke" We all have to stop fighting and join together." Cyclonus" For once we agree flesh creature." Ultramagnus and Cyclonus stop fighting. Ultramagnus" Cyclonus order all Decepticons to stop fighting and regroup here. I'll do the same with the Autobots." Luke" I'll contact Leia and inform her of whats happening." Kyloren radios his ship. Kyloren" This is an order from the supreme leader. all of the first order must stand down at once. We have a bigger threat. One that will destroy us all."
Meanwhile the falcon is still being chased by Dirge and Ramjet. Chewbacca keeps howling  Rey" We have to keep trying Chewie." Just as Rey finishes. Skydive and fireflight appear. Skydive" Dirge, Ramjet your pilots licences have just expired." The aerial bots fire on the decepticons.  Dirge and Ramjet turn from the falcon and confront the 2 aerial bots. Ramjet" Aerialbot scum. You will die for that." Ramjet is about to fire when all of a sudden Cyclonus calls him and Dirge back to regroup. Ultramagnus also calls the Aerialbots back too regroup. In the falcon. Rey" I wonder whats going on Chewie." R2D2 beeps. Rey" They've been called back? What for? We better find out." The falcon turns around and follows the Aerialbots and Decepticon jets.   

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2022, 10:45:12 PM »
            18th Installment!   
The Falcon flies towards the rebel base. Rey, Chewbacca and R2D2 see the first order, the resistance, the Autobots and Decepticons all in the one place, but no fighting. All of a sudden all 3 are shocked to see the colossal giant Unicron tearing up craits surface and part of the rebel base. The Falcon receives a radio transmission from Leia. Leia"Rey, Chewie." Rey" Leia? Is that giant monster Unicron?"  Leia" Yes it is. The resistance,First order, Autobots and Decepticons have all stopped fighting and are working out a strategy to defeat Unicron. Luke and Indiana Jones are with them. Land the falcon in a safe place near the Rebel base. Away from Unicron and do not fight Unicron it's too dangerous."
Near the rebel base. Luke, Kyloren,Cyclonus and Ultramagnus are disgussing a strategy to fight Unicron. Cyclonus" So what's our best method of attack then? We are all in this now together." Ultramagnus" The matrix would help. But unfortunatly Galvatron has it and he is somewhere inside of Unicron."  Indy" How are we even going to put a dent in him?" Luke looks at the First order battering cannon. Luke" Ben. How powerful is that cannon?" Kyloren" It is Miniaturized Death Star tech. It was inteneded to blow a hole through that door of the rebel base." Luke" But now we could use it to blow a hole in Unicron. A few blasts could easily destroy him." Ultramagnus" That just might work." Kyloren" That thing is heavy. There is no way you can even aim it at Unicron. Even with all the Autobots and Decepticons." Cyclonus" He is right. Lifting that cannon and moving it around to aim at Unicron would be very difficult and how do you know if it is even going to work Skywalker?" Luke" Well. Cyclonus. I WAS the one who destroyed the first Death Star with nothing more than proton torpedos." Cyclonus" Yes. Well according to OUR research on the first Death star. There was already a flaw in it's design, allowing it to be destroyed easily. Whoever designed that weapon was either incompetent or a traitor to the Empire." The protectobots step up to the discussion. Hotspot" I think we may have a solution. Motor Master, Scrapper and Silverbolt. How about we all combine into our Gestalt forms and see if we can aim that cannon at Unicron." Scrapper" Agreed." Silverbolt" Great idea Hotspot. Omega Supreme we might need your help too. ", Motor Master" Lets do it. Stunticons Unite." The Stunticons combine into Menasor, The Constructicons form Devastator, Aerial Bots into Superion and the Protectobots into Defensor.  All 4 gestalts move over to the cannon. Each taking one side. Menasor on the front left, Devastator front right, Defensor on rear left and  Superion rear right. They all begin to lift the cannon and raise it above their shoulders. They slowly and careful manoeuvre the cannon to face Unicron. Devastator" Cannon in position. Fire." Kyloren gives the order to fire. The cannon begins to shake as the laser begins to heat up to critical temperature. It becomes unstable. Defensor" Omega. We need you." Omega rushes up and grabs the middle of the cannon, helping to stabelise it as it blasts a powerful distructive burst of energy at Unicron. The 5 giant robots put down the cannon and everyone watches as Unicron takes the powerful blast. Scourge" We got him." Ultramagnus" No we havn't. But we have made a massive hole." Kyloren" Lets blast again." Indy" I think we might need another tactic. Even the combined gesalts are not going to hold out much longer with that cannon." Skyfire" He's right. That cannon is too powerful even for them and besides look at the hole it's created. Time for another strategy."  The gestalt combiners seperate back into their combiner teams. Indy" I might have another idea. When I was studying the Autobots and Decepticons when they were deactivated in their crashed ship. I noticed something kinda glowing in one of the transformers chest cavity. Not sure what it was." First aid" It's the spark chamber. As long as it's intact and not damaged in anyway. Us transformers can survive any form of damage." Luke" Then thats what we do. Find Unicrons spark chamber and destroy it." Kyloren" How do we do that?" Silverbolt" We have to find it first." First aid" Thats easy it's in his chest cavity." Scrapper" The constructicons have a little device to help locate spark chambers.  We'll find it and destroy it." Wildrider" I just wanna get in there and tear stuff up." Slingshot" We can do that too." Ultramagnus" I believe we have a plan. Protectobots. You will go with the Constructicons to find and destroy Unicrons spark chamber. Aerialbots you will go with the stunticons and create as much damage as you can inside Unicron. Omega Supreme You will transport the combiner teams into Unicron via the hole we blasted." Omega" I will not take the Constructicons or the Stunticons." Magnus" I know how you feel about the constructicons, but.." Cyclonus" Astrotrain will take the Constructicons and Stunticons." Astrotrain" As you command." Cylonus" the rest of us will keep Unicron distracted with fire power." Luke" It's settled then. May the force be with you all."  The stunticons and constructicons board astrotrain. While the Aerialbots and Protectobots board Omega supreme. Hotrod in vehicle mode comes speeding past everyone and into Omega supreme. Ultramagnus" Hotrod. What are you doing? Get back here." Hotrod" I've got to find Galvatron and get the matrix. It's our only hope. I can feel it." Ultramagnus" You'll get yourself killed." But it's too late everyone has boarded Omega Supreme and he takes off, along with Astrotrain. Ultramagnus facepalsm and shakes his head. Magnus" He is so reckless. One of these days he's going to get himself killed." Luke" I wouldn't worry about it too much. Yoda said the samething about me when I started training with him and Rey is just as bad as both of us. She recently took of to face Snoke and try to turn Ben to the light side. Speaking of which." Luke looks to the first order to see they and Kyloren are busy distracting Unicron with the rest of the Autobots and Decepticons. Luke moves out of view of ren and contacts Leia.
Leia" Luke. Are you alright." Luke" Yes. Everyone is fighting Unicron at the moment. The first Order,Autobots and Decepticons. We have  a plan to take him down. But I need you to order everyone in the resistance to get to safety and stay there. Until we have defeated Unicron. I hope." Leia" Rey has just landed the falcon near the base. We will all go to the falcon and fly to a safer part of the planet and wait for your signal." Luke" The Autobots will find the falcon. I can't rejoin you Leia. I must face Ben, but I can't turn him." Leia" I understand. May the force be with you Luke." Finn and Poe are fighting near Luke. Luke" Finn, Poe. You need to go back to base with Leia." Finn" No. We can't leave you here. We're fighting with you." Luke" You can't. The first order, The decepticons and the Autobots are well armed with plenty of weapons. The Resistance is no where near equipped to take on Unicron. He is too powerful." Poe" Listen to him Finn. We have no weapons. Our blasters are nothing compared to Unicron." Luke" The combiner teams and Omega supreme already used that cannon to try and blast Unicron. But even all that wasn't enough." Finn" You mean the battering cannon???" Luke" Yes." Finn" Oh. Thats bad. Thats really bad. all the more reason for us to stay with You." Luke" NO. Finn listen. You, Poe and Rey are the future of the rebellion. You all need each other. You are the flame that will burn the first order down and I need to buy you guys time to escape. I must face Ben" Poe" He is right Finn. We have to go now." Finn and Poe leave to rejoin Leia, Rey and the rest of the resistance. Luke" May the force  be with you.*turns to Ultramagnus* I am sorry. But the resistance/rebellion needs to survive." Ultramagnus" Yes they do and you are right. They don't have enough weapons to fight right now. You did the right thing." Leia, Poe,Finn, Rose,BB8, C3PO, and the rest of the resistance make their way to the back caverns towards the Falcon. But it is blocked by boulders. Rey uses the force to lift the boulders and everyone heads to the Falcon. Rey and Finn embrace. Rey" Where's Luke?" Finn" He's with the Autobots who are fighting Unicron."
Back on the battle field. Autobots, Decepticons and first order walkers are firing at Unicron. But it's futile. Luke" If I had my xwing. I would be there." Magnus" You can use the transformable one." Luke" Magnus. I hate using Wheeljacks inventions. It's always hit and miss." Skyfire" Not realy a good time for that." Skyfire takes off, transforms into plane mode and fire's at Unicron.  Unicron fires laser blasts from his eyes at the Decepticon jets and the Autobots. He hits Skyfire and Skyfire explodes, before crashing to the ground in peices. Luke" Han. Now he is gone." Indiana Jones who was standing beside Luke collapses to the ground and begins to fade away into nothing. Luke" Indy couldn't survive without Han. Because he is part of Han." Leia, Rey and Finn feel the passing of Han and grieve. Meanwhile the Stunticons, Aerialbots and Hotrod are causing damage inside of Unicrons body. While the Constructicons and Protectobots locate the Spark chamber. Firstaid" There it is. But we have to remove that sheild plating first." Hook" That wont be a problem." Both teams combine into the gestalt forms and begin ripping the shiel plate off. Defensor" Done. Now we blast it." Devastator and Defensor blast their rifles at Unicrons spark chamber. An explosion occurs. Devastator" We did it." But Devastator spoke too soon as the spark chamber begins to repair itself. Defensor" Are you kidding me? It never even dented the chamber." Devastator" We keep blasting." The Aerialbots and Stunticons have similar problems. slingshot" I don't get it. Everytime we blast something it repairs itself. Who is this guy?" Deadend" Someone really powerful." Hotrod" I'll say." Hotrod goes even faster but loses control and flies into a cave like chamber. He crashes, but comes to and transforms into robot mode. He see's something glowing in the distance. Hotrod" The Matrix." Galvatron" It'll do you no good autobot. It cannot be opened." Hotrod" Not by a decepticon." Galvatron" Like it or not. We are all allies against a common foe." Hotrod" I already figured that." Galvatron gets torutred by an angry Unicron. Unicron" Destroy him now Galvatron or you, yourself shall be obliterated." Galvatron" Of course my master." Galvatron begins fighting Hot rod. Hotrod flees for cover. Galvatron" Puny autobot. You lack even Primes courage." 
Everyone is in the falcon and it takes off to a safer area on crait. Rey" what do we do now." Poe" We wait until we receive an Autobot signal."

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2022, 11:26:03 PM »
         19th Installment.
 The battle continues outside. Scourge, Cyclonus, the Sweeps, Blitzwing and the jets attacking from the air. The walkers firing from the ground with Magnus, Arcee, Bumble  bee and the other Autobots. Springer fights in helicopter mode. Luke is operating a ground cannon from the rebel base. Luke" This is hopeless." Springer" We must keep trying." The aerialbots and stunticons continue with their destruction. Devastator and Defensor keep blasting the spark chamber with the same results. Galvatron searches for Hotrod. Galvatron" Come out autobot. We all must die sometime." Hotrod" Not today Galvatron." Hotrod transforms into vehicle mode and rams into Galvatron. Galvatron fires at Hotrod. This goes back and forth until Galvatron transforms into cannon mode and blasts Hotrod, missing him. In the cavern Galvatron transforms into robot mode and Hotrod charges at him in car mode. But Galvatron gains the upper hand and wrestles Hotrod to the ground. Hotrod is now in robot mode with Galvatrons hands around his neck. Galvatron" Die autobot." Hotrod struggles. The battle rages on outside. Unicron hits a few decepticon jets, sending them into the ground. Back inside Unicron. Galvatron still has his hands around Hotrods neck and Hotrod struggles hopelessly to free himself. Galvatron" First Prime, then Ultramagnus and now you. It's a pity you autobots die so easily. Or I might have a sense of satisfaction now." But Hotrod grabs the matrix hanging of Galvatron. The matrix comes alive, giving Hotrod the power to break free of Galvatron, sending him falling back. The matrix speaks to Hotrod reformating him. Optimus" Arise Rodimus Prime." Rodimus" Optimus." Much to Galvatrons horror.  Galvatron" No." He begins blasting the newly reformatted Rodimus Prime. But it's no use. Rodimus" This is the end of the road Galvatron." Rodimus picks up Galvatron and sends him flying through a wall of Unicron. Galvatron desends to crait and crashes into the salt. Rodimus picks up the matrix and is able to open it. Rodimus" Now light our darkest hour." The matrix is opened and the energy immediatly begins destroying Unicron. The stunticons and aerialbots begin notice explosions all arond them. Motor Master" We better get out of here." The Aerialbots and Stunticons fly out of a hole in Unicron and land back on crait. Devestator and Defensor deliver one more blast and the spark chmber begins exploding like crazy. Everything else explodes around them. Devastator" I told you we'd get it."  Defensor" It's the matrix. Doing this and we gotta get out of here." They also return to crait followed by Rodimus Prime.
On the ground Magnus, Luke and the autobots are watching Unicron explode. The Decepticons stop firing and land back on the ground. The first order stop firing. Luke looks to Kyloren, the Autobots and Decepticons. Luke" We did it." The combiner teams arrive just as Unicron explodes into pieces. He is dead. The sweeps retrieve Galvatron from the salt, who is now in stasis lock. Cyclonus" Decepticons take Galvatron back to Mustafar for repairs.*looks to Luke and the Autobots* There shall be no further war from the Decepticons today. We shall leave in peace. For now. Only for now." With that the decepticons leave. Magnus" It wont last. wheres Hot rod." But then Rodimus Prime appears. Rodimus" Autobots transform and roll out." Luke and the autobots are stunned. Luke" Woah. You have a new leader." Ultramagnus" You son of  a gun. I knew you had potential." The Autobots all transform into vehicle mode and drive off. Kyloren ignites his light sabre. Kylo" It's not over between us." Luke ignites his lightsabre and they resume their battle. Luke" If you strike me down in anger.I will always be with you. Like your father." Luke clings to his light sabre while Kyloren delivers the killing strike. Luke" See you around kid." Luke dies. Kyloren screams in horror. But they soon start storming the rebel base only to find it empty. The Autobots and resistance have regrouped. Rey, Leia, Chewbacca have mixed feelings as they greive for the loss of Luke and Han. But are happy that the Autobots have a new leader in Rodimus Prime. Leia" We have lost much of the resistance but we will rebuild the rebellion. With the help of the autobots and their new leader Rodimus Prime. We shall fight the first order and the decepticons." Rodimus Prime" The decepticons have left in peace. But that wont last long. we must find a new planet to create strong base and regrow the rebellion. One with a suitable amount of energy for the Autobots. The war is far from over , but for now we can recharge,recover and prepare."
The Falcon and the Autobot ship with Omegasupreme in tow take of for space in search of a new world to call home. 

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2022, 10:17:10 PM »
                                                          Rise of the new heros.

It has been  a year since the battle of crait and the demise of Unicron. The Autobots and the resistance have a new hidden base on the jungle planet of Ajan Kloss. Rey has resumed her jedi training under the guidance of Leia. Rodimus Prime is also settling in to his new role as Autobot leader with the help and guidance of Ultra Magnus. The Decepticons have returned to their head quarters on  Mustafar, where Galvatron is fully functional after his fall, but has reverted back to his insane self. Although the new base has been improved, the energy  collecting facility is still not as efficient as it was before the battle with Omega Supreme and the Dinobots. Much to the frustration of Galvatron. But now the galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of revenge in the sinister voice of the late Emperor Palpatine. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren rages in search of the phantom emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power....
The  Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast is orbiting near Mustafar. Kylo Ren is on the planet leading a vicious assault against Alezmec colonists. But on another part of Mustafar at the Decepticon head quarters. The constructicons are trying to get the energy collection facility back in working order. Galvatron" Nyah. Is this oversized junk pile ever going to produce energon cubes again?" Scrapper" It is almost completed. Just a few more adjustments." Galvatron" It better be. Soundwave what is the status of the energon supply on Cybertron." Soundwave goes to the consile and checks. Soundwave" 45% and falling." But before Galvatron can respond the screen lights up with a message from the first order. General Hux appears on the screen. Soundwave" Galvatron. We have a message from General Hux from the first order." Galvatron becomes even more irritated. Galvatron" What does that flesh creature want?" Hux" Galvatron. I just want to let you know that the Autobots and the Resistance have disappeared to a hidden planet ever since they escaped from crait after the destruction of Unicron. The first order hasn't been able to find them and I blame YOU and the Decepticons for this as well as Kyloren. If it weren't for Ren's insistance on defeating Luke Skywalker and you proposing peace, the Autobots and the Resistance would have been destroyed by now." Galvatron" PEACE? What are you talking about flesh creature?" Hux" I thought you wouldn't believe me. Thats why I have this recording of Cyclonus, Scrouge and the other decepticons retreating after the battle on crait." Hux plays the video for Galvatron. Cyclonus"*video recording* Sweeps retreive mighty Galvatron and take him back to the ship. There shall be no more war from the Decepticons. We will leave in peace." Galvatron" I shall have a word with some decepticons. CYCLONUS!!" Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps approach Galvatron. Galvatron points to the video footage and punches Cyclonus. Galvatron" Nyah What is the meaning of this? Proposing peace to our enemies?"   Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron. I was only saying that we left in peace for now. So we can get repairs. It wasn't permanent." Scourge" It is true. Hux must have altered the video." Galvatron" And what proof do you two have?" Cyclonus" Only that Kyloren was with us on the battle field when I said we were leaving in peace for now." Scourge" Right before he faced off with Skywalker."  Galvatron" Very well. We shall find him and see what he has to say about this matter." Soundwave" Kyloren is on the planet of Mustafar. Near Lord Vaders castle." Galvatron" Hmm. Dirge, Ramjet and Laserbeak go and find Kyloren and see what he has to say. He is near Vaders castle. That way I will know who is telling the truth."   Ramjet, Dirge and Laserbeak take of for Vaders castle.
Kylo Ren has just  finished slaughtering the Alazmec colonists and about to locate and take the Sith way finder to Exegol when Dirge, Ramjet and Lserbeak appear. Kylo Ren looks up as The two decepticon jets land and transform into robot mode and Laserbeak perches in a rock and begins filming. Ramjet" Pretty impressive battle there Ren." Kylo Ren" Dirge and Ramjet. What are you guys after?" Dirge" Galvatron just received a message and video footage from General Hux, accusing Cyclonus of proposing Peace to the Autobots and the Resistance." Kylo Ren" Was that after the destruction of Unicron on Crait?" Ramjet" That is correct." Kyloren" But didn't Cyclonus say there was no war today and they were leaving in peace for now. Only for now. Thats his exact words if I remember and what is Laserbeak recording?" Ramjet" He's just recording your answer, so we can play it back to Galvatron. Hmm the video Hux played didn't have the part where cyclonus says for now. Only.'There shall be no more war from the Decepticons. We will leave in peace'. " Kyloren" I see. General Hux must have taken a recording of that event and edited out certain things,in an attempt to discredit you Decepticons. He also blames my fight with Skywalker for the Resistance and the Autobots escaping. He wants to discredit me and make himself the new Supreme leader. But it's not working." Ramjet and Dirge look to one another and then at Kyloren. Ramjet" Sounds familiar doesn't it Dirge." Dirge" Yes, He sounds an awful lot like Starscream?" Kyloren" Hux is my rival. But I don't think he's that bad. Anyway I'm off to Exegol. A hidden world of the sith, you can only get there with one of these." Kyloren shows the decepticons the way finder." Ramjet" What for?" Kyloren" To find Emperor Palpatine and kill him. He is a threat to my power." Dirge" Emperor Palpatine? Isn't he already dead." Kyloren looks at Dirge and Ramjet with suprise. Kyloren" You guys didn't get the broad cast with the voice of Palpatine? It was broadcast all over the galaxy." Ramjet" No. I think we missed it." Kyloren" Soundwave should have picked up something. Check with him  when you get back. Now I must go." Kyloren enters his Tie whisper and leaves for exegol with the Sith Wayfinder. Dirge, Laserbeak and Ramjet return to headquarters to report to Galvatron.
Kyloren is flying through the crimson nebula that surrounds the fabled Sith world of Exegol, using the sith way finder to guide him. He arrives at the planet and lands at the base of the enormous citadel. Ren ignites his lightsabre and enters. He descends down a floating platform into a vast chamber lined with worn statues of Sith legends. As he descends into its depths, he hears the voice of Sidious. Palpatine" At last....Snoke trained you well." Kyloren*walking further through the citadel*" I killed snoke. I'll kill you". Palpatine" My boy. I made snoke.*voice moving from Sidious to Snoke and to Vader* I have been every voice you have heard. Inside your head." Kyloren keeps moving and eventualy he comes to a maze of strange scientific equipment tended to by acolytes. Tall cylinders filled with a sickly golden liquid hold motionless, incomplete bodies with the mutilated visage of the dead Snoke, confirming the voice's earlier words.  Palpatine" The first order was just the beginning. I will give you so much more." Ren" You'll die first." Palpatine" I have died before....The darkside of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." Among the machines, bound by innumerable tubes and wires to machines of support and sustenance, is the emaciated and decaying figure of Darth Sidious, the true identity of the former Emperor Palpatine, himself. Ren raises his lightsabre to Sidious's face. Ren"What could you give me?" Palpatine" Everything....The new empire." Sidious extends out his hands and the icy ground cracks and yeilds as innumerable  Xyston-class Star Destroyers emerge from the frozen sea to the tempestuous sky. Sidious/Palpatine" The might of the final order will soon be ready. It will be yours if you do as I ask. KILL the girl, end the jedi and become what your grandfather Vader could not...You will rule the galaxy as the New Emperor. But beware she is not who you think she is." Ren" Who is she? And what about Galvatron and the decepticons? If Galvatron knows you are back from the dead. He will try and find you and kill you. He may also kill me, if he thinks I'm serving you, then he will take control of the fleet of the final order." Sidious" The girl is my grandchild and she also has my power. As for Galvatron. You needn't worry about him or the Decepticons for that matter......My associate is more than eager to destroy Galvatron. All he needs is a new body."
Kyloren extiguishes his lightsabre. Ren" Your associate?"  Kyloren becomes slightly nervous and looks on in shock as the disembodied spark of a very  familiar and long dead Decepticon appears. Kyloren*whispers*" Starscream!" Starscream" Ah. You must be Kyloren. I know all about you and your family." Kyloren" And I  know why you want to destroy Galvatron. You will never do it and you will never lead the Decepticons." Starscream" Well of course I wont without a body. If Palpatine didn't have Vader rebuild Megatron into Galvatron, I wouldn't be in this condition." Palpatine" Thats enough Starscream and it was Unicron who made Megatron into Galvatron. Now he is dead." Starscream" Very well. I will have to possess a droid and thenbuild myself a more suitable and powerful body. Then I can annihilate Galvtron and take my rightful place as Decepticon leader." Kyloren" You forgot Cyclonus,Scrourge and the sweeps. There is no way Cyclonus or Scourge will follow your orders. They would sooner blast you to peices." Starscream" Then I will destroy them as well." Kyloren" You really are arrogant, Starscream. You really think you can take on Cyclonus, Scrouge and the Sweeps all on your own? Even Ultramagnus couldn't stand up to the power of the Sweeps, let along Scourge or Cyclonus." Starscream becomes irritated with Ren. Starscream" Then I'll just have to create my own army as well. I'm sure there is plenty of military junk in the galaxy for that." Sidious" But how do you intend to give them life without Vector Sigma or Unicron?" Starscream" I have another idea for that."  Kyloren leaves the Citadel and walks back to his tie whisper. Starscream tries to posses Ren's fighter. Ren" What are you doing." Starscream" Using you fighter for my new body. But it's hopeless. I can fly it, but I can't transform." Kyloren*exasperated*" None of the first order vehicles transform." Starscream" I don't believe you. I am going to stay in this fighter with you until you get back to your main ship. Then I'll see if I can find a decent droid or vehicle that can transform." Ren" You are wasting your time. But fine, at least I get to say I told you so." With that Kyloren takes of in his  tie whisper, that starscreams ghost has taken temporary resisdence in and heads for his command ship the Steadfast.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 10:19:06 PM by Nosaj »

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2022, 10:40:07 PM »
Kyloren's Tie whisper lands in  the hanger of the Steadfast. Ren exits and leaves for his quarters. Starscreams spark also leaves the Tie whisper and searches the whole ship for anything he can use as a suitable body, with no success. Starscream" Bah. It's hopeless. I can't find a single vehicle that can transform into a robot and these droids are nothing but junk. After 30 years with the Autobots and Decepticons, you'd think they would have vehicles that can transform." After an extensive search, Starscream decides to have a good look around the Steadfast. Starscream" Since no one can see me in this state. I might as well have a look around and see what the first order is up to." He then passes the quarters of General Hux who is bitter about Kyloren being the Supreme Leader. Starscream" Who is this pathetic flesh creature?" Starscream enters into Hux's quarters, while still invisible. Hux*to himself*"I have to find a way for Kyloren to lose the war and ruin his credibility." Starscream becomes intrigued by Hux's treachery against Ren and instantly appears before Hux. Hux becomes frightened. Hux" WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?" Starscream" Oh relax. I am  the disembodied spark of Starscream and you are?" Hux" General Hux. What do you want?" Starscream" What do you think I want? My old body back, revenge against Galvatron who put me in this unsubstantial condition and complete control of the Decepticons." Hux*sighs*" I feel the same way about the first order. I should be the supreme leader not Kyloren. The resistance and the Autobots escaped because of him and his desire to kill Skywalker." Starscream" I know exactly how you feel. The Autobots would have been nothing but scrap if I was calling the shots. Megatron has failed many times to defeat the Autobots." Hux" Don't you mean Galvatron?" Starscream" Megatron IS Galvatron."
Hux begins to relax and becomes curious about Galvatron. Hux" How did he become Galvatron?" Starscream" After an argument about who should rule the galaxy. Megatron blasted Vader with his fusion cannon. I was ordered to use my null ray on Vader to cut him off from the force,leaving him defenseless against Megatron. But I saw my chance to dispose of Megatron and become the new leader of the Decepticons do I retracted my weapon at the last second,before Megatron fired. Vader deflected Megatrons blast with the force and redirected it back to Megatron, fataly wounding him. I assumed he was dead and made myself the new Decepticon leader. But it turned out the Megatron was reborn as Galvatron and Galvatron reduced me to ash." Hux is even more curious about Starscreams null ray. Hux" So your nullray can cut someone from the force." Starscream" Yes. My nullray disrupts the flow of energy in any electronic machinery. Except for Megatron and as I found out, it also temporarily blocks a Jedi or Sith's connection with the force. Leaving them helpless." This revelation makes General Hux excited. Hux" So you're saying. If I can get you a new body and restore your nullray. You could easily take out Kyloren?" Starscream" Oh yes of course. After I have disposed of Galvatron that is. Then I will be the new Decepticon leader and You will be the new Supreme Leader of the first order. We will rule together and wipe out all who oppose us." Hux*excited*"  There is a transformable Xwing you may be able to use. The Autobots and the resistance built 2 of them. One was used by Han Solo after Kyloren attempted to kill him. I am sure they have another one locked up somewhere at their new base." Starscream" So the Autobots have formed a strong alliance with the Rebels/Resistance. It makes me sick, still I have to get that Xwing." Hux" I am about to send an electronic message to the resistance via the Sinta Glacier Colony. The Millenium Falcon will then arrive to get that message. You should be able to get on the falcon and to the resistance base." Starscream" In my current state I can travel with the electronic data of that message." Hux proceeds to send the message to a Resistance informant, the Ovissian Boolio, on the Sinta Glacier Colony. Starscreams spark travels along the data stream and into Boolio's data storage unit and waits for the Falcon.
Meanwhile in the Falcon. Poe, Finn and Chewbacca are playing a game of dejarik to pass the time. An alarm rings and the game is stopped. The trio enter the cockpit just as the falcon gets out of hyperspace. The Falcon arrives at the Sinta Glacier Colony in order to meet a Resistance informant, the Ovissian Boolio, who tells them about a mysterious spy in the First Order and gives them a message in the form of a data encoder, ordering them to bring it to Leia. Finn proceeds to insert the message into R2-D2. As the message is transfered to R2D2, several squadrons of TIE/sf fighters and TIE whisper fighters enter the system prepared to take down the falcon. The data download is finished, Finn prepares to for the battle. Finn" How do we repay you?" Boolio" Win the war." Finn jumps into the gunner cockpit, unaware that Starscreams spark has also entered the falcon via the data stream and is now hiding in R2D2. Finn takes out a few tiefighters during the battle. But the remaining Tie fighters pursue them as they jump into hyperspace. Poe begins lightspeed skipping through a number of systems. Finn" What are you doing?" Poe" Light speed skipping." Chewbacca howls in disapproval. Poe" Well Rey is not here is she." Poe loses the tie squadron, but his reckless trick flying heavily damages the falcon.

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Re: Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2022, 07:46:15 AM »
On the jungle world of Ajan Kloss. Where the new base for the resistance and the autobots is. Rey is meditating trying to hear the voices of the Jedi. She fails and with a sigh lowers herself to the ground. Leia and Bumblebee  who were watching comfort her.  Bumblebee" You're doing a lot better than I could.*laughs*"  Rey" Thanks Bumblebee and Leia." Rey continues on with the training course. Bumblebee" She's doing pretty well. Almost as good as Luke." Leia" She still has much to learn." As Rey is training she pauses and stares as it is revealed that Kylo Ren, to whom she is bound through the Force, is communing with his grandfather's helmet and speaking to her from his chambers far across the galaxy.
A vision, shared with Ren, terrifies the Jedi: the ascension of the Final Order above Exegol; the face of her murdered mentor and Ren's father, Han Solo; the pained words of her master, Luke Skywalker, as she tapped into the dark side; her duel with and alongside Ren against the Praetorian Guards of Snoke; the departure of her parents from Jakku, leaving her behind in the grip of Unkar Plutt. Distracted by the vision, she ultimately batters the training remote with her staff, but damages BB-8 in the process. Rey"I'm so sorry BB8." Rey rescues him and returns to Leia and Bumblebee. She consedes to Leia that she is not ready to wield her Master Lukes Lightsabre. Bumblebee" You did your best. This might make you feel better." Bumblebee takes Rey to the transformable Xwing. Rey climbs into the cockpit and activates it. She transforms it into robot form and back. Rey" That has made me feel better, but I better study the ancient Jedi texts I found at the temple, from Luke." Bumblebee" Good idea." The 2 leave the hanger, but forget to turn of the Xwing. Moments later as Rey is reading the texts the falcon lands. However, the ship has been damaged during the course of its escape from the First Order. Rey complains about the damage to the Falcon but Poe counters by pointing out that BB-8 has been battered by the earlier training accident. While Poe and Rey argue, Finn tries to brief Rey about their mission to meet with the spy. Despite their differences, Poe tells Rey that she is the "best fighter" in the Resistance and thinks that she should be helping them in the war against the First Order rather than training on Ajan Kloss. As BB8 is getting repaired, R2D2 and C3PO reunite. Starcreams spark travels from R2 and into C3PO. Starscream*muttering to himself" Finally out of this glorified trashcan. But this worthless scrap pile isn't any better. Better play the role of Threepio I suppose.*changing to C3PO's voice* Oh goodness gracious me. I must find Master Luke."
C3PO now posessed by Starscream, finds Bumblebee. Bumblebee" We're about to have a briefing Threepio." C3PO" Oh my goodness." C3PO and Bumblebee make their way to the briefing room, where  Poe confirms the authenticity of the message sent across the galaxy: that Palpatine has returned. Everyone is shocked. Rose" Thats not possible." Beaumont Kin" Dark Science, cloning, secrets only the sith new." Poe" He's been planning his revenge, his followers have been building something for years. The largest fleet that galaxy has ever known. He calls it the final order. In 16 hours attacks on all free worlds begin. The Emperor and his fleet hiding in the unknown regions on a world called Exegol." R2D2 shake.  Starscream loosens his hold on C3PO allowing him to speak freely. C3PO" Exegol does not appear on any starchart. But legend describes it as the hidden world of the sith." Rey runs off to find a book she was studying and grabs it. Poe" So Palpatine has been out there all this time. Pulling the strings." Leia" Always in the shadows from the very beginning." Maz" If we want to stop him. We must find him. We must find Exegol." Bumblebee" Especially before Galvatron and the Decepticons do." Preceptor" But if you remember Bumblebee. Galvatron wanted to kill Palpatine." Leia" I remember and if Galvatron discovers the hidden fleet." Ultramagnus" It will be a much worse. The Decepticons are already aligned with the First Order." Springer" And with the Emperors new fleet it will be much worse." Rodimus Prime" We need a strategy. No doubt Galvatron has heard the broadcast too and is trying to seek out Palpatine."  Rey chimes  in having found something about Lukes search for Exegol. Rey" Leia can I speak with you? Oh and BB8 can you ask C3PO and Bumblebee to turn off the transformable Xwing? I forgot."  BB8 zooms to BumbleBee and C3PO. Rey then speaks with Leia in private. She tells Leia that the late Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had been searching for a wayfinder in order to reach Exegol. Rey vows to finish her former Master's work. Believing that it is too dangerous, Leia initially refuses to support the mission.. However, Rey responds that she will go with or without the general's blessing, knowing that her newest mentor would do the same.
 But things are about to go from bad to worse. C3PO*trying not to give himself away as Starscream*" Oh my the transformable Xwing. Where is it?" BumbleBee" You forgot already? Lets go and turn it off." Bumblebee, C3PO and BB8 head to the small hanger where the Xwing is." Bumblebee" Alright BB8 you wanna turn it off or me?" Starscream, knowing he will not be able to use the xwing if it is turned off. Uses C3PO to grab Han Solo's old blaster and aims it at BB8 and Bumblebee. C3PO" I'm afraid I can't let you do that." BB8 and Bumblebee look on in suprise. Bumblebee" Whats gotten into you Threepio? We gotta turn this craft off." C3PO*becoming aggitated*"You shall do nothing of the sort. Now BB8 and Bumblebee keep away from the xwing or I'll blast  you both into a million pieces." Bumblebee" Get back BB8. This is weird, this is not like you at all Threepio.*changing to Starscreams voice* No but it is very much like me." BB8 and Bumblebee are shocked. BumbleBee" STARSCREAM!" Starscream" Yes and if you kindly get out of my way I will get out of this junkheap and take the Xwing." As BB8 and Bumblebee move away from the Xwing. Starscreams spark leaves C3PO and enters into the Xwing. Bumblebee" That explains Threepio's behaviour BB8." C3PO" Oh my. What are we doing here and why am I holding this dreadful weapon." C3PO drops the blaster. BumbleBee pulls out his own blaster. Bumblebee" Threepio pickup Han's blaster again. You and I have to try and stop Starscream from leaving with the Xwing. BB8 go and alert the others." C3PO" Oh my." BB8 takes off to get Poe,Finn, Rey and the Autobots. While BumbleBee and C3PO hold Starscream at gun point.
Poe, Finn, Rey, Rodimus Prime, Springer,Protectobots Groove and Streetwise, Air raid and Fire flight are huddled in a group when BB8 comes speeding out to Poe, Rey and Finn with urgent news. BB8 *beeps*. Poe" Starscream is in the transformable xwing? What are you talking about?" Rey and Finn look to one another. Rey" It's his spark. Somehow it's in the Xwing." Finn" That must have been what I felt when we were downloading the data."  Rodimus Prime" Starscream? Thats impossible, he's dead." Rey" He's a disembodies spark. Similar to a force ghost." Poe becomes anxious. Poe" Finn. Are you saying we picked up Starscreams spark via R2?" Finn" Yes and now he is in the transformable Xwing." Rey" Bumblebee and Threepio are still there at the hanger." Rodimus" Then we gotta go, help them and stop Starscream getting away with the Xwing." Rey,Finn,Poe, Springer, Rodimus and the 2 Protectobots go to the hanger. They join Bumblebee and C3PO. The Autobots aim their blasters at Starscream. Bumblbee" You can put down your weapon Threepio. The rest of the Autobots are here." C3PO" Thank goodness." C3PO walks to where Rey,Finn,Poe and BB8 are. Rodimus Prime" You're not going anywhere with that Xwing Starscream." Starscream becomes angered and aims a laser gun at Rodimus Prime. Starscream" You will not stop me Autobot scrap, neither will those flesh creatures." Starscream and the Autobots are at a stand off. Starscream" Out of my way. I have a new body and army to build. Then I will get revenge against Galvatron and take my rightfull place as Decepicon leader." Springer" Like hell you will." All of a sudden Poe lights up. Poe" We should let him go and do what he needs to do." Starscream" Why thankyou flesh creature." Finn" Are you crazy?" Rey" He is one of the most treacherous of all the decepticons. We can't trust him." Rodimus" I agree with Rey and Finn." Poe" Just hear me out. Starscream is planning on getting revenge against Galvatron. He's not really a threat to us at the moment." Springer" So?" Poe" His main goal is to dispose of Galvatron and become leader." Groove" There's no way Galvatron will stand for that. He'll blast him to peices." Poe" Exactly. Galvatron will be too busy with Starscream, to bother with the Emperor and his final order." Rodimus Prime" Ah I see. Good thinking there Poe.  Autobots stand down, let Starscream go." The autobots stand down and Starscream transforms and takes off from the planet. Springer" I hope you know what you're doing.  The decepticons will still be a problem, no matter who wins out of Galvatron and Starscream." Rodimus Prime" We'll deal with that later. But their domestic struggle will buy us more time dealing with the Final order."
The next day having received Leia's permission, Rey tells Poe, Chewbacca and C-3PO that they need to travel to the Forbidden Desert of Pasaana.  Poe" I know we're going with you." Rey" No. I must go alone. It's too dangerous." Finn" We go together." C3PO agree's. Rodimus Prime chimes in. Rodimus" You're right Rey it is too dangerous. Which is why I am sending the Aerial bots to go with you as well." Rey" You really think the Decepticons would be after us too?" Rodimus" Soundwave is likely to pick up on the Falcons activity and report to Galvatron and Galvatron is likely to send a few jets or the Stunticons after you." Finn" He has a point Rey. The Stunticons would have killed Me,Han and Chewie, if it weren't for the Aerial bots.*to Rodimus* But they don't have enough energy to fly with us to pasaana." Rodimus" Omega Supreme will transport them." Poe" It's settled then." Omega Supreme transforms to rocket mode and the Aerial bots board. Finn, Chewbacca, Poe and BB8 prepare to board the falcon. Before departing, C-3PO also tells R2-D2 that should he not survive, the astromech droid was the "best friend he ever had." Before leaving, Rey speaks once more with Leia, wishing that she could tell the princess of Alderaan everything she wanted to. Reassuring her student once again, Leia simply says: "tell me when you get back" before handing her Skywalker's lightsaber. Leia tells Rey never to be afraid of who she is. Rey and her friends then depart Ajan Kloss aboard the Falcon, followed by Omega Supreme and the Aerialbots.