BIOGRAPHYMembers(From left to right): Paul Cooper: Guitars
The History of SCOURGEThe formation of Scourge can be traced back to a fledgling songwriting partnership between Paul Cooper (guitars) and Ryan Smith (vocals) back in December 2000. Writing a track titled "Warlock" (a song they ended up scrapping last year), they quickly recorded it between themselves in Paul's home studio and entered it into the WAMI Song Contest. Not having a band name (or even a full band), they hastily entered the song into the contest under the name Decimator. To their surprise the song made it through to the final 5 songs in the metal category. Having written the music for songs such as Conquest, Deceive, Legend and Poison Your Mind before hooking up with Ryan, Paul showed Ryan his rough demos and liking what he heard, Ryan started the lyric writing process. Around February 2001, Paul and Ryan recorded a demo of the song Conquest and put an mp3 up on the net to try and generate some interest and to try and find other musicians to join the band.
Thanks to Linus from Modus Vivendi, a young female shredder by the name of Simone Dow contacted Ryan. One listen to Conquest and she was hooked. After one audition it was clear she had the talent and same musical vision as Paul and Ryan.
Over the next few months the 4 members of Scourge rehearsed intensely while trying to find a drummer without any luck. During this time new songs were starting to get written. The song Fortress marked Simone's first contribution to the song writing process. A concept trilogy of songs featuring Taken For Granted, The Darkest Days (instrumental) and Out From Ashes We Rise was also written. May 11 2002 heralded the first live performance of Scourge at the Battle of the Bands Competition at the Wanneroo Tavern. Still without a drummer, the band played live to drum tracks that were pre-recorded for each of the songs on a CD which was played back through the PA. With it working surprisingly well, Scourge won their heat and progressed through to the semi-finals which are to take place at the Wanneroo Tavern on Sat June 15.
The MusicScourge are essentially a speed/thrash metal band. But with a large range of influences their music is much more. With lots of melody, harmony guitars, neo-classical and progressive influences, Scourge cover a lot of musical ground and like to push the limits of their own technical abilities, yet are able to create memorable, almost "catchy" hooks.
The FutureScourge are aiming to leave a mark on Perth's local metal scene. Already starting to develop a following, the band will be gigging as much as possible in the coming months in order to get their music out to the people… and hopefully find themselves a "real" drummer. If you or you know someone who maybe interested then contact the band to arrange an audition. Fast hands and fast feet are a must!