Battlezone > The Frontline

Transformers and Starwars crossover/mashup story. 2

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Slingshot navigates the depth's of the oscillator while evading falling debris, he finally gets a fix on Han Solo's falling body. Slingshot" Found him. Gotta be careful." Slingshot transforms into robot mode as he gets closer to Han and grabs hold of his body. Slingshot*suprised*" There's still life in him. But it's slipping rapidly. I'd better contact the others and get outta here quick." Slingshot transforms into plane mode with Han lying back in the cockpit. Slingshot contacts Air raid. Slingshot" Air raid. I got him and now leaving the Oscillator." Air raid" You better hurry, it's caving in rather rapidly. How is Han?" Slingshot" He's alive. But barely, he's unconcious at the moment." Air raid" We'd better contact Silverbolt." Slingshot and Air raid make contact with Silver bolt who is fighting alongside Poe's squadron and the other Aerialbots. Silverbolt" I hear You loud and clear Slingshot and Air raid. Whats the problem?" Air raid" Slingshot has just rescued Han and he has been critically injured." Silverbolt" What? Any idea what happened?" Air raid" No. We just found him falling into the depths of the Oscillator." Slingshot"I was lucky to get him out of their in one peice. But we better get Han back to base, his condition isn't good at all." Silverbolt" I'll contact Optimus Prime and report this to him. Maybe Leia can use the force to keep Han alive until we can get back." Slingshot" Good idea."  Silverbolt attempts to contact Optimus Prime at the resistance base. Back at the resistance base. Admiral Ackbar" The Oscillator's been damaged but it's still functional." Officer Tabala Zo" Admiral, their weapon will fire in two minutes." Leia is grief stricken over Han, when Optimus Prime receives a message from Silverbolt. Prime" What is it Silverbolt?" Silverbolt" Prime. Han solo has been severly injured. Slingshot and Air raid have just rescued him and are now on the way back to base." Prime" Good grief. Leia did sense something like that. At least he is still alive. What about Finn and Chewie?" Silverbolt" Air raid say's he saw Chewie, Finn and some young girl leave the oscillator structure, just before Slingshot went after Han.  Han's only just hanging on too Prime." Leia" The girl must be Rey. Silverbolt, I'll use the force to keep him alive until You and the Aerialbots get back to base. But I wont be able to hold out for long." Optimus Prime" Silverbolt. You and the aerialbots will get back to base with Han now. Poe and his team of fighters can take care of the Starkiller base from here on."  Silverbolt" Copy that Prime."
 From a distance in the forest the oscillator is ablaze and fractured from the explosives. Then Rey and Finn appear, coming over rising, running into a bare-tree snowy forest. Finn" The Falcon's this way." Finn and Rey, overcome with emotion, race through the snowy forest -- until Finn slows and stops. Rey stops too, both out of breath. They look at each other. They both know:  they can't run. Kylo Ren moves through the trees -- until he stops. Takes out the saber, ignites it. A still figure amidst the gusts of wind and snow. The Aerial bots fly overhead as they ascend to the sky and prepare for the jump to hyperspace. Skydive see's Finn and Rey facing Kyloren. Skydive" Finn and that girl are in trouble we got to help them." Silverbolt" No, this looks like one of those jedi  battles we can't get involved in.  Besides we gotta get Han back to base. Leia is keeping him alive. But she can't hold out for long." Fireflight" What about the decepticons and the stunticons? They're getting away." Silverbolt" Forget the decepticons. We'll worry about them later." With that the Aerialbots jump into lightspeed for D'Qar.  As the Aerial bots disappear. The Decepticons and Stunticons are flying towards the sky at almost nothing. Galvatron*displeased*" Well? Where is Astrotrain?" But just then a massive ship apears out of lightspeed several yards in front of them. The ship is a hybrid of a first order Star destroyer and a Decepticon ship. A door opens and the bottom of the ship and Astrotrain comes flying out towards Galvatron and co. He transforms into shuttle mode. Galvatron*to Cyclonus*" What is Astrotrain doing in that flying junk pile? They havn't formed an alliance with the First Order have they?" Cyclonus" You pose a good question my lord." Astrotrain collects the decepticons and stunticons and heads back to the decepticon destroyer ship.  All the decepticons are reunited. But Galvatron is less than impressed with the ship they built. Galvatron" What is this pile of junk, the rest of You decepticons are flying in? You better not have formed an alliance with the first order without my approval."  Soundwave" We have no alliance with the first order." Blitzwing *chimes in*" Astrotrain didn't have enough energy to carry all the decepticons to the Starkiller base. So I proposed that the constructicons build a Starship similar to the First order ships, but with some decepticon touches." Galvatron" I see. Well I must say You have done a remarkable job." Scrapper" You should see the base on Mustafar. It is something special." Soundwave punches up an image of the mustafar base on the monitor. Galvatron" Very good Scrapper. You decepticons have done well." Cyclonus" What are Your plans now mighty Galvatron?" Galvatron" Obliterate the Autobots of course." Scourge" What about the first order and the resistance?" Galvatron" I do not care about those puny flesh creatures." Cyclonus" The Starkiller base is going to blow any minute. But I assume the First Order will jump to light speed for D'qar and try and wipe out the resistance and possibly the Autobots." Galvatron" Then we wait for the first order to move to lightspeed for the resistance/autobot base. Optimus Prime will no doubt make sure the Resistance is safely evacuated. This will keep the first order busy. Then we will attack the Autobots before they know whats happened."  Scourge" Unless that Wookie and the flesh creatures warn the autobots." Galvatron" I'm sure Kylo Ren would finish them off before they have that chance."
Back in the forest and Kyloren is facing off Finn and Rey. Finn holds Lukes lightsabre and Rey holds a storm trooper blaster. Kyloren" We're not done yet." Rey" You're a monster."  Kyloren" I'ts just us now. Han Solo can't save You." After a beat, Rey moves forward with the blaster and fires at Kylo Ren. Kyloren uses the force to stop Rey in her tracks, remove her blaster and send her flying into a tree. She is dazed and hurt. Finn runs up to her to make sure she is alright. But the sound of Kylo's light sabre causes him to turn around. Kylo Ren" Traitor." Finn reacts by tunring on Lukes Lightsabre. Kyloren is shocked. Kyloren" That light sabre. It belongs to me." Finn" Come get it." And the 2 begin a light sabre duel. Kyoren is hampered by his wound inflicted by chewie. But he eventualy defeats Finn and knocks him unconcious. The light sabre flies out of his hand. Kyloren uses the force to recall the light sabre. But it's Rey who gets the light sabre. It isn't long before they engage in a sabre duel. Kyloren is shocked by her raw innate skill. Meanwhile Poe Dameron and his team have seen the explosion in the oscillator. YoloZiff" Theres a brand new hole in the oscillator." Poe" Red four! Red six! cover us." Lt.Bastian" I'm on it." Poe" Everyone else hit that target hard. Give it everything You got." Poe and two more xwing fighters go into the trench leading to the oscillator. As they approach one xwing is hit. Poe" All teams- I'm going in. Pull up and cover me." Niv Lek" Copy that. Good luck Poe." The trailing X-wings peel off as Poe's black fighter darts into the fiery breach.
Inside Starkiller base control room. The sun is almost completely gone. Starkiller technician" Weapon at full capacity in 30 seconds." Hux" Prepare to fire." Outside at the starkiller oscillator.Poe's X-wing weaves through the breach. A pursuing tie fighter does not clear the gap, leaving Poe to circle the interior of the unguarded structure, firing volley after volley of torpedoes. The remaining X-Wings -- including Poe's -- blast the place --and the structure begins to crater, deep underground EXPLOSIONS!
In the forest Rey and Kyloren are in a furious light sabre battle. Rey seems to be over powering Kyloren. But Kylo finds his strength and pushed Rey back into the forest. Suddenly the ground gives way behind her and she is fighting on the edge of a brand new cliff.  Kyloren" You need a teacher. I can show you the ways of the force." Rey" The force."  Rey closes her eys for a moment. When she opens them. She is focused and pounds back. Rey continually attacks Kyloren with speed and fury. Kylo is knocke dto the ground repeatedly and his light sabre is knocked out of his hand. Inflicting a scar on the side of his face. Rey could kill him with one vicious strike. But she stops,realizing she stands on the edge of the darkside. The planet shakes and splits. A gully forms. In the control room everyone prepares to evacuate as the entire base continues to crumble. Hux is standing before Snoke. Hux" The fuel cells have ruptured. The collapse of the planet has begun." Snoke" Leave the base at once and come with me to Kyloren. It is time to complete his training." Back in the forest Rey turns and runs to Finn who is lying near death on the ground. She holds him almost in tears as the planet falls apart around them. Then the falcon appears with Chewie at the controls. He roars to them. Moments later Rey and Finn are on the falcon and they blast of into space as the planet crumbles behind them followed by the resistance xwing fighters lead by Poe. They all enter lightspeed and head for home.
At the resistance base on D'qar. The falcon has landed among the other resistance ships. Poe is there watching as Chewie scuttles down the ramp carrying an unconscious Finn. Medical personel meet them and usher them inside. Rey walks down the ramp and for the first time see's Leia and Optimus Prime. C3PO, BB8, Hot rod and Bumblebee are with them. Rey is sad for Leia. The two women embrace. Rey" I can't believe Han is gone. I'm so sorry." Leia" He is gone yet. But he is in a very critical condition."  C3PO" And we wont know how bad it is until he wakes up. If he wakes up." Bumblebee" The medics are doing all they can 3PO." Optimus Prime looks to Leia and Rey. Rey turns from Leia and looks to Optimus Prime and the other Autobots. Prime" You must be Rey." Rey*nods*" Yes." Prime" I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots who are in a symbiant alliance with the Resistance." Rey becomes aquainted with Leia and the Autobots as they make their way into the resistance base. Inside Chewbacca (unaware the Aerial bots have rescued Han) and a few others are sitting quietly mourning their losses. As BB8 aproaches R2D2. The long dormant droid suddenly stirs. C3PO" R2D2 You've come back? You found what? How dare You call me that."  3PO swats R2. 3PO" find master Luke how? Come R2 we must tell the others at once." Leia stands at the computer heartbroken. C3PO" Excuse me General Leia. But R2D2 may contain some much needed good news." Leia" Tell me." Rey stands with Leia, Poe, C3PO, BB8, Optimus Prime,the Autobots  and a handfull of  resistance officers. R2 suddenly projects a large navigational map with a specific chunk missing. BB8 beeps. Poe" Alright buddy." Poe gets the data device out of the computer and puts it into BB8. BB8 projects his map and shrinks it down to fit into R2D2's map. Everyone is amazed. C3PO" The map. It's complete." Leia*hand on here heart* " Luke". Everyone cheers. C3PO leans on R2. C3PO" Oh my dear friend. How I've missed you."
A new day in the resistance base. Both Finn and Han are unconsious in ICU. Their fates uncertain. Rey sits near them.  Deeply worried but sensing Finn has  a much higher chance of survival then Han. But knowing Han would have truly been gone if it weren't for the Aerialbots. Rey says her goodbye to Han and then kisses Finn. Rey* to Finn*" Well see each other again. I believe that."
Outside the base. Chewie is doing last minute checks on the Falcon. Rey stands with Leia. Rey" Theres something I need to tell Optimus Prime before I leave with Chewie." Leia" I can tell him. What is it?" Rey" On the starkiller base. We came across the Decepticons and their leader Galvatron, they are on their way here now along with the first order" Leia*alarmed*" I must tell Prime at once. Have they teamed with the first order?" Rey" I don't know. Galvatron allowed us to destroy the oscillator. But thats because he wanted to destroy Prime himself." Leia" I'll speak to Prime about this. You better get going and find Luke and may the force be with you."  This fills Rey up. she smiles graciously. Rey then head for the  falcon and goes inside.  Soon they fly  of into space  and blast into light speed. The next generation of Jedi begins her journey.   The falcon comes out of light speed and enters the atmosphere of Ahch-to. They eventually land on an island. Rey begins her hike up the mountain with Chewie and R2 watching at the bottom near the falcon. Rey finally arrives at a clearing and see's a man in a cloak and hood withhis back to her. the man slowly turns to Rey and pulls back his hood.  It is Luke skywalker. He is much older now with grey hair and a beard. Rey pulls Lukes lightsabre out of her pack and hands it to him. Luke looks on amazed and conflicted. The promise of an adventure just beginning.
Back at the Resistance and Autobot base on Dqar. Bumblebee and C3PO are watching over Han and Finn while Optimus Prime, Ultramagnus and Leia discuss their next move.  C3PO" Well Rey, Chewbacca and R2 are on their way to  find master Luke." Bumblebee" R2 would be very happy to see Luke I imagine and Chewie."  Just then  Han Solo starts to regain consiousness. But is still in a bad way.  C3PO" Oh my. Solo is waking up." Han" 3PO? Bumblebee? Where am I?" Bumblebee" You're at the resistance base on Dqar." Han" Last thing I remember was being peirced by Bens light sabre. Then falling into the pit below me." Bumblebee" Yeah. Slingshot rescued You. Leia used the force to keep You alive." Han tries to get up but can't. Han" I can't move my legs." First aid from the protectobots(who has become the new autobot medic after the death of Ratchet) and a medical officer walk into the ICU. Medic" You sustained alot of damage Solo. That lightsabre narrowly missed your heart. But it severed  your spinal column from the chest down. You will never walk again." Han is devastated and so is Leia as she enters the ICU with Optimus Prime, Ultramagnus and Preceptor. First aid" Well not as normal human anyway." Bumblebee*bewildered*" What do you mean?" Leia" I know what he means." Prime" So do I." Han" You mean a cybernetic reconstruction like Vader?" Leia, the medic and the autobots nod. C3PO" I must say princes Leia. That kind of proceedure will take too long and we simply don't have time." Ultramagnus" He's right, what with the imminent attack of the first order as well as the decepticons. I can't believe he's back." Prime" Galvatron would have been found sooner or later. But right now we have to find a solution for Han." Preceptor" There might be another option." Bumblebee" Not the Transformable Xwings." Han" The what?"  Leia has a concerned look on her face. Prime" It was one of Wheeljack, Preceptor and Ratchets experiments. They intended to boost our Autobot forces by modifying a couple of Xwing fighters, so they can transform into robots like us. They were perfect too. Only problem is we forgot that we were too far from cybertron to access vector sigma. The super computer that gave us all life." Bumblebee" And even if we could. The key was destroyed when Megatron used Vecta sigma to create the Stunticons."
Han" Interesting. So whats the plan?" Preceptor" Using a mind transfer machine. We can put Your mind and spirit into the central processor of the transformable xwing." Firstaid" You would basically become a transformer." Ultramagnus" Thats if it works." Leia" what if it doesn't." Firstaid" We could lose Han forever."  Bumblebee" So in otherwords dead." Han" Snoke and Ben think I'm dead and if Snoke realises I'm alive. He will kill Ben. I'll do it." Leia is uneasy about the idea. Leia" I don't like this." Prime" Are You sure about this Han? It's very risky like Firstaid said. We could lose you forever." Han" Optimus. I have been tortured on a scan grid by Vader. Frozen in carbonite. Imprisoned by Jabba the hutt and now impaled by a lightsabre. How bad could it be?" Prime" You have a good point Han. Very well get to it Preceptor and first aid."  Bumblebee, Leia and C3PO wheel Hans bed into another larger room where the Transformable Xwings  are. FirstAid and Bumblebee put a dome like helmet over Han Solos head and connect it to a large computer like device. Preceptor takes another cable from the device and hooks it into the CPU socket of the  Transformable Xwing. Prime" How is it going?" Preceptor" Everything is in readiness." Firstaid and Preceptor make a few vital adjustments on the computer. Everyone in the room crosses their finger and hope for the best as Preceptor prepares to throw the switch. Han" If this fails. It's been truly great knowing everyone of You." Preceptor" Counting down from 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1." Preceptor pulls the switch. The machine comes to life, sending Han Solo's entire consciousness and life force into the cpu of the Transformable Xwing. Moments later and the process is complete. Hans body is completely lifeless. Leia watches over in tears. The autobots are anxious. Preceptor" It is finished." He unhooks the xwing and Hans body from the machine.
For a while there is uncertainty as the Transformable Xwing is motionless. But all of a sudden life. The CPU begins to boot up as Hans life force begins to flow into every circuit of the Xwing. Leia and the Autobots watch on with a mix of excitement and dread. Then a robotic voice booms from the Xwing. Han" Woa. This feels different." Everyone sighs with relief. Bumblebee" You alright in there Han?" Han" As good as I can be. It's one hell of an adjustment. Instead of having a fast ship like the Falcon. I feel like I am the falcon." C3PO" The xwings are quite fast Solo." Prime" Thats only half of it. Try and transform." After a few seconds the rear of the Xwing extends and then splits in 2 like legs. Han then stands up as the cockpit moves down to his chest, the wings fold back, arms emerge out of the sides of the rear cockpit. Finally a head emerges. A gun appears in Hans hand. Leia and the Autobots are speechless. Ultramagnus puts the autobot symbol on Hans chest" It worked. Solo. You are now an Autobot."  Bumblebee" Now You just need a new name." Han" Very true. Bens life is in danger if Snoke knows I live on as an Autobot." Prime" It'll have to be something that describes your powers or personality." Han" Well I've always been a great pilot." Leia" And good with a blaster." C3PO" Master Luke once described your attack on the 1st death star as like Fire coming from the Sky." Han" Fire from the sky?" Everyone gives strange looks. Bumblebee" How about Skyfire?" Han" Skyfire. Hey I like that." Prime" Very well. Han. As an Autobot You shall now be known as Skyfire."

As Han solo settles  into his new life as Autobot Skyfire and gets used to his new body. The resistance prepares to evacuate the base. The Autobots remain on guard and keep watch as many resistance ships leave the planet. Outside the base, members of the resistance are frantically trying to get all the munitions loaded onto ships. But the firstorder fleet comes out of hyperspace just above the planet.  In the bridge of the main destroyer. Captain Peavey" We caught them in the middle of their evacuation." Hux" I have orders from supreme leader snoke himself. This is where we wipe out the resistance as well as the autobots. Tell captain Canady to prime his dread naught and incenerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet." Out in space a large dreadnaught ship appears with a large laser cannon attatched to it's under belly. Followed by a much larger decepticon ship. Cyclonus" It seems the first order have a ship with a very destructive cannon mounted under neath." Galvatron" So the first order plan to wipe out the resistance and the autobots and rob my of my chance to destroy Prime. We attack now." Scourge" Wait. A small Xwing is approaching." Galvatron" Hmm. He must be planning to stop the dread naught. Good. That means we can save our energy for the Autobots and any of the other resistance rebels still down on the planet." Tripple changers Blitzwing and Astrotrain are looking forward to the impending assault on the autobots. Blitzwing" Finally we get to destroy the Autobots and their sympathisers after so many years." Astrotrain" Yes and this time try not to walk into any traps." Blitzwing" What do you mean?" Astrotrain" The trap on Lord Chumleys property. When you insisted on rescuing that girl, after Optimus Prime left her. He knew it was a trap and lets not forget our attempt at taking over as decepticons leaders, it was a fiasco." Blitzwing" I was doing alright until the constructicons wrecked my scoreboard and formed Devastator." Astrotrain" The constructicons formed Devastator because YOU screwed them over by promising them a partnership in leading the decepticons if they built YOUR maze. then instead of keeping your end of the bargain you insult them." Blitzwing" Well it was YOU that caused the entire city to be flooded. When one of your trains hit a water main, freeing Megatron and starscream in the process. Yes a substandard army of trains to help you carry energon cubes." Astrotrain" Alright lets just drop it. We have Autobots to crush and judging by the first order ships nearby we are not alone." Blitzwing" No. Theres two of us." Astrotrain" Blitzwing you are funnier than the energon shortage on cybertron." Blitzwing" But thats not funny." Astrotrain" Exactly."   
Back on the the destroyer.  Captain Peavey" A much larger ship has also come out of hyperspace, but it's not of the first order or resistance. It must be the Decepticons." Hux" Don't be ridiculous. The Decepticons have been in hiding  and without their leader for years."   As Hux speaks all the decepticon forces leave their ship and descend towards the resistance and autobot base.  Hux and Peavy become busy dealing with Poe Dameron to notice. Poe gets his Xwing charged and then speeds across the dread naught taking out the surface cannons. This will allow the bombers to strike and give the resistance time to escape. An first order officer notices the decepticons descending on the planet below and alerts Hux. Peavey" So it IS the decepticons. Good, hopefully they destroy the Autobots." Hux" The Autobots? Our main concern is the resistance." Peavey" Yes. But the autobot Wheeljack  stole my designs for a new time machine." Hux" A time machine?" Peavy" Yes. A time machine, but you wouldn't think it was by looking at it."
Back at the Autobot and Resistance base. All the resistance is now in space, withthe Autobots remaining on the planet. Wreckgar a junkion is watching the monitors when he see's the Decepticons descending to their base. Wreckgar" Crips..It's the gasman." Wreckgar begins shouting to the other autobots. Wreckgar" GASMAN  GASMAN GASMAN."  Ultramagnus looks to Optimus Prime. Ultramagnus" Whats he yabbering about?" Optimus Prime" The decepticons are arriving and all the resistance have left. It's time to do battle Autobots." Hotrod looks toward a fancy and strange looking lavatory near Wheeljacks workshop. Hotrod" What about Wheeljacks invention?" Bumblebee" What about it? It's just a time traveling toilet that doesn't even work." Ultramagnus" You mean the Turdis?" Hotrod" yes. I mean if the decepticons get a hold of it.." Bumblebee" Yeah but it doesn't work."  Ultramagnus" The Constructicons could make it work."   Bumblebee bursts into fits of laughter. Bumblebee" Haha. Can You imagine the constructicons repairing a time traveling toilet?" Bumblebee has a mental image of the constructicons repairing the turdis. Scrapper" This should almost do it." Longhaul" I can't believe we are repairing a toilet used by flesh creatures." Hook" It is not a mere toilet. It is a time traveling machine." Galvatron" Silence...I WANT THIS TURDIS WORKING NOW!"  Bumblebee" that is funny." Optimusprime" No it's not Bumblebee. We cannot allow the decepticons to gain any device that will have an advantage over us even if it is a time traveling...........toilet. And being a time machine, there's no telling what Galvatron will do if he gets the Turdis working. We will have to destroy it."

         11th Installment.
Just as the autobots proceed to destroy the turdis a strange glow of  blue energy surrounds the lifeless body of Han Solo. Making his body look younger by 30 years, his clothing is slightly altered, bull whip appears nears his right hand and a stetson cowboy hat appears on his head. Hotrod and Bumble bee are stunned. Hotrod" Whats going on?" Preceptor" It could be a side effect to Han's transfer into his new body." Bumble bee" What kind of side effect and whats with the hat and the whip? Wait a minute, this reminds me of a dream Han told me about when he was frozen in the carbonite." Optimus Prime"  I remember that too. When Han was trapped in the carbonite. His mind and spirit wondered to another plain of existence. Where he became an archealogist on earth by the name of Indiana Jones." Preceptor" Hmm it seems that his alterego as well as a part of his psyche has manifested itself into Hans body." Optimus Prime" Interesting. But between the force, the matrix and our combined technologies and science. Something like this was bound to happen." Bumblebee"  Considering this whole thing was hit and miss. Is it possible Han became Indiana Jones again while his spirit was being transfered into skyfire and what did he see this time?"
Cut to earth in 1939. Indiana Jones is riding a motor cycle somewhere in the american desert when he sees part of a space ship lodged in the side of an inactive volcano. Indy" Hmm thats interesting. An alien space ship in the side of that volcano. I'll have to check this out at once, could make me a fortune." Indy makes his way to the ship. He makes an epic climb and the enters the ship through one of the damaged holes. He turns on a flash light and looks around. Indy" It's definetly a space ship. A fair bit of damage too, a few damaged giant robots lying around too. Some are in peices. This is really strange." Indy takes a closer look at the robots. Indy" Each robot has a symbol of a face. But some have a different face than the others anfd it looks like there has been a battle. I might stay here a while and try and find out what the hell all this is. Have to make sure it's nothing the nazi's would be interested in." As Indy moves about he accidently pushes a button that activates Teletraan 1 but with a slight time delay. Teletraan1" Warning Decepticons boarding."  An image of the Decepticon symbol appears on screen followed by the autobot symbol. Teletraan 1" Autobots respond."    Indy*mutters to himself*" So thats what those symbols mean. Autobots and Decepticons. So these robots  are on  warring factions. Well I better turn this off quickly before it attracts the attention of the nazi's." Indy presses the same button again and Teletraan 1 shutsdown. But not before showing a large planet on it's screen, moving freely through the far reaches of space. Indy" Thats an odd looking planet, It appears to have some sort of mouth, with horns on either side. It's almost as if that planet is ALIVE!"  At that precise moment Indy hears a menacing voice in his head. Unicron*in Indy's mind*" I am Unicron!" Indy is slightly freaked out. But regains his composure. Indy" This is too much to take in all at once. I'm outta here." As Indy leaves the crashed Autobot ship he notices a strange looking toilet outside. Indy" Where did that come from? No matter, I need to relieve myself." Indy goes into the toilet and does his business and pulls the chain to flush the toilet. But unknown to Indiana Jones this is no ordinary toilet. It is the Turdis, a time travelling toilet invented by Eddie Hitler who is looking around the desert for a bar and maybe some birds with Richard Richard. The turdis transports Indy to the year 1984 moments before the volcano erupts.
Indy gets out of the toilet as the volcano erupts. Indy" Hey that wasn't happening before." Moments later he see's some of the giant robots fly out of the ark and to the top of the mountain. He notices the symbols. Indy" I guess that the Decepticons." He then hears the decepticons talking. Indy" They are the Decepticons. Their leader I assume just mentioned the Autobots and now one of them is blasting the ship. Hmm he doesn't seem all that obedient to the leader." Indy looks at the turdis and notices the year is 1984. Indy" I better set this back to 1939." Indy sets the turdis to 1939 and pulls the chain. Indy" This thing is disgusting. I hope it works." In a flash the turdis returns to 1939. Indy opens the door and is confronted by an angry Ritchie who punches him in the face. Eddie then bangs Indy on the head with a frying pan. Knocking him to the ground. Ritchie punches Indy again. while Eddie hits him with the frying pan. This goes on for a while, then they stop. Ritchie accidently dros a letter he wrote for Sue Carpenter on the unconscious Indiana Jones. Ritchie" That'll teach you to steal our time traveling turdis, You Bastard!" Eddie" We better go Ritchie. Theres no bar here. " As they get into the turdis. Eddie notices a Indys bag containing something gold and shiny.  Eddie" Hey Ritchie look at this." Ritchie" Woah. Looks like some ancient treasure. Could be worth billions." Eddie" We should take it with us." Ritchie" Eddie. Are you suggesting that we steal these pricles valubles for this poor unconcious man. who cannot defend himself in his current state. Just so we can live the highlife and have plenty of birds?" Eddie" Yep thats the size of it." Ritchie" It's a bloody good plan." With that Ritchie and Eddie grab the bag of priceless gold artifacts and head for the turdis. Eddie is about to pull that chain when Indy comes to. He notices they have his bag and while still lying on the ground. He strikes Ritchi and Eddie with his whip, which grabs his bag and brings it back to him. Indy" Those belong in a museum." Ritchie" YOU BASTARD!" With that Eddie pulls the chain and the trudis disappears. A few moments later and Indy slowly disappears.
Back at the Autobot and resistance base the blue glow wears down and Hansolo, now transformed into Indiana Jones awakes. Indy" Whats going on here? Where am I?" BumbleBee" I'm sure glad Leia isn't here to see this." Indy" Who's Leia? Wait.. You're the Autobots and you're alive." Hotrod" Yeah but not for much longer if we don't fight of the Decepticons." Indy" The Decepticons are here too? Well first I need to use the bathroom. That funny looking toilet will do." Indiana makes his way to the turdis and opes the door. Hotrod" You can't use that." Indy" Oh yeah. Watch me." Indy goes into the turdis and closes the door. Bumblebee" Well he cetainly IS like Han." Indy flushes the toilet and all of a sudden the turdis and Indiana Jones disappear into thin air. Hotrod" Well thats just great." Prime" Well at least Galvatron wont be able to get his hands on it either."

The Decepticons have landed near the base. Galvatron" Stunticons transform and tear this place to pieces. Constructicons, merge into Devastator." The stunticons transform into vehicle mode and start aggressively driving around and destroying everything in sight. The constructicons form Devastator. Galvatron" Attack." Inside the head quarters. Optimus Prime" Autobots the decepticons are here. Attack." All the autobots run out to battle the decepticons. Omega supreme prepares to battle Devastator. Prime" No Omega. You need to go into rocket mode and escort the resistance. Protectobots merge into Defensor and stop Devastator." The protectobots form Defensor and begin fighting Devastator. The aerial bots and skyfire transform into plane mode and take to the skys. It's all mayhem. Meanwhile in space Poe has cleared the guns from the dreadnaut and the bombers are coming in.  Several of them are destroyed. But one bomber manages to drop it's load on the ship. Destroying it. The bomber is also destroyed. The resistance blast of into hyper space, followed by Omega supreme. Hux is left to face a displeased Snoke. Meanwhile back on D'qar. Skyfire(formerly Han Solo) has taken out a Ramjet and Thrust. The aerial bots have formed Superion and are fighting the Stunticons combined form Menasor. Hotrod" We have decepticons everywhere." Springer" We can take em all." Arcee" I just hope the resistance are doing ok." Ultramagnus" They are. They just jumped into hyperspace with Omega supreme." Optimus Prime and Galvatron are batteling it out. Prime" One shall stand and one shall fall." Galvatron" Why throw away your life so recklessly?" Prime" Thats a question you should ask yourself Galvatron." Galvatron" No. I'll crush you with my bare hands."  But Optimus Prime has already sustained a bit of damage after being rammed by the stunticons. Prime delivers a few blow to Galvatron. But Galvatron slices Prime with a laser sword. Skyfire flies over just as Galvatron transforms into cannon mode and blasts Optimus Prime fataly wounding him. Galvatron" At last Prime is dead." Skyfire" Nooo." enraged he blasts Galvatron. Galvatron" Curse you. You miserable autobot."  Galvatron blasts Skyfires wing. Causing him to crash. But the rest of the Autobots have gained the upper hand over the Decepticons and most are defeated. Galvatron" Decepticons retreat. Optimus Prime is dead anyway." The Decepticons leave for the ship and to find the first order."
In the head quarters. Preceptor is examining a badly wounded Optimus Prime and delivers bad news. Preceptor" I fear the wounds are fatal." Skyfire" No. I can't be." Prime" Do not grieve. Soon I will become one with the matrix." Hotrod" Prime." Prime looks to Ultramagnus" It is to you old friend. I shall pass the matrix of leadership over to you. As it was passed onto me." Ultramagnus" But Prime. I'm just a soldier. I'm not worthy." Prime" Nor was I. But an autobot shall rise through our ranks and use the matrix to light our darkest hour. Until then. until all are one." Optimus prime opens his chest and passes the matrix to Ultramagnus. But drops it. Hotrod picks it up and hand it to Ultramagnus, whole places it in his own chest cavity. Optimus Prime dies. After a moment of silence. Ultramagnus" We must regroup with the resistance. But first we will bury Prime and say our goodbyes.
On the resistance cruiser. Leia senses something terrible has happened. Leia" Prime. No." Poe lands his Xwing and Finn wakes up. Poe" Finn, your ok. We better get you dressed. You must have a thousand questions." Finn" Where's Rey?"
On the island of ahch-to. Rey is handing Luke his old light sabre. Luke takes the light sabre and looks at Rey with a worn down expression. Luke" Who are you  and what do you expect me to do with this?" Rey" I'm from the resistance. Leia sent me. We need the jedi, we need Luke Skywalker." Luke" You don't need me. I'm done with the jedi order." Just then Chewbacca appears. Luke" Chewie and the falcon. Wait wheres Han?" Rey" He was killed by Kyloren." Rey further explains recent events to Luke including the return of Galvatron and the Decepticons. Luke" This is indeed bad news. I will return with You and chewie. But first I must train you in the ways of the force. We start first light tomorrow." Rey smiles with relief. Rey" So I'm going to become a jedi." Luke" Not right away. You have alot to learn."  As Luke,Chewbacca and Rey move to the huts for rest and to prepare for the next day, something appears near Lukes hut that resembles a space age toilet. It is the turdis. Indiana Jones exits the turdis, Luke and the rest look on in shock. Luke" Han? We thought you were dead." Indy" Who's Han? I'm not Han. I'm Indiana Jones an Archeologist from earth who somehow ended up here." Luke" Well you look like Han, You talk like Han and you act like Han. So you must be Han." Indy" Well I'm not Han." Rey" How did you get here?" Indiana points to the turdis. Indy" In that thing. It's the second time I was transported using a toilet. It's getting embarrasing."  Luke" The turdis, Wheel jacks invention." Rey" The turdis." Luke" It's supoosed to be a time traveling toilet. Invented by Wheeljack. It must have randomly transported this Indy fellow to another planet, instead of another time. Wheeljacks inventions are like that." Indy" This Indy fellow? Ah Wheeljack. He must be one of the Autobots." Rey" You know the Autobots too?" Indy" I was exploring their ship that crash landed on earth. Both the autobots and Decepticons in that ship were lifeless. Until a volcanic eruption somehow put the Decepticons online and then autobots." Luke" But how did you get here?" Indy" I don't know. One minute I was knocked unconsious by a couple of idiots and then I was mysteriously transported to some futuristic military base occupied by the Autobots." Rey"D'quar" Luke gets a vision through the force and meditates on it for a moment. Luke" They didn't." Rey and Indy" What?" Luke" The autobots transfered Hans spirit into one of the transformable Xwings. Another project of the autobots. Han is now Skyfire it seems." Indy" what does this have to do with me?" Luke" Indy. You are in a way, Hans subconscious alter ego. When Han was frozen into carbonite. Han must have drifted into a dream state and his mind created you. But now when Hans spirit was transfered into the xwing. You must have manifested into Hans body and regenerated as a side effect." Indy" That's crazy. Hmm there's a piece of paper with writing on it. Could be a map."  Rey" What does it say?" Indy" I'll decipher now. Bah.  It's just a love letter from one of those idiots that attacked me." Luke and Rey crack up laughing. Luke" That was a good laugh. Anyhow we all better get some dinner and sleep. It's a big day tomorrow."

   13th Installment!
Kylo Ren enters Snokes throne room. Hux is also in the room. Snoke" Tied on a string indeed. Well done Hux. We shall soon have the first order in our grasp." Hux" Thankyou supreme leader." Hux walks out as Kylo walks in. Snoke ask's about Kylo's wound and soon begins berrating Kylo Ren on his defeat at the hands of Rey. Snoke " Galvatron and his decepticon forces finally managed to wipeout his enemy Optimus Prime. But You... YOU FAILED! Skywalker lives. As long as he lives. Hope lives.  I had hoped you would be the one to snuff it out. Unless you are no Vader,  you are just a child in a mask. "    Kylo ren leaves the room and into a lift and leaves for his ship.
Back on Ahch-tu. Luke is training Rey in the ways of the force. Luke" You must consentrate Rey. Feel the force." Rey" I wont fail you. We will defeat the first order." Luke" That wont be easy with the Decepticons back in action. But Optimus Prime and the Autobots will handle them." Indy" I'm afraid Optimus Prime is dead. I believe Galvatron killed him. Ultra Magnus is now the new leader." Luke" Oh. Now I really need to train you up Rey. We need to be strong with the force to help Ultra Magnus. He is a great warrior and can lead. But not in the way Optimus Prime can. He will need our help." All of a sudden Rey gets a split second vision of a giant robotic planet moving through the galaxy. Rey" Master Skywalker. I just got a vision of a giant planet, that is.....alive." Indy" It's Unicron. The devourer of worlds. I had a visiom of him too back on earth." Luke meditates on this for a while. Luke" Oh no. Unicron is a far greater threat than both the Decepticons AND the First Order put together. He is not far from where the resistance fleet have gone, but he is hiding and waiting." Rey" For the resistance?" Luke" No. The decepticons, especially Galvatron and his troops Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps." 
The resistance come out of hyper space.  Leia demotes Poe for his dread naught plan. Finn is concered for Rey. Finn" We're really nowwhere. How is Rey going to find us now? A cloaked binary beacon?" Leia" To light her way home." Finn" But what about the Autobots?" Poe" Optimus Prime will find us using the matrix." Leia" No. I sense that Optimus Prime has been killed by Galvatron." Finn and Poe" What?" Finn"Who's going them now?" Leia" Ultra Magnus and he's going to need help." Poe" Then it's unlikely that they will find us." Leia" We have to find a new base." Larma D'acy" One with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies. scattered in the Outer Rim and the Autobots." Suddenly alarms flash."  Ackbar"Proximity alert."
The First Order fleet and the Decepticons ship emerge out of light speed. Resistance female soldier" They found us." Poe" Thats Impossible. It's Snokes ship and another much larger ship. You gotta be kidding me. Can we jump to light speed?" Kaydel Ko Konnix" We have enough for one jump." Poe" Then do it."  Leia" Wait they tracked us through light speed." Finn" Thats impossible." Leia" Yes. And they've done it. To make matters worse that larger ship is the Decepticons ship."  Finn" So if we jump to lightspeed... they'll just find us again, and we'll be out of fuel. They've got us."  Poe" Not yet. Permission to jump into an xwing and blow stuff up?" Leia" Permission granted." Poe and the crew prepare to face of with the first order. But the ties fighters have moved in for the attack and have destroyed some of the xwings. Finn" Are you alright?" Poe" We need to get out of range of those star destroyers." Ackbar" We need to what?" Leia" Get out of range of those star destroyers and the fighters will fall back." The bombing raids continue lead by Kylo Ren. 
On the bridge . Hux" Ren the resistance have pulled out, we can't cover you at this distance. Return to the fleet."  Kylo Ren flies over a resistance cruiser and is a bout to fire. But senses his mother Leia in the ship. He then removes his finger from the trigger. But 2 tie fighters come out from behind and blasting the bridge. Sending Leia flying out the window. She uses the force to return and is rescued by Poe and some crew members. She is placed on a stretcher and wheeled to a medical room.
On the bridge of the Snokes ship. Peavey" The resistance are out of our range.They can't lose us but they can keep at a distance where our cannons are ineffective against their shields. " Hux" Well keep up the barrage." Peavey" Very good sir. Oh it seems the Decepticons have rejoined us and the monitor is picking up something else." Hux" The Decepicons. Lets see what they want." Hux and Peavey send a transmission to the decepticons ship. Hux" This is Admiral Hux of the first order. What is your business?" On the Decepticon ship. Soundwave" Mighty Galvatron we have a message from the first order. It is Admiral Hux" Galvatron" Excellent Soundwave. Well Admiral Hux, I wish to speak with either Kylo Ren or Supreme leader Snoke." Hux" They are not available right now and we are in the middle of destroying the resistance. How about helping us out?" Galvatron" I made that mistake before with Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader. How will I know you wont betray us the way they did?"  Hux" If you wont help us? Then what is it you want then?" Galvatron" To find Vader and Palpatine of course. I have a score to settle with them both." Hux and Peavey shake their heads in disbelief. Peavey" Both Vader and the Emperor are dead and have been dead for a long time now." Hux" It's Just Snoke now and his apprentice Kylo Ren."   Galvatron is irritaed at this but calms down. Galvatron" Very well if they are dead then good. It's a pity it wasn't by my hand. The most important thing is that the Autobots are defeated. I have crushed Optimus Prime with my bare hands and the Matrix has been destroyed." Hux*sarcastic*" Well I'm glad thats one thing we don't have to worry about."
But both Hux and Galvatron had spoken too soon and are interrupted by a deep booming voice coming out of nowhere and the sudden appearance of a large bizarre looking planet with a huge hole in the centre and fang like horns on either side. Unicron" You are a fool Galvatron. The Matrix has not been destroyed, it has been passed to their new leader Ultramagnus." Hux, Peavey, the first order crew and all the Decepticons are all shocked and perplexed at this entity. Hux*wispering*" What is that?"   Peavey*trembling" Legend says it is the chaos bringer..The devourer of worlds...I I can't say his name." Galvatron becomes enraged. Galvatron" Who dares to call me a fool? I will vapourise you who ever you are." Before Galvatron can make a move he is instantly hit by waves of mental torture from Unicron similar to what Vader and the Emperor used to do. Unicron" Silence. I am Unicron your true master." The torture stops. Galvatron" What do You mean and how did you torture me the way the sith used to." Unicron" The Sith? You mean Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine? They have no such power. I was merely using my power through them." Galvatron" But they Kyber crystals." Unicron" That only helped maintain the illusion that it was the sith torturing you. But the fail safe, self destruction was their plan. I was the one who reformatted you and the other injured deceptions. Did you realy think these flesh creatures where capable of reformatting transformers like you? Vader only carried out basic repairs. But it seems the sith have 'driven you insane' I shall restore your mind so you can carry out my task." Unicron fires a healing frequency on Galvatron, restoring his mind and sanity." Galvatron" What is it that you want from me?" Unicron" Destroy the autobot matrix. It is the one thing. The only thing that can stand in my way. Find Ultramagnus and destroy him. The resistance will find a new base, the Autobots will follow. There you will find Ultramagnus."


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