While the Aerialbots are guarding the falcon and watching for Decepticons. Han, Finn and Chewie are making progress along the epic snowscape and cross the terrain. Walkers appear on the horizon. Han, Finn and Chewie take cover behind a base structure. Chewie carries a black duffel of explosives. Finn" The flooding tunnels are over that ridge. We'll get in that way." Han" What was your job when you were based here?" Finn" Sanitation." Han" Sanitation? Then how do you know how to disable the shields?" Finn" I don't. I'm just here to get Rey." Han" People and the Autobots are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us--!" Finn" Solo, we'll figure it out! We'll use the Force!" Han" That's not how the Force works--!" Chewie MOANTALKS. Han (CONT'D) "Oh really, you're cold?" Finn" Come on!" They follow Finn on the snowy hike. On the horizon, the laser siphon is shooting into the sky. Slowly sucking the sun dry. It is visable to both the Aerialbots and Decepticons.
Inside Starkiller base control room. Technicians at work, the SUN SUCKING seen in the window behind them. General Hux" Report." First order officer" Weapon charged in fifteen minutes,sir." The decepticons are watching the lazer siphon sucking the sun dry. Cyclonus" It appears these flesh creatures use the energy of the sun to power their weapon." Galvatron" Bah. We could have comeup with something like that." Galvatron see's an airduct a few feet away. Galvatron" Ah there's our entrance right there. Lets go." The Decepticons and stunticons enter the airduct and make their way into starkiller base. In the 4th corridor of starkiller base. A STORMTROOPER waits to board a Transport Compartment. The door WHOOSHES open -- HAN, FINN and CHEWIE are there! Stormtrooper FN-9330" Hey!" He fumbles for his blaster but Chewie shoots first. WIDE ANGLE of the corridor as the Trooper flies back, dead. Chewie drags him out of sight. Han and Finn peer around a corner, wary. Han" The longer we're here, less luck we're going to have. The shields?" Finn" I have an idea about that." Han and Chewie follow Finn.
Captain Phasma heads down a corridor, distant Stormtroopers. Suddenly Phasma is t-boned hard and fast and shoved into narrow cross corridor. Chewbacca has his arms around Captain Phasma and she is forced to face Finn who is holding a blaster on her. Finn" Remember me?" Phasma" FN-2187." Finn" Not anymore. The name's Finn, and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now, Phasma. I'm in charge." Han" Bring it down. Bring it down." Finn" Follow me.*smiles*"
In the atrium area of starkiller base. Rey holds onto her blaster as she peers around the corner. She moves along a very long walkway making her way to a large hanger reavealing hundreds of tie fighters. Her plan is clear. To steal a ship to escape. But there is a group of storm troopers and guards in conversation. As she tries to think of what to do next another group of storm troopers are heading her way. Her mind races and she runs across the walk way and climbs down a ladder. Her fingertips disappearing over the edge just as the Troopers approach and continue. Rey holds on carefully as the guards walk off, not seeing her over the edge, a death drop below her. But then she sees something and has a brainstorm. She strenuously cross-climbs to an invisible service hatch , which She opens, and climbs INSIDE THE WALL, closing the hatch behind her.
In the control access point of starkiller base. Phasma sits infront of a work station. Finn,Han and Chewie have blasters aimed. Phasma reluctantly works the controls. Finn" You want me to blast theat bucket of Your head? Lower the sheilds." Phasma" You're making a big mistake." Finn" Do it." Chewie MOAN/TALKS. Phasma hits a few more buttons -- the controls BEEP-CLICK. "SHIELDS DISABLE INITIATE". Eyes on the workstation. Finn" (cont'd) Solo, if this works, we're not going to have a lot of time to find Rey." Han" Don't worry kid, we won't leave here without her." The controls BEEP-CLICK. "SHIELDS DISABLED". Captain Phasma"(to Finn, cruel) You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy. My troops will storm this block and kill you all." Finn" I disagree. What do we do with her?" Han" Is there a garbage chute? Trash compactor?" Finn" Yeah, there is..."
Back at the resistance base. An alert, officers are at their consoles. Officer" General the shields are down." C3PO" Thank the maker." Leia" Han did it. Send them in." Admiral Statura" Give Poe full authorization to attack." Rear Admiral Gulch" Black Leader, go to sub-lights. On your call." Poe" Roger, base -- red squad, blue squad,take my lead.
At starkiller base a squadron of resistance fighters led by Poe Dameron jump out of light speed. They are soon joined by the Aerial bots and begin their attack. Air raid" Finally we're gunna get some action." Poe" Nice of You guys to join us. we'll need all the help we can get to destroy that oscillator." Slingshot" We were getting bored anyway wating around anyway." Silverbolt" We also have to keep an eye out for any decepticons." Nein numb mutters something. Poe" The decepticons are the least of our worries...I hope." The aerial bots and the resistance fighters begin their bombing runs on the oscillator. Poe"Almost in range! Hit the target dead center, as many runs as we can get!" The oscillator is hit sending shockwaves through the base. It isn't long before General Hux sends a squadron of tie fighters. Soon the resistance fighters and Aerialbots are fighting the tie fighters.
In the junction area of starkiller base. Han,Finn and Chewie have found and reunited with Rey. As they proceed to leave the base for the falcon. Kylo Ren and several storm troopers are investigating another disturbance at the same hanger Rey was hiding in. It turns out to be Galvatron and the decepticons. Galvatron looks upon Kyloren with rage. Galvatron" It's Vader. Destroy him." Galvatron aims his arm mounted cannon and fires. Only for Kyloren to stop galvatrons laser blast, step out of the way and release it again, hitting part of the hanger wall. Kyloren" I am not Vader. But I am his grandson Kyloren." Galvatron" His grandson eh?" Cyclonus" He must be the son of those flesh creatures Han Solo and Princess Leia. Who we encounted on Endor" Galvatron" Yes that would make sense." Kyloren" Leader Snoke would be delighted to have You decepticons join us in defeating the resistance." Galvatron" Lordvader and Emperor Palpatine had a similar proposition and they tried to enslave us. I would sooner vapourise you and your forces on the spot. Than team up with you. Besides, my goal is to destroy the autobots." Kyloren" The Autobots have a strong alliance with the resistance. If You joined forces with the first order. We could wipe out both the resistance AND the autobots." Cyclonus" I don't trust him, mighty Galvatron or this snoke." Galvatron" Me neither. I shall have to think about this proposition. Decepeticons and Stunticons we leave this base. You will know of my decision son enough Kyloren." Kyloren" Very well Galvatron."
Back on Mustafar after receiving news that Galvatron has been found and revived. The constructicons along with all the other decepticons not only repair the energy mining facility, but expand on it, creating a decepticon fortress. Soundwave makes contact with Galvatron. Galvatron" Report Soundwave." Soundwave" Mining facility has been repaired and has been extended into a powerful fortress." Galvatron" Excellent Soundwave. We are on Starkiller base. The first order is preparing to launch their assault on the resistance base. Optimus Prime and the Autobots are also at the resistance base. Once I know the location of the resistance base. You and all the other decepticons are to joins us. Then we will wipe out the Autobots once and for all." Soundwave" Affirmative." The communication ends. Astrotrain looks to Soundwave. Astrotrain" Thats too many decepticons for me to carry around the galaxy." Blitzwing" Then why don't we just build a starship like the first order have." Scrapper" We will get on it right away. The good thing about all this lava. Not only is it an unlimited source of energy. But it contains so many useful minerals and materials." The constructicons and the decepticons being building a decepticon version of a first order star destroyer." Back on Starkiller base it's chaos with tie fighters and xwings blasting one another. Poe's fighter nearly collides with a close passing tiefighter. Snap" I got one begind me see it?" Jess" Yeah. I'm on it." A heavy cannon emplacement launches a missile that shreds an X-wing fighter. Jess" Furillo's been hit!" Snap"Watch out for ground fire!" The X-wings and Aerial bots roar across the sky, blasting and dodging the tie fighters and missiles. On the ground. Han, Finn, Rey and Chewie, run out, into the snow, stopping, eyes on the sky, watching the lop-sided battle. The 4 heros turn to each other. Han" They're in trouble. We can't leave. (to Finn, re: Chewie) My friend here has a bag full of explosives. Let's use 'em."
Back at the resistance base. A Resistance Technician turns to Leia. Kaydel Ko Connix" General, are you seeing this?" Vober Dand" Two more X-wings down. That's half our fleet destroyed." Bumblebee" This doesn't look good and no word from the Aerial bots either." C3PO" And their weapon will be fully charged in 10 minutes! It would take a miracle to save us now." Optimus Prime" Han and Chewie can do it. I just hope they all get back safely." Leia" So do I Prime." Hotrod" At least there's no decepticon activity...yet."
Back on Starkiller base. Han,Finn, Chewie and Rey are at the door of the oscillator structure. But just as they enter, Galvatron, his decepticon troops and the stunticons land directly in their path. Finn" I got a bad feeling about this." Chewbacca roars. Rey" Who are those things?" Han" They are the decepticons. We had a run in with 5 of them earlier." Galvatron" Miserable flesh creatures. Prepare to be vapourised." As Galvatron aims his cannon at Han solo an his friends. Cyclonus interupts. Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron. It's the rebellion general Han solo and his wookie sidekick Chewbacca." Galvatron*snaps*" Are You sure? and who are they other two?" Cyclonus" My scanners indicate the female is a lowly scavenger from a junk planet and the male is a former storm trooper." Galvatron" I see. (to Han) If You truly are the rebellion general Hansolo. Then You will know where Optimus Prime and the Autobots are." Han" I have no idea what You are talking about." Galvatron" Don't give me that. You are Primes beloved pet. You know exactly where he is." Han" Hey. I'm no one's pet." Galvatron *chuckles*" It is Han Solo. Now kindly tell me where Prime is so I can obliterate him." Finn*wispers to Rey*" I think Galvatron has a few screws loose." Rey' You're not wrong." Han" I'll never betray the Autobots." Scourge" He wont have to. I have hacked into the mainframe systems of Starkiller base and they are set to destroy the planet D'Qar with their weapon." Galvatron" The resistance base must be there. Which also means the autobots and prime." Finn" Not if we get into the oscillator and set up our explosives." Galvatron" Decepticons. Stand back and Let Solo and his friends get on with their mission." Rey,Finn,Chewie and Han look on in suprise. Rey" Why are You helping us?" Galvatron looks down to Rey with a evil glare. Galvatron" Because I should be the one who rips the life spark out of Optimus Prime. NOT the first order." Rey, Finn, Chewie and Han enter the complex and it's not long before Han and Chewie begin planting the charges all around various parts of the oscillator structure. Galvatron makes contact with Soundwave on mustafar. Galvatron" Change of plans Soundwave. The resistance are going to destroy Starkiller base You and all the Decepticons board Astrotrain and come to Starkiller base immediately. " Soundwave" Affirmative."
Cyclonus" Kyloren ask's us to join him and the first order tohelp wipe out the resistance and the autobots. Only for the first order to rob us of the chance to terminate Optimus prime. They insult us might Galvatron." Galvatron" Yes, I think we should pay this Snoke a visit." Scourge" But how do we find him in time?" Gavlatron" We find Kyloren. Then HE will take us to Snoke. We'll follow the same path as Han solo and his friends. " Galvatron and the decepticons go back into the Oscillator to follow Han. Meanwhile Han and Chewie are planting charges while evading detection from passing storm troopers. Kyloren enters the Oscillator which is a colossal cylindrical structure, consisting of dark corridores and catwalks. Kylo Ren comes to a stop, scans the catwalks and senses something. He motions the Stormtrooper squad upwards. Kylo" Find them." They rush past him. Kylo Ren turns slowly, and heads down. The Stormtroopers move up the ramp, weapons ready, checking carefully where blind corners intersect from the perimeter. They come round to the next higher level and pass Chewie who is hidding in the shadows of the grillwork. Once they're gone, he plants another charge. Outside the Starkiller base near the oscillator structure. A Snowspeeder comes to a stop outside the structure. Finn and Rey stop for a moment, look to the sky: The sun is nearly gone.
Inside the oscillator structure it is now dark. Han finishes setting a charge and is about to move on when he hears something and conceals himself behind a wide, vertical support. He peaks around the edge and his whole demeanor changes. Kylo Ren appears and stops at the railing, looking down into the filter. Han looks at his son with a tortured storm of feelings. Kylo ren he resumes his hunt. He heads directly toward where Han is hiding! Kylo Ren has an increasing sense of Hans presence as he moves closer. He comes to where Han was hiding -- but Han is nowhere to be seen. From his hiding place in a narrow, power chamber in the wall. Han watches his son pass only a few feet in front of him. Han shifts his position in the tight compartment, so he can watch Ren's progress. Kylo Ren turns onto a flat bridge that bisects the open space. Unaware of his father, Kylo Ren walks purposefully across to the opposite side. Han watches his son walk off -- the CLANK- CLANK of Kylo Ren's boots receding. This is Han's opportunity to escape but Leia's words echo through his mind. He makes a decision and moves out, to the edge of the catwalk. He calls out, strongly: Han" Ben!" The name echos as Kylo Ren stops, far across the vast catwalk. He turns. Kyloren" Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Finn and Rey make their way into the space, opening a hatch that allows a beam of precious sunlight to stream down like a spotlight on Han and his son. Finn and Rey get to a railing and look down. They can see and hear Han and Kylo Ren on the catwalk below. Finn and Rey are soon followed by the Galvatron and the decepticons who land on a railing opposite Rey and Finn. Scourge" There he is. Now he can take us to Snoke. But what is Solo doing there?" Cyclonus"It appears that Han Solo is trying to turn his son back to the good side." Galvatron" Hmm. This could work to our advantage." Cyclonus"With Kyloren back to the light side,it could weaken the first order." Galvatron" Exactly. Lets observe." The decepticons go quiet and watch the drama unfold between father and son.
Han" Take that mask of You don't need it." Kyloren" What do you think you'll see if I do." Han" The face of my son." Han moves towards Kylo. Kyloren removes his mask. Han is jolted-seeing the face of his son as a man for the first time. Kyloren" Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish, like his father. So I destroyed him." Han" That's what Snoke wants you to believe but it's not true. My son is alive." Several levels below them, Chewie comes to the rail to watch. Kyloren" No. The supreme leader is wise." Up above, Finn,Chewie and Rey watch. The decepticons also watch on in anticipation. While storm troopers dot the perimetre of the structure. Han sternly moves closer. Han" Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you -- you know it's true." Kyloren" It's too late." Han" No it's not. Leave here with me. Come home. We miss you." For the first time, Kylo Ren seems truly conflicted. Tears flood his stoic eyes... Kyloren" I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain. " The interior of the structure gets darker. Han takes one step toward his son, but stops himself. Kylorren" I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?" Han hears his son's voice again, pained and vulnerable. Han" Yes. Anything." Kylo Ren unholsters his lightsaber and slowly extends it to Han, within a foot of Han's chest. Han almost can't believe it. The moment seems to last forever. The decepticons watch gleefully. Cyclonus" With Kyloren turning to the lightside, the first order will collapse." Galvatron" Yes and then it's just the Autobots we have to worry about." Just then, the last beam of sunlight streaming through the open hatch vanishes. Han actually smiles -- and reaches out for the dark weapon --but with the light now gone, KYLO REN'S EYES FILL WITH DARKNESS, HE IGNITES THE LIGHTSABER -- THE FIERY BLADE SHOOTS OUT, RIGHT THROUGH HAN'S CHEST AND BACK! Kyloren" Thankyou." Above finn and Rey gasp and scream. Finn" Solo." Rey" No, no." Han's last moment is looking into his son's face. Han's knees buckle. The blade tilts down with him... until Kyloren extinguishes it and Han holds onto the catwalk -- his life slipping away. Finally Han falls back, off the catwalk, into the depths of the structure. None of the Decepticons kow what to make of this development. Galvatron looks on with astonishment at Kyloren. Galvatron" Bah. So much for Han Solo." Scourge" Should we go after Kyloren now?" Galvatron" Negative. That furball Chewbacca is about to set of those bombs they planted. This whole base is as good as gone. Decepticons to the air. Astrotrain should be here by now." The decepticons take to the air.
At the resistance base. Leia feels the wicked deed instantly and falls into her chair. Devastated. Back in the oscillator structure. Kyloren is weakend by his wicked act. Himself horrified. His shock is broken only when Chewie cries out in agony and fires on him. Hitting him inthe side. Kyloren falls back stunned. Stormtroopers fire at chewie, who is forced to retreat down a corridor, where he holds the explosive remote -- he pushes the button. First one, then two, then four, then six explosions rock the structure -- catwalks fall as the walls cave in. Kylo Ren sees Rey and Finn, watching the explosions in shock -- then they see Kyloren who recognizes them both, with astonishment. He rises to his full height and heads for them with long strides. Stormtroopers begin to blast away at Rey and Finn. Crazed, Rey fires back as blasts hit around her. Finn wraps an arm around her and drags/carries her out of sight.
But unknown to Rey,Finn, Chewie, Kyloren and the Decepticons. Aerialbots Air raid and Sling shot are flying just over the exploding oscillator structure. Air raid" Slingshot. I'm picking up a life form thats falling to the bottom of this structure." Sling shot" Ha, it's probably a storm trooper." Air raid extends his scanner range. Air raid" No. It's, it's Han Solo." Sling shot" What? is he alive?" Air raid" I can't tell." Slingshot" Well we better go after him. Dead or not we can't just leave him here. I'm going after him." Air raid" I'll cover you. But first we must contact Silverbolt." Sling shot dives down into the depths of the oscillator structure to find Han's body. Air raid covers him.