Battlezone > The Frontline
Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2
A New Threat and the new breed.
30 years have past since the Battle of Endor. The First Order has risen from the fallen Empire and seeks to eliminate the New Republic. The resistance which is backed by the Republic, led by General Leia Organa and assisted by Optimus Prime and the Autobots. Who have worked with the Republic and Leia over the years to maintain peace and stability in the entire galaxy. However Luke Skywalker has gone missing. Both Leia and the First Order are searching for him. But unlike the First Order who have risen from the Empire and become a formidable force against the Republic, the Resistance and possibly the Autobots. The Decepticons are still without their leader Galvatron and have become a disorganised mess of eternal bickering and infighting. Cyclonus with the help of Scourge and the Sweeps struggle to keep the Decepticons in line and together, it is ultimately futile. However Cyclonus has had luck in recent times controlling the Decepticons. As they have eventually relocated back to Mustafar and set up a temporary base with an abundant energy source and allowing Cyclonus, Scourge and the sweeps to search for Galvatron.
The Eravana, a large Baleen-class heavy freighter is casually cruising in space. It is piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca, even since Han seperated from Leia. They fly over the volvanic planet of Mustafar. In the control room Chewbacca glances a the planet and howls to Han. Han" Mustafar hey Chewie? Isn't where the Constructicons were harvesting the lava to make their energon cubes?" Chewbacca nods and hums. Han" Lets have a look. Zoom the camera on their mining facility." Chewbacca presses a few buttons and activates a monitor. Showing what is left of the Decepticons mining facility. Han" I think thats the same area that Vader and Obiwan fought. According to Luke." Chewbacca makes a noise. Han" Yes Chewie. The Dinobots and Omega Supreme sure gave that place a good trashing. Wait!" As Chewbacca and Han study the decepticons former mining facilty. Han notices a couple of Constructicons doing repair work. With a few other Decepticons near by. Han" I don't like the look of this Chewie. We better get out of here before they spot us and contact Optimus Prime." But Chewbacca howls at another radar screen. Han takes a look and gets excited. Han" The Falcon? We found her. Lets collect her and get out of here." Han locks the controls of the Millenium Falcon and proceeds to scoop the ship up, like a whale scooping plankton. Before leaving the Mustafar system.
On Mustafar the Constructicons have begun repairing the damage to their energy extraction station. But without a leader progress is rather sluggish and a few decepticons are fighting amongst themselves. Soundwave walks up to where the Constructicons are working and starts acting like Starscream. Soundwave" Decepticons needs energy. Increase efficiency or be terminated." Longhaul glares at Soundwave. Longhaul" Blow it out Your exhaust Soundwave. We take orders from Galvatron and Cyclonus. Not You." Soundwave" Soundwave superior. Constructicons inferior." Bonecrusher becomes agitated and so does Hook. Bonecrusher" Who are You calling inferior?" Hook" Nobody would follow an uncharasmatic bore like You." Rumble and Frenzy jump out of Soundwaves chest. Rumble" Hey.Nobody calls Soundwave unchrosomatic." Frenzy" Yeah let take em." The constructicons try to form Devastator as Rumble and Frenzy activate pile drivers. but a laser blast out of nowhere hits Devastator/Constructicons during mid combining and they separate. Out of nowhere Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps land. Cyclonus" Enough of this!" All Decepticons stop in their tracks and focus their attention on Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps. Cyclonus" Once we Decepticons were a powerful force in the galaxy rivaling only the Sith and their Empire. Now all we do is fight amongst ourselves. Is this the fate of the Decepticons, to be a disorganised mess?" Scourge" And now a new Military organisation has risen out of the Empire. Known as the First Order." Sweep1" Yes and they are fast becoming a powerful threat against the New Republic, which was created by the Rebels and the Autobots." Cyclonus" Yes. The First Order. We must try and find Galvatron. Before the first Order gains total domination of the Galaxy."
Meanwhile Han and Chewbacca have fled the Aravana in the Falcon after a brief confrontation with a couple of Gangs Han owed money to. But they have 2 fugitives,by the names of Rey and Finn as well as a BB8 droid on board. After things are calm Han turns to Rey and Finn. Han" Fugitives huh?" Rey" Finn is with the Resistance. I'm just a scavanger." Han" Right..Lets see what You've got." Chewbacca howls. Han" You rest. But first try and contact Optimus Prime about Mustafar." Finn" Optimus Prime? Who's that?" Han" I'll explain later. First lets see the map BB8 is carrying." BB8 projects the map to Luke Skywalker. But it's only part of a map. Han fills Rey and Finn in on the story of how Luke disappeared and how a student of Luke's turned to the Darkside. Rey" The Jedi were real." Han" I used to wonder about that myself. I thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. A magical power holding together the power of good and evil. The darkside and light side of the force. The crazy thing is it's all true. The force Jedi, it's all true." Finn and Rey are in awe. Finn" And what about Optimus Prime? Who is he?" Han pauses for a moment. Han" Well this is even crazier. Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots and a very great leader at that too." Finn & Rey" Autobots?" Han" The Autobots are giant robots with real feelings and emotions like us." Finn" Droids with emotions?" Han" They're not droids and they get offended by that. Especially the Decepticons." Rey" Decepticons?" Han" The Decepticons are evil and are pretty much to the Autobots what the First order is to us." Finn" That is crazy. Robots/Machines that think for themselves and have thoughts and emotions. As well as being good and evil. Even the first order doesn't have that technology." Han" Thats only half of it. Both Autobots and Decepticons can transform into land or air based vehicles and in some cases robotic animals. Both our wars were intertwined until Galvatron became lost in space. They became inactive ever since. Until we spotted them on Mustafar moments before taking back the falcon." Chewbacca rejoins the rest of the crew. Han" Any luck Chewie?" Chewbacca shakes his head. Han" Well we have to get to Takodana and find Maz Kanata . She'll help us get BB8 to the resistance and make contact with Optimus Prime." The falcon makes it's way to Takodana.
Cut to Starkiller base. Kylo Ren and General Hux are standing before a holocron of Leader Snoke. Elaborating that the droid will soon be in the hands of the Resistance and they will find the last Jedi. Hux informs Snoke that the weapon is ready to be used. Snoke orders him to oversee preparations. Snoke and Kylo determin that theres been an awakening with the force and the droid is in the hands of Kylo's father. Han Solo.
Back on Mustafar. Soundwave is operating a console and finds Starkiller base. Soundwave" The first order has a powerful new weapon. Much like the Empire's death star. It is the Starkiller base." Scourge and Cyclonus have a look. Cyclonus" I don't beleive it. Always relying on super weapons, these flesh creatures. Might as well do a scan of the base. The Constructicons might be able to build something similar." Soundwave does a scan of the planet and finds something like a giant robot trapped in the ice. Under closer inspection it turns out the robot is Galvatron. Cyclonus" Well soundwave?" Soundwave" I have found Galvatron. He is trapped under layers of ice." The Decepticons rejoice. Cyclonus" Excellent Soundwave. Scourge spy the planet." Scourge" I've locked onto Galvatron and he lives." Cyclonus" He shall lead us again. Scourge, Sweeps and the Stunticons. We leave immediatly. The rest of You stay here." With that Cyclonus,Scourge, the Sweeps and the Stunticons leave for Starkiller base.
The falcon lands on takodana in a clearing near a massive castle. After Finn fails to convince Han that he is a big deal in the resistance. Han,Rey, Finn and BB8 make their way to the castle leaving Chewbacca to fix the falcon. The group enter into the building and meet Maz Kanata. A few spies see the group and report them to the first order. Near Starkiller base. Kyloren is in his destroyer and staring at Vaders Burnt mask. Pleading for guidance to the Darkside of the force. But not getting very far. Back on takodana Han,Finn,Rey are sitting at a table with Maz Kanata. Han explains the situation to Maz. Maz explains how she has seen evil take all forms. She also calls out Finns true identity. Finn leaves and Rey goes after him. Leaving Han, Maz and the droid at the table. Maz" I see You are also worried about the Decepticons Han." Han" Yes. Chewie and I spotted a few on mustafar. The constructicons were rebuilding their energy collection plant and there's alot of energy on that planet." Maz" That is true. But Han, even if the Decepticons had all the energy in the galaxy. Without a strong leader all they will do is fight amongst themselves. and maybe attack any Autobots that pass by." After Finn tells Rey he is a storm trooper and leaves for his transport. Rey walks past a corridor and is drawn to a small box. A box containing Luke and anakins light sabre. She gets all sorts of visions and freaks out. Rey runs out into the forest.
On the Starkiller base all the military officers and troops of the first order are standing in assembly. While General Hux gives a big speech about the resistance and the republic and how they will bow to the first order. The weapon is activated and blasts several planets from the Hosnian system to dust. Including Hosnain Prime the home of the New Republic senate. Where several of the Autobots are present. Ironhide,Ratchet, Prowl and Brawn with the members of the senate looking on in horror as they meet an inevitable death. Both Finn, Han and Chewbacca watch helplessly from the ground. Han" The Autobots were on those planets Chewie. Now there gone." Chewbacca howls. Before long the fleet of tiedfighters attack. Finn runs back to the castle to find Han and Maz. Maz hands him Lukes and Anakins light sabre. Finn runs off to find Rey while Han and Chewbacca prepare to fight of the storm troopers. Rey disappears into the forest while fighting off the first order troopers. Kylo Rens ship lands near the caslte. Han and Chewbacca take down some storm troopers. While Finn fights a few with his light sabre. He is almost defeated until Han saves him. Then the 3 get captured. But not before the resistance appear and start taking out the tie fighters. Finn goes after Rey and BB8. But Kylo Ren has already captured her and senses that she's seen the map to Skywalker.. More of the Resistance ships appear. Leia's ship followed closely by familiar looking rocket. Chewbacca and Han look on with releif. Han" It's Omega Supreme. Some of the Autobots must have survived." A storm trooper alets Kylo Ren that the Resistance and some of the Autobots have arrived. KyloRen" Pull the division out. We have what we need." KyloRen puts Rey to sleep and carries her back to his ship. As Finn runs up screaming for Rey. Finn" Solo. That got Rey." Han" I know. Kid."
Han,Finn, Chewbacca and Maz make their way to Leia's ship and Omega Supreme as they both land. The door of Leia's ship opens and she exits on some kinda of golden floating scooter. Han and Leia stare for a moment as Leia gets off her scooter. Leia" You can transform now 3po." C2PO transforms from scooter mode back into his familiar robot mode. Simultaniously Omega Supreme opens his doors and the Autobots exit. Optimus Prime,Bumble Bee, Preceptor,Blaster, Ultramagnus, HotRod,Springer,Arcee and the Aerialbots. C3PO" Han Solo. You may not recognise me with my modified body and vehicular mode." Han" So. Wheeljack and Preceptors experiments were finally successful." BumbleBee" It took long enough." Han and Chewbacca turn around. Chewbacca roars with joy as Finn looks on with slight shock. Han" BUMBLEBEE. It's been a while." Han" It sure has. Unfortunalty we're not here for a social get together." Optimus Prime cuts in. Prime" Neither are we. This starkiller base needs to be stopped." BumbleBee" At least it's not Decepticons we have to worry about." Han" Thats where You are wrong. Chewie and I spotted a couple of constructicons rebuilding their energy facility on Mustafar. A few other Decepticons were near by." Prime" That is worrying Han. But without Galvatron leading them, they are not as much of a threat. Beside's StarKiller base is a far greater threat right now than all of the Decepticons." Finn" They also have Rey." Prime" Who's this." Finn" I'm Finn. I was a storm trooper who left the first order and now I'm helping the resistance so I can save Rey." Prime" That is a most admiral thing You have done Finn. I'm sure we can help You find Your friend.But You're better off speaking to Leia. She will do what she can to help You." Han" I thought All of You guys were killed after Starkiller base hit the Hosnian system." Optimus Prime" No not all, but sadly Ironhide,Ratchet,Brawn, Prowl, Wheeljack and few other Autobots You were familiar with have been killed." Han" I see some new faces." Prime" Oh yes. Han Solo meet UltraMagnus(he commands the Autobots when I am absent), Hotrod(he's a Young tearaway who has much to learn), Springer( A triple changer who turns into a cybertronian helicopter and a car. He's a bit sarcastic at times), Arcee( One of the rare female Autobots who is always up for a fight.) and last but not least the Aerialbots. The rest of You autobots this is HanSolo and his first mate Chewbacca who is a wookie." Everyone becomes acquanted. Bumblebee struggles to contain his laughter. Bumblebee" Hey Han, does Primes description of Hotrod,Springer and Arcee remind You of anyone?" Chewbacca has a chuckle. Han" Ah yes. Me, Luke and Leia. Very funny." Han walks over to Leia. Han" Leia.I saw our son. He was here."
Meanwhile Cyclonus, Scourge, the Sweeps and the Stunticons have made their way to starkiller base. Cyclonus" Halt. We must activate our cloaking devices, before we go any further. I do not want these flesh creatures from the first order interupting our mission to save Galvatron." All the decepticons activate their cloaking devices and then make their way to the planet to find the crash site of Galvatron. They land on the far north side of the enterance to Starkiller base. Scourge" I have found Galvatron. But he is very deep down in some sort of ice cave." Cyclonus" He is directly below us. Scourge. You and the Sweeps go down the shaft and start digging Galvatron out. I will follow shortly. Stunticons, You remain here and stand guard. Make sure we are not interupted by any pests?" Motormaster" By the Autobots?" Breakdown" Or the first order?" Deadend" Or the resistance?" Cyclonus*sighs*" All off them." Cyclonus jumps down the shaft to join Scourge and the Sweeps in freeing Galvatron.
The Resistance, the Autobots and the Falcon with Hansolo, Chewbacca and Finn have arrived at the Resistance base on D'Qar. Fighter pilot Poa Dameron gets out of his Xwing and is greated by BB8 and Finn. Poe" BB8 buddy good to see You and You too Finn." Finn" You're alive?" Poe explains to Finn how he survived and came back and Finn explains to Poe about Rey. Poe" I hope the Autobots didn't freak You out too much." Finn" Han told me about them. It's crazy. Those Robots are just like us." Poe" You aint seen nuthin yet. Wait till they transform." Finn" Well I saw Leia's droid transform from a scooter to a robot." Poe" Yeah. Their experiment on 3PO took a while to work. Now we better get to Leia." But as Finn,Poe and BB8 try to find Leia, they run into the Aerialbots. Slingshot" Well if it isn't the resistance no.1 pilot. You still up for that fly off?" Silverbolt" Oh come on Slingshot." Poe" It's fine Silverbolt. I'll take those guys anytime. but we have an urgent matter right now with Starkiller base." Finn" and we need to save Rey." Air raid" Starkiller is top priority and we need to help this Rey." Skydive" Our little competition can wait." Fireflight" Altho we could run rings around You anyday Commander Dameron." Han solo walks up to get Finn and Poe back to base. Han" My ship the Falcon did the Kessle run in 12 parsecs. I could out run both of You in the Falcon. Now lets get going" Chewbacca howls. Han*wispers*" I know Chewie. I'm just trying to get them to the briefing and stop wasting time with this silly nonsense." The whole group make their way to the mainbase for the briefing. Slingshot*mutters*" The kessle run in 12 parsecs? That guy needs some new material." Silverbolt" Cool it Slingshot."
Inside the base Leia is greeted by Finn and Poe. Poe explains that Finn is familiar with the Starkiller base. Leia and Finn soon start working things out. BB8 pulls a cover of R2D2 and prods him. C3PO" You're wasting Your time BB8 R2 has been low power mode since Master Luke went away. I'm afraid he may never be his old self." BB8 beeps. C3PO" It's highly unlikely R2 will have the rest of the map stored in his memory." Leia and 3po are studying the map. C3PO" I regret to inform You this map retrived from BB8 is only partialy complete. Worse still it has no recorded starsystem on record. We simply don't have enough data to locate Master Luke." Leia" I was a fool think I could bring Luke back home." Han"Leia". Leia" Don't." Han" What?" Han" What?" Leia" Any of it." Han" I'm only tring to be helpful." Leia" When has that ever helped? And don't say the deathstar." C3PO" Princesses." Hotrod looks to Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. Hotrod" Han and Leia are still having problems I see." OptimusPrime" Only ever since their Son was turned to the darkside by Snoke. It's the same reason Luke disappeared, he blamed himself for the whole thing. Then Han and Chewie also left and returned to their smuggeling." Bumblebee" He was such a great kid too. Ben Solo. If Snoke were a Decepticon I would have crushed him long ago." Prime" Snoke did play a big part. But the fact that Anakin Skywalker who was Darth Vader for a while is his grandfather. There is a lot of Ben's grandfather in him." Ultramagnus" Thats what makes the whole thing so hard." Prime" Indeed. Hopefully Han and Leia will sort something out. It's out of our hands." Han and Leia have a heart to heart about Ben and how he talked to the Darkside. Leia" There is still good in him. I can feel it. You can still bring him back." Han" If Luke couldn't reach him how can I?" Leia" Luke is a Jedi. You are his father."
On starkiller base. Rey is strapped into some sort of chair and being interogated by Kylo Ren over the map to Luke Skywalker. He starts to prod Reys mind seeing the island, Skywalker, Han solo and Optimus Prime. Kylo" Hansolo. He is like the father You never had. He will disappoint You. So will Optimus Prime." Rey" Get out of my head." Kylo" You have the map and now You will give it to me." Rey" I'll give You nothing." Kylo" We shall see." Kylo Ren further uses the force to gain the map from Rey. Rey resists until she see's something in KyloRen. Rey" You are afraid. That You will never be as strong as Darth Vader and being overpowered by Galvatron and the Decepticons." Kylo Ren walks off to a room to make contact with Snoke. Snoke" The scavanger resisted You?" Kylo" She's strong with the force." Snoke" And the droid?" Hux" KyloRen thought it was no longer important. That the girl was all that we needed. As a result the droid is now most likely in the hands of the enemy." Snoke" Then we must destroy the resistance before they find Skywalker." Hux" We have tracked their base to the Ileenium system." Snoke" Good. Go and prepare the weapon. If what You told me about this girl is true. Bring her to me." Kyloren" I will get the map. I just need Your guidance." Back in the cell Rey uses a jedi mind trick on a storm trooper who is guarding her, but it fails. Kyloren is marching down the corridore. Rey relaxes and begins to concentrate before using the mind trick again. This time she succeeds in getting him to remove the restraints and leaving with the cell door open. She also gets him to drop his weapon. Once the storm trooper is gone. Rey leaves the cell and picks up the blaster. Just as Kyloren is still moving down the corridor to Rey's cell. Only he finds the cell and chair empty. Kyloren ignites his light sabre and throws a massive tantrum. A couple of approaching Storm troopers walk back, while Starkiller base begins charging from the sun.
Back on D'Qar. The resistance and the autobots are in the middle of a briefing. Everyone is sudying the map of Starkiller base. Han concludes it's another Death star. Leia receives news that the weapon is charging and their system is the next target. C3PO" Oh no. without the republic fleet we're doomed." Han" There's always a way to blow it up." Leia" Han's right." Resistance officer" For that amount of power to be contained, there must be some sort of thermal oscillator." Finn" There is precinct 47" Finn moves to the map and points to the location. The resistance work out an attack on the oscillator will cripple the weapon or destroy it. Poe" We will hit that oscillator with everything we got." Akbar" They have defensive shields, that our cruisers canot penetrate." Han" We disable the sheilds.*to finn* Kid You worked there. What have You got?" Finn" I can disable the shields but I gotta be there on the planet." Han" I like this guy. We'll get You there." Leia" Han how?" Han" If I told You. You wouldn't like it." Poe" So we disable the shield. Take out the oscillator and blow up the big gun. Lets go." Finn" Wait. Theres something else further north from the main enterance to Starkiller base." Leia blows up the image. Optimus Prime" It's Galvatron." C3PO" Oh my." Bumblebee" Great thats all we need. The Decepticons." Han" So thats where he ended up. Prime" Yes and it wont be long before the other decepticons find him. Aerialbots. You will accompany Han,Finn and Chewie on their mission to disable the shields." Ultramagnus" Best choice for that mission Prime." Outside the base the resistance pilots are preparing their crafts for battle. Han,Finn and Chewbacca are also preparing. Han" We will blast though light speed to get to Starkiller base. Are You aerialbots able to keep up with the Falcon?." Silverbolt" Shouldn't be a problem. The hyperdives will use up alot of our energy." Han" We got plenty of energon cubes loaded in the falcon." Skydive" Lets do it then." But then Leia walks up to Han and they have another heart to heart talk before hugging. Leia" Try and bring back our son."
Kyloren and the storm troopers are searching for Rey as she looks for a ship to escape. Kylo ren concludes Rey is testing out her force powers and she'll become more dangerous. Rey moves down a long glossy hall. taking cover in an alcove. Holding onto the storm troopers blaster tight.
The Millenium Falcon screams past flying at light speed. With the Aerialbots following behind. Finn "How are we getting in?" Han "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through. Finn is suddenly filled with dread." Finn" We're gonna make our landing approach at lightspeed?!" Chewie, thinking it's crazy too, roars as if to say: HELL YES WE ARE! Han" Alright, Chewie, get ready." Chewie GROANS: he's ready. Han studies the PANEL INDICATORS. Han (CONT'D)" And Now! Chewie and Han hit switces. The Falcon's ENVIRONMENT SHIFTS INSTANTLY FROM LIGHTSPEED TO PLANET ATMOSPHERE -- it's suddenly FLYING 100 FEET ABOVE THE SNOWY, ROCKY GROUND, HEADED FOR A THICK FOREST! Chewbacca groans. Han" I AM PULLING UP!!" But the Falcon has no time -- it PLOWS through the trees! It then RISES -- In the cockpit ALARMS BLARE as the ship SLAMS THROUGH BRANCHES, SHOOTS TOWARD SKY! Han does his best to steer -- Chewie GROANS -- in the madness Han YELLS" I get any higher, they'll see us!" And the ship DIVES again, back into the trees. A quiet CLEARING on the forest TREELINE. Suddenly the MILLENNIUM FALCON HURTLES OUT OF THE FOREST! From an eruptio of BRANCHES and PINE, the ship DIVES -- SLAMS INTO THE SNOW! It DIGS THROUGH A THOUSAND YARDS OF WHITE until it finally comes to a canted stop, half buried in the snow! Minutes later the Aerialbots come out of hyperspace and land behind the Falcon. Skydive" Woah. That was quite a ride." Finn,Han and Chewbacca exit the falcon. The Aerialbots transform from plane mode to robot mode. Finn looks to Han and Chewbacca. Finn" I can't believe I just saw that." Han" You'll get used to it kid. Chewie get back in the falcon and lower the falcons cargo door so the Aerialbots can refuel." Chewbacca presses a few buttons and a large door at the rear of the falcon drops down revealing a large stock pile of energon cubes. Han" You guys better refuel. You're gunna need it." Silverbolt" Thanks Han. Aerialbots lets grab the energon cubes." Slingshot" Thanks Han and I take back what I said earlier." Han" Don't worry about it. Just restore Your energy quickly. You'll need to cover us while we get to into the base and disable the shields." Slingshot"No problem."
Meanwhile the decepticons are almost finished freeing Galvatron from his icy imprisonment and now only need to revive him. But Scourge detects the presence of the falcon and the Aerialbots. Scourge" Cyclonus. the Millenium falcon has just come out of hyperspace and landed on the planet. Along with the Aerialbots. We must stop them." Cyclonus" No. We do not have time to play around Scrourge. We must revive Galvatron. The Stunticons will take care of those pests. Stunticons find the Falcon and terminate it's occupants." Motormaster" It'll be a pleasure." The stunticons transform into car mode and take off in search of the Millenium Falcon, while the rest of the decepticons start reviveing Galvatron.
Inside Starkiller base. Officer" Sir, she was not found in hangar 718 but all troops are on alert." Kylo Ren "Put every hangar on lock-down. She's going to try to steal a ship to--" Suddenly, Kylo senses something. Something familiar. Kylo Ren (cont'd)" Han Solo..."
Back at the falcon. Finn becomes aquainted with the Aerialbots while they refuel. Han and Chewbacca keep a lookout for any Decepticons and for a way into Starkiller base, when Chewbacca see's the Stunticons fast approaching to his left. But he thinks it's Optimus Prime and some autobots. Chewie groans to Han. Han" What are You talking about Chewie? Optimus Prime is at the base with Leia." Chewbacca points Han to the approaching vehicles. Han grabs the viewing goggles of Chewie. Han" They are similar looking vehicles. But it's not like the Autobots to be driving so fast, recklessly and eratic." Han pauses for a moment and remembers something Optimus Prime and Bumblebee once told him. Han" It's not the Autobots Chewie. It's the Stunticons." The Stunticons are now closing in. Breakdown" Good guess flesh creature." Dragstrip" Haha Nice ship." Deadend" It's a pile of junk." Wildrider" Then lets waste it then." Motormaster" Followed by those 2 humans and big foot." Han" Finn,Chewie get back to the ship. These guys will kill us." Slingshot" Not if we can help it." As the 3 run back to the falcon for safety. The Aerialbots jump into action after finishing recharging. They transform into jet mode and fly after the stunticons. Breakdown" It's the aerialbots." Silverbolt" Your drivers licenses are about to expire Stunticons." The aerialbots open fire on the stunticons. the stunticons transform into robot mode and fire back. Finn,Han and Chewbacca watch on. Finn" YEAH. GO GET EM AERIALBOTS." But Finn speaks too soon. MotorMaster" Stunticons merge to become Menasor." Motormaster remains in robot mode while the other 4 transform into car mode. Motormaster then transforms into the head and torso of Menasor while the 4 cars transform into the limbs and combining to form Menasor. Menasor" Menasor crush Aerialbots, rebels and the falcon." Chewbacca howls while Finn looks on in shock. Finn" WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED? THOSE STUNTICONS JUST BECAME A MONSTER ROBOT!!" Han" Oh. Their another combiner group, like the constructicons." Finn" WHAT?" Han" There are some groups of those robots that can combine their bodies and minds into a much larger and more powerful robot and this one is very dangerous according to Optimus Prime." Finn" YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME." Han" Calm down kid and look at the aerialbots. I think they have the same power." Silverbolt" Right You are Solo. Aerialbots transform into Superion." The Aerialbots transform and combine into superion in the same way the Stunticons formed Menasor. Superion and Menasor engage in hand to hand combat. Superion" Solo go now and disable the sheild for the resistance. Han, Finn and Chewbacca get going, while Superion and Menasor continue to battle it out. Menasor" Disable shield?" The Menasor transforms into the Stunticons and they retreat. Motormaster" We gotta warn the decepticons about this." Superion transforms into the Aerialbots and they guard the falcon.
Back in the icecave. Cyclonus and Scourge pump Galvatron with energon to warm and revive him. Galvatron slowly comes to his senses, but he is still as insane as ever. Galvatron angrily gets up. Galvatron" Who awakens me?" Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron we have come to deliver You from." Galvatron punches Cyclonus and sends him flying into a cave wall. Galvatron*while knocking Scourge and the sweeps about*" MY KINGDOM OF ICE RAH. MY FROZEN SLUMBER NYAH. Did I ask You for deliverance? Nah .Did I?" Galvatron begins to laugh insanly. Galvatron" Ah Cyclonus. How wonderful to see You again.*turns to sweeps* You leader has returned. Long live the Decepticons. Long live Galvatron. Hahaha" The Sweeps" Long live Galvatron." Galvatron turns to Scourge and Cyclonus. Galvatron" Now where are we?" Cyclonus" We are on an ice planet which also serves as the Starkiller base for the First order." Scourge" It's like another deathstar." Glavatron*snaps*" First Order? Starkiller base?" Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron You have been frozen in this planet for 30 years and much has happened. The First Order has risen out of the ashes of the Empire. The Autobots and the rebels have formed a new republic which has since been destroyed by this Starkiller base." Galvatron" Autobots, Rebels, The Empire? We must regroup with the rest of the Decepticons at once. Where are they?" Cyclonus" On Mustafar." Galvatron" Then to Mustafar we must go." Galvatron, Scourge Cyclonus and the Sweeps fly out of the cave and meet up with the Stunticons who have just returned. Galvatron" Ah the Stunticons." Motormaster" Galvatron. You are alive." Breakdown" But we wont be for long if we don't get out of here soon." Galvatron" And why is that?" Wildrider" The 2 rebel humans and bigfoot are going to disable the shield so the resistance can blow up Starkiller base." Galvatron becomes angry. Galvatron" And You 5 couldn't stop them?" Dragstrip" We were in the middle of fighting the Aerialbots and when we heard what Solo and his friends were going to do. We thought we'd better warn You all first." Galvatron" Very well and seeing as we are here. We might as well have a look at this Starkiller base." Cyclonus" And terminate the flesh creatures?" Galvatron" We'll leave THAT to the First order."
While the Aerialbots are guarding the falcon and watching for Decepticons. Han, Finn and Chewie are making progress along the epic snowscape and cross the terrain. Walkers appear on the horizon. Han, Finn and Chewie take cover behind a base structure. Chewie carries a black duffel of explosives. Finn" The flooding tunnels are over that ridge. We'll get in that way." Han" What was your job when you were based here?" Finn" Sanitation." Han" Sanitation? Then how do you know how to disable the shields?" Finn" I don't. I'm just here to get Rey." Han" People and the Autobots are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us--!" Finn" Solo, we'll figure it out! We'll use the Force!" Han" That's not how the Force works--!" Chewie MOANTALKS. Han (CONT'D) "Oh really, you're cold?" Finn" Come on!" They follow Finn on the snowy hike. On the horizon, the laser siphon is shooting into the sky. Slowly sucking the sun dry. It is visable to both the Aerialbots and Decepticons.
Inside Starkiller base control room. Technicians at work, the SUN SUCKING seen in the window behind them. General Hux" Report." First order officer" Weapon charged in fifteen minutes,sir." The decepticons are watching the lazer siphon sucking the sun dry. Cyclonus" It appears these flesh creatures use the energy of the sun to power their weapon." Galvatron" Bah. We could have comeup with something like that." Galvatron see's an airduct a few feet away. Galvatron" Ah there's our entrance right there. Lets go." The Decepticons and stunticons enter the airduct and make their way into starkiller base. In the 4th corridor of starkiller base. A STORMTROOPER waits to board a Transport Compartment. The door WHOOSHES open -- HAN, FINN and CHEWIE are there! Stormtrooper FN-9330" Hey!" He fumbles for his blaster but Chewie shoots first. WIDE ANGLE of the corridor as the Trooper flies back, dead. Chewie drags him out of sight. Han and Finn peer around a corner, wary. Han" The longer we're here, less luck we're going to have. The shields?" Finn" I have an idea about that." Han and Chewie follow Finn.
Captain Phasma heads down a corridor, distant Stormtroopers. Suddenly Phasma is t-boned hard and fast and shoved into narrow cross corridor. Chewbacca has his arms around Captain Phasma and she is forced to face Finn who is holding a blaster on her. Finn" Remember me?" Phasma" FN-2187." Finn" Not anymore. The name's Finn, and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now, Phasma. I'm in charge." Han" Bring it down. Bring it down." Finn" Follow me.*smiles*"
In the atrium area of starkiller base. Rey holds onto her blaster as she peers around the corner. She moves along a very long walkway making her way to a large hanger reavealing hundreds of tie fighters. Her plan is clear. To steal a ship to escape. But there is a group of storm troopers and guards in conversation. As she tries to think of what to do next another group of storm troopers are heading her way. Her mind races and she runs across the walk way and climbs down a ladder. Her fingertips disappearing over the edge just as the Troopers approach and continue. Rey holds on carefully as the guards walk off, not seeing her over the edge, a death drop below her. But then she sees something and has a brainstorm. She strenuously cross-climbs to an invisible service hatch , which She opens, and climbs INSIDE THE WALL, closing the hatch behind her.
In the control access point of starkiller base. Phasma sits infront of a work station. Finn,Han and Chewie have blasters aimed. Phasma reluctantly works the controls. Finn" You want me to blast theat bucket of Your head? Lower the sheilds." Phasma" You're making a big mistake." Finn" Do it." Chewie MOAN/TALKS. Phasma hits a few more buttons -- the controls BEEP-CLICK. "SHIELDS DISABLE INITIATE". Eyes on the workstation. Finn" (cont'd) Solo, if this works, we're not going to have a lot of time to find Rey." Han" Don't worry kid, we won't leave here without her." The controls BEEP-CLICK. "SHIELDS DISABLED". Captain Phasma"(to Finn, cruel) You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy. My troops will storm this block and kill you all." Finn" I disagree. What do we do with her?" Han" Is there a garbage chute? Trash compactor?" Finn" Yeah, there is..."
Back at the resistance base. An alert, officers are at their consoles. Officer" General the shields are down." C3PO" Thank the maker." Leia" Han did it. Send them in." Admiral Statura" Give Poe full authorization to attack." Rear Admiral Gulch" Black Leader, go to sub-lights. On your call." Poe" Roger, base -- red squad, blue squad,take my lead.
At starkiller base a squadron of resistance fighters led by Poe Dameron jump out of light speed. They are soon joined by the Aerial bots and begin their attack. Air raid" Finally we're gunna get some action." Poe" Nice of You guys to join us. we'll need all the help we can get to destroy that oscillator." Slingshot" We were getting bored anyway wating around anyway." Silverbolt" We also have to keep an eye out for any decepticons." Nein numb mutters something. Poe" The decepticons are the least of our worries...I hope." The aerial bots and the resistance fighters begin their bombing runs on the oscillator. Poe"Almost in range! Hit the target dead center, as many runs as we can get!" The oscillator is hit sending shockwaves through the base. It isn't long before General Hux sends a squadron of tie fighters. Soon the resistance fighters and Aerialbots are fighting the tie fighters.
In the junction area of starkiller base. Han,Finn and Chewie have found and reunited with Rey. As they proceed to leave the base for the falcon. Kylo Ren and several storm troopers are investigating another disturbance at the same hanger Rey was hiding in. It turns out to be Galvatron and the decepticons. Galvatron looks upon Kyloren with rage. Galvatron" It's Vader. Destroy him." Galvatron aims his arm mounted cannon and fires. Only for Kyloren to stop galvatrons laser blast, step out of the way and release it again, hitting part of the hanger wall. Kyloren" I am not Vader. But I am his grandson Kyloren." Galvatron" His grandson eh?" Cyclonus" He must be the son of those flesh creatures Han Solo and Princess Leia. Who we encounted on Endor" Galvatron" Yes that would make sense." Kyloren" Leader Snoke would be delighted to have You decepticons join us in defeating the resistance." Galvatron" Lordvader and Emperor Palpatine had a similar proposition and they tried to enslave us. I would sooner vapourise you and your forces on the spot. Than team up with you. Besides, my goal is to destroy the autobots." Kyloren" The Autobots have a strong alliance with the resistance. If You joined forces with the first order. We could wipe out both the resistance AND the autobots." Cyclonus" I don't trust him, mighty Galvatron or this snoke." Galvatron" Me neither. I shall have to think about this proposition. Decepeticons and Stunticons we leave this base. You will know of my decision son enough Kyloren." Kyloren" Very well Galvatron."
Back on Mustafar after receiving news that Galvatron has been found and revived. The constructicons along with all the other decepticons not only repair the energy mining facility, but expand on it, creating a decepticon fortress. Soundwave makes contact with Galvatron. Galvatron" Report Soundwave." Soundwave" Mining facility has been repaired and has been extended into a powerful fortress." Galvatron" Excellent Soundwave. We are on Starkiller base. The first order is preparing to launch their assault on the resistance base. Optimus Prime and the Autobots are also at the resistance base. Once I know the location of the resistance base. You and all the other decepticons are to joins us. Then we will wipe out the Autobots once and for all." Soundwave" Affirmative." The communication ends. Astrotrain looks to Soundwave. Astrotrain" Thats too many decepticons for me to carry around the galaxy." Blitzwing" Then why don't we just build a starship like the first order have." Scrapper" We will get on it right away. The good thing about all this lava. Not only is it an unlimited source of energy. But it contains so many useful minerals and materials." The constructicons and the decepticons being building a decepticon version of a first order star destroyer." Back on Starkiller base it's chaos with tie fighters and xwings blasting one another. Poe's fighter nearly collides with a close passing tiefighter. Snap" I got one begind me see it?" Jess" Yeah. I'm on it." A heavy cannon emplacement launches a missile that shreds an X-wing fighter. Jess" Furillo's been hit!" Snap"Watch out for ground fire!" The X-wings and Aerial bots roar across the sky, blasting and dodging the tie fighters and missiles. On the ground. Han, Finn, Rey and Chewie, run out, into the snow, stopping, eyes on the sky, watching the lop-sided battle. The 4 heros turn to each other. Han" They're in trouble. We can't leave. (to Finn, re: Chewie) My friend here has a bag full of explosives. Let's use 'em."
Back at the resistance base. A Resistance Technician turns to Leia. Kaydel Ko Connix" General, are you seeing this?" Vober Dand" Two more X-wings down. That's half our fleet destroyed." Bumblebee" This doesn't look good and no word from the Aerial bots either." C3PO" And their weapon will be fully charged in 10 minutes! It would take a miracle to save us now." Optimus Prime" Han and Chewie can do it. I just hope they all get back safely." Leia" So do I Prime." Hotrod" At least there's no decepticon activity...yet."
Back on Starkiller base. Han,Finn, Chewie and Rey are at the door of the oscillator structure. But just as they enter, Galvatron, his decepticon troops and the stunticons land directly in their path. Finn" I got a bad feeling about this." Chewbacca roars. Rey" Who are those things?" Han" They are the decepticons. We had a run in with 5 of them earlier." Galvatron" Miserable flesh creatures. Prepare to be vapourised." As Galvatron aims his cannon at Han solo an his friends. Cyclonus interupts. Cyclonus" Mighty Galvatron. It's the rebellion general Han solo and his wookie sidekick Chewbacca." Galvatron*snaps*" Are You sure? and who are they other two?" Cyclonus" My scanners indicate the female is a lowly scavenger from a junk planet and the male is a former storm trooper." Galvatron" I see. (to Han) If You truly are the rebellion general Hansolo. Then You will know where Optimus Prime and the Autobots are." Han" I have no idea what You are talking about." Galvatron" Don't give me that. You are Primes beloved pet. You know exactly where he is." Han" Hey. I'm no one's pet." Galvatron *chuckles*" It is Han Solo. Now kindly tell me where Prime is so I can obliterate him." Finn*wispers to Rey*" I think Galvatron has a few screws loose." Rey' You're not wrong." Han" I'll never betray the Autobots." Scourge" He wont have to. I have hacked into the mainframe systems of Starkiller base and they are set to destroy the planet D'Qar with their weapon." Galvatron" The resistance base must be there. Which also means the autobots and prime." Finn" Not if we get into the oscillator and set up our explosives." Galvatron" Decepticons. Stand back and Let Solo and his friends get on with their mission." Rey,Finn,Chewie and Han look on in suprise. Rey" Why are You helping us?" Galvatron looks down to Rey with a evil glare. Galvatron" Because I should be the one who rips the life spark out of Optimus Prime. NOT the first order." Rey, Finn, Chewie and Han enter the complex and it's not long before Han and Chewie begin planting the charges all around various parts of the oscillator structure. Galvatron makes contact with Soundwave on mustafar. Galvatron" Change of plans Soundwave. The resistance are going to destroy Starkiller base You and all the Decepticons board Astrotrain and come to Starkiller base immediately. " Soundwave" Affirmative."
Cyclonus" Kyloren ask's us to join him and the first order tohelp wipe out the resistance and the autobots. Only for the first order to rob us of the chance to terminate Optimus prime. They insult us might Galvatron." Galvatron" Yes, I think we should pay this Snoke a visit." Scourge" But how do we find him in time?" Gavlatron" We find Kyloren. Then HE will take us to Snoke. We'll follow the same path as Han solo and his friends. " Galvatron and the decepticons go back into the Oscillator to follow Han. Meanwhile Han and Chewie are planting charges while evading detection from passing storm troopers. Kyloren enters the Oscillator which is a colossal cylindrical structure, consisting of dark corridores and catwalks. Kylo Ren comes to a stop, scans the catwalks and senses something. He motions the Stormtrooper squad upwards. Kylo" Find them." They rush past him. Kylo Ren turns slowly, and heads down. The Stormtroopers move up the ramp, weapons ready, checking carefully where blind corners intersect from the perimeter. They come round to the next higher level and pass Chewie who is hidding in the shadows of the grillwork. Once they're gone, he plants another charge. Outside the Starkiller base near the oscillator structure. A Snowspeeder comes to a stop outside the structure. Finn and Rey stop for a moment, look to the sky: The sun is nearly gone.
Inside the oscillator structure it is now dark. Han finishes setting a charge and is about to move on when he hears something and conceals himself behind a wide, vertical support. He peaks around the edge and his whole demeanor changes. Kylo Ren appears and stops at the railing, looking down into the filter. Han looks at his son with a tortured storm of feelings. Kylo ren he resumes his hunt. He heads directly toward where Han is hiding! Kylo Ren has an increasing sense of Hans presence as he moves closer. He comes to where Han was hiding -- but Han is nowhere to be seen. From his hiding place in a narrow, power chamber in the wall. Han watches his son pass only a few feet in front of him. Han shifts his position in the tight compartment, so he can watch Ren's progress. Kylo Ren turns onto a flat bridge that bisects the open space. Unaware of his father, Kylo Ren walks purposefully across to the opposite side. Han watches his son walk off -- the CLANK- CLANK of Kylo Ren's boots receding. This is Han's opportunity to escape but Leia's words echo through his mind. He makes a decision and moves out, to the edge of the catwalk. He calls out, strongly: Han" Ben!" The name echos as Kylo Ren stops, far across the vast catwalk. He turns. Kyloren" Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Finn and Rey make their way into the space, opening a hatch that allows a beam of precious sunlight to stream down like a spotlight on Han and his son. Finn and Rey get to a railing and look down. They can see and hear Han and Kylo Ren on the catwalk below. Finn and Rey are soon followed by the Galvatron and the decepticons who land on a railing opposite Rey and Finn. Scourge" There he is. Now he can take us to Snoke. But what is Solo doing there?" Cyclonus"It appears that Han Solo is trying to turn his son back to the good side." Galvatron" Hmm. This could work to our advantage." Cyclonus"With Kyloren back to the light side,it could weaken the first order." Galvatron" Exactly. Lets observe." The decepticons go quiet and watch the drama unfold between father and son.
Han" Take that mask of You don't need it." Kyloren" What do you think you'll see if I do." Han" The face of my son." Han moves towards Kylo. Kyloren removes his mask. Han is jolted-seeing the face of his son as a man for the first time. Kyloren" Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish, like his father. So I destroyed him." Han" That's what Snoke wants you to believe but it's not true. My son is alive." Several levels below them, Chewie comes to the rail to watch. Kyloren" No. The supreme leader is wise." Up above, Finn,Chewie and Rey watch. The decepticons also watch on in anticipation. While storm troopers dot the perimetre of the structure. Han sternly moves closer. Han" Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you -- you know it's true." Kyloren" It's too late." Han" No it's not. Leave here with me. Come home. We miss you." For the first time, Kylo Ren seems truly conflicted. Tears flood his stoic eyes... Kyloren" I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain. " The interior of the structure gets darker. Han takes one step toward his son, but stops himself. Kylorren" I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?" Han hears his son's voice again, pained and vulnerable. Han" Yes. Anything." Kylo Ren unholsters his lightsaber and slowly extends it to Han, within a foot of Han's chest. Han almost can't believe it. The moment seems to last forever. The decepticons watch gleefully. Cyclonus" With Kyloren turning to the lightside, the first order will collapse." Galvatron" Yes and then it's just the Autobots we have to worry about." Just then, the last beam of sunlight streaming through the open hatch vanishes. Han actually smiles -- and reaches out for the dark weapon --but with the light now gone, KYLO REN'S EYES FILL WITH DARKNESS, HE IGNITES THE LIGHTSABER -- THE FIERY BLADE SHOOTS OUT, RIGHT THROUGH HAN'S CHEST AND BACK! Kyloren" Thankyou." Above finn and Rey gasp and scream. Finn" Solo." Rey" No, no." Han's last moment is looking into his son's face. Han's knees buckle. The blade tilts down with him... until Kyloren extinguishes it and Han holds onto the catwalk -- his life slipping away. Finally Han falls back, off the catwalk, into the depths of the structure. None of the Decepticons kow what to make of this development. Galvatron looks on with astonishment at Kyloren. Galvatron" Bah. So much for Han Solo." Scourge" Should we go after Kyloren now?" Galvatron" Negative. That furball Chewbacca is about to set of those bombs they planted. This whole base is as good as gone. Decepticons to the air. Astrotrain should be here by now." The decepticons take to the air.
At the resistance base. Leia feels the wicked deed instantly and falls into her chair. Devastated. Back in the oscillator structure. Kyloren is weakend by his wicked act. Himself horrified. His shock is broken only when Chewie cries out in agony and fires on him. Hitting him inthe side. Kyloren falls back stunned. Stormtroopers fire at chewie, who is forced to retreat down a corridor, where he holds the explosive remote -- he pushes the button. First one, then two, then four, then six explosions rock the structure -- catwalks fall as the walls cave in. Kylo Ren sees Rey and Finn, watching the explosions in shock -- then they see Kyloren who recognizes them both, with astonishment. He rises to his full height and heads for them with long strides. Stormtroopers begin to blast away at Rey and Finn. Crazed, Rey fires back as blasts hit around her. Finn wraps an arm around her and drags/carries her out of sight.
But unknown to Rey,Finn, Chewie, Kyloren and the Decepticons. Aerialbots Air raid and Sling shot are flying just over the exploding oscillator structure. Air raid" Slingshot. I'm picking up a life form thats falling to the bottom of this structure." Sling shot" Ha, it's probably a storm trooper." Air raid extends his scanner range. Air raid" No. It's, it's Han Solo." Sling shot" What? is he alive?" Air raid" I can't tell." Slingshot" Well we better go after him. Dead or not we can't just leave him here. I'm going after him." Air raid" I'll cover you. But first we must contact Silverbolt." Sling shot dives down into the depths of the oscillator structure to find Han's body. Air raid covers him.
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